Thomas A Birkland
public policy, disaster policy, environmental policy, policy process, American politics, emergency management
I am a Professor of Public Policy in the School of Public and International Affairs at North Carolina State University. I am also currently the Associate Dean for Research and Engagement in the College of Humanities and Social Sciences My research work has two broad, overlapping themes. I am a theorist of the public policy process, working in the "policy process" tradition to understand how public policy changes. I am particularly interested in whether and to what extent policy changes as the result of sudden events we call focusing events. I am also an internationally known expert in the politics of disasters and crises. I have studied a range of such events, from oil spills to nuclear power accidents, to earthquakes, hurricanes, and other natural phenomena. I've also written about food poisoning, schools shootings, and other events that changed--or, perhaps, should have changed--public policy.
Works (103)
2024 article
COVID-19 memorable messages as internal narratives: stability and change over time
Deleo, R. A., Shanahan, E. A., Taylor, K., Jeschke, N., Crow, D., Birkland, T. A., … Minkowitz, H. (2024, July 8). POLICY SCIENCES, Vol. 7.

2024 journal article
Characterizing the social-ecological system for inland freshwater salinization using fuzzy cognitive maps: implications for collective management
2024 journal article
Simulating the emergence of institutions that reverse freshwater salinization: An agent-based modeling approach
Contributors: K. Armstrong*, Y. Zhong* , S. Bhide, S. Grant, * & E. Berglund*
2023 article
Estimating the effect of policy entrepreneurship on individual vaccination behavior during the COVID-19 pandemic
Taylor, K., DeLeo, R. A., Albright, E., Koebele, E. A., Birkland, T. A., Crow, D. A., … Shanahan, E. A. (2023, December 6). EUROPEAN POLICY ANALYSIS, Vol. 12.
2023 article
Policy entrepreneurs and individuals: Influence and behavior in pandemic response
Taylor, K., DeLeo, R. A., Albright, E. A., Shanahan, E. A., Li, M., Koebele, E. A., … Birkland, T. A. (2023, May 2). PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION REVIEW, Vol. 5.

2023 journal article
Visual policy narrative messaging improves COVID-19 vaccine uptake
Ed(s): J. Bavel

2022 article
Can Common Pool Resource Theory Catalyze Stakeholder-Driven Solutions to the Freshwater Salinization Syndrome?
Grant, S. B., Rippy, M. A., Birkland, T. A., Schenk, T., Rowles, K., Misra, S., … Zhong, Y. (2022, September 14). ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY, Vol. 56.
Contributors: S. Grant *, M. Rippy *, n , T. Schenk*, K. Rowles, S. Misra *, P. Aminpour *, S. Kaushal *

2022 article
Policy learning and change during crisis: COVID-19 policy responses across six statesPalabras Clave(sic)(sic)(sic)
Crow, D. A., DeLeo, R. A., Albright, E. A., Taylor, K., Birkland, T., Zhang, M., … Cage, C. (2022, October 9). REVIEW OF POLICY RESEARCH.
2022 article
The United States in Chinese environmental policy narratives: Is there a trump effect?Palabras Clave(sic)(sic)(sic)
Ba, Y., Schwaeble, K., & Birkland, T. (2022, August 16). REVIEW OF POLICY RESEARCH, Vol. 8.

2021 journal article
Addressing the contribution of indirect potable reuse to inland freshwater salinization

2021 journal article
Governing in a Polarized Era: Federalism and the Response of US State and Federal Governments to the COVID-19 Pandemic

2021 journal article
Toward a rational and ethical sociotechnical system of autonomous vehicles: A novel application of multi-criteria decision analysis
PLOS ONE, 16(8), e0256224.
Ed(s): Q. Yuan

2020 journal article
Clinicians, cooks, and cashiers: Examining health equity and the COVID-19 risks to essential workers

2020 entry reference
Crisis Agenda-Setting and Aviation Security Policy After the September 11 Attacks
2019 entry reference
Agenda Setting and the Policy Process: Focusing Events

2019 book
An introduction to the policy process: theories, concepts, and models of public policy making
(Fourth Edition). New York: Routledge.
2019 journal article
Breaking the Ice: ISE to Play Key Role in Shaping Arctic’s Future
ISE Magazine, 51(11), 28–33.
2019 entry reference
Natural Hazards Governance: An Overview of the Field

2019 chapter
The Politics and Governance of Mitigation
In The Routledge Handbook of Urban Disaster Resilience (pp. 76–91).
2017 journal article
Citizen participation in disaster recovery projects and programmes in rural communities: a comparison of the Haiti earthquake and Hurricane Katrina
Disasters, 42(3), 498–518.

2017 chapter
Focusing Events, Risk, and Regulation
In E. J. Balleisen, L. S. Bennear, K. D. Krawiec, & J. B. Wiener (Eds.), Policy Shock (pp. 107–128).
Ed(s): E. Balleisen, L. Bennear, K. Krawiec & J. Wiener
2016 other
Attention and natural disasters

2016 journal article
Conceptualizing resilience
Politics and Governance, 4(4), 117–120.

2016 book
Policy Process Theory and Natural Hazards
In Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Natural Hazard Science.

2015 book
An Introduction to the Policy Process: Theories, Concepts, and Models of Public Policy Making
(4th ed.). New York: Routledge.
2015 chapter
Critical Infrastructure in Extreme Events
In D. L. Kleinman, K. A. Cloud-Hansen, & J. Handlesman (Eds.), Controversies in Science and Technology (Fourth, pp. Chapter 3). New York: Oxford University Press.
Ed(s): D. Kleinman, K. Cloud-Hansen & J. Handlesman
2015 chapter
Focusing events and policy windows
In Routledge Handbook of Public Policy.
2015 chapter
Organizational and Policy Learning: Post Crisis Assessments
In N. Schiffino, L. Taskin, C. Donis, & J. Raone (Eds.), Organizing after Crisis: The Challenge of Learning (pp. 235–256). Brussels: Peter Lang.
Ed(s): N. Schiffino, L. Taskin, C. Donis & J. Raone
2015 article
Pathways of Power: The Dynamics of National Policymaking
Birkland, T. A., & Kretzer, W. T. (2015, September). AMERICAN REVIEW OF PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION, Vol. 45, pp. 627–629.
2014 article
Focusing Events in Disasters and Development

2013 review
Catastrophic politics: How extraordinary events redefine perceptions of government
[Review of ]. Public Opinion Quarterly, 77(4), 1032–1034.
2013 chapter
Disasters, Focusing Events, and Sociolegal Studies
In S. Sterrett (Ed.), Disaster and Sociolegal Studies. New Orleans: Quid Pro Books.
Ed(s): S. Sterrett
2012 journal article
Building a Theory of Recovery: Institutional Dimensions
International Journal of Mass Emergencies and Disasters, 30(2), 147–170.
2011 journal article
Emergency Response, Doctrinal Confusion, and Federalism in the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill
Contributors: & S. Deyoung n n
2011 review
Learning from catastrophes: Strategies for reaction and response
[Review of ]. Public Administration, 89(3), 1201–1494.
2010 chapter
Federal Disaster Policy Learning, Priorities, and Prospects for Resilience
In A. Boin, L. Comfort, & C. Demchak (Eds.), Designing Resilience: Preparing for Extreme Events. Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh Press.
Ed(s): A. Boin, L. Comfort & C. Demchak
2010 journal article
Retrospectives and Prospectives on Hurricane Katrina: Five Years and Counting
Contributors: L. Comfort *, n , B. Cigler * & E. Nance *

2010 book review
Review of Robert R M. Verchick, Facing Catastrophe: Environmental Action for a Post-Katrina World
[Review of ]. H-Net Reviews.
2009 journal article
Advancing FEMA in the Post-9/11 World
[Invited comment]. Natural Hazards Observer, 34(2), 18–20.
2009 journal article
Disaster Research and Social Network Analysis: Examples of the Scientific Understanding of Human Dynamics at the National Science Foundation
Contributors: L. Suter *, n & R. Larter*
2009 journal article
Disaster Research and Social Network Analysis: Examples of the Scientific Understanding of Human Dynamics at the National Science Foundation
Population Research and Policy Review, 27(6), 1–10.
2009 journal article
Disasters, Catastrophes, and Policy Failure in the Homeland Security Era

2009 journal article
Disasters, lessons learned, and fantasy documents
Journal of Contingencies and Crisis Management, 17(3), 146–156.

2009 newspaper article
Economics Nobel Sends a Message
Birkland, T. A. (2009, October 14). Charlotte Observer.
2009 chapter
Emergency Management and the Courts in the Wake of Hurricane Katrina
In A. Sarat & J. Lezaun (Eds.), Catastrophe: Law, Politics, and the Humanitarian Impulse. Amherst: University of Massachusetts Press.
Ed(s): A. Sarat & J. Lezaun
2009 newspaper article
FEMA Again a Victim of Politics
Birkland, T. A. (2009, May 8). Wilmington Star-News.
2009 journal article
Media Framing and Policy Change After Columbine
2009 newspaper article
Still Too Much Risk in the Beach Plan
Birkland, T. A. (2009, September 22). News and Observer.
2009 chapter
The Politics and Policy Challenges of Disaster Resilience
In C. P. Nemeth, E. Hollnagel, & S. Dekker (Eds.), Resilience engineering perspectives: Vol. 2: Preparation and Restoration. Burlington, VT: Ashgate.
Ed(s): C. Nemeth, E. Hollnagel & S. Dekker
2008 article
Disaster policy and politics: Emergency management and homeland security
Journal of Homeland Security and Emergency Management, Vol. 5.

2008 journal article
Environmental and socioeconomic dynamics of the Indian Ocean tsunami in Penang, Malaysia
Singapore Journal of Tropical Geography, 29(3), 307–324.
Contributors: B. Horton *, M. Bird *, * , S. Cowie*, O. Eong*, A. Hawkes *, G. Khoon*, L. Law *
2008 journal article
Is federalism the reason for policy failure in Hurricane Katrina?
2007 journal article
Emergency management in the courts: Trends after September 11 and Hurricane Katrina
Justice System Journal, 28(1), 20–35.
2007 journal article
Review of Meeting the Challenge of 9/11: Blueprints for More Effective Government
Journal of Homeland Security and Emergency Management, 4(2).
2007 conference paper
Socio-technological systems integration to support Tsunami warning and evacuation
Proceedings of the Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences.
Contributors: R. Little *, * , W. Wallace* & P. Herabat*
2007 article
The Storm
Journal of Homeland Security and Emergency Management, Vol. 4.
2006 chapter
Agenda Setting
In F. Fischer, G. Miller, & M. S. Sidney (Eds.), Handbook of Public Policy Analysis. New York: Taylor and Francis.
Ed(s): F. Fischer, G. Miller & M. Sidney
2006 chapter
Environmental Policy in New York State
In J. Stonecash & R. Pecorella (Eds.), Chapter in Governing New York State (4th ed.). Albany: State University of New York Press.
Ed(s): J. Stonecash & R. Pecorella
2006 conference paper
Learning from disaster: The process and politics of learning from earthquakes and other extreme events
8th US National Conference on Earthquake Engineering 2006, 15, 8752–8761.
2006 book
Lessons of Disaster: Policy Change After Catastrophic Events
In Georgetown University Press.
2006 book
Lessons of Disaster: Policy Change after Catastrophic Events
Washington: Georgetown University Press.
2006 journal article
The impact of the December 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami on tourism in Thailand
Earthquake Spectra, 22(SUPPL. 3).
Contributors: , P. Herabat*, R. Little * & W. Wallace* *

2005 journal article
Review of Mark Considine, Making Public Policy: Institutions, Actors, Strategies
Journal of Comparative Policy Analysis, 7(4), 371–372.
2004 journal article
"The world changed today": Agenda-setting and policy change in the wake of the September 11 terrorist attacks
Review of Policy Research, 21(2), 179–200.

2004 report
Emergency Planning and the Judiciary: Lessons from September 11
Retrieved from Center for Court Innovation website:
2004 journal article
Environmental Successes and Continued Challenges in the Hudson Valley
Albany Law Environmental Outlook, 8(2), 187–211.
2004 journal article
Everything Has Changed—Or Has It? Policy Change in the Months after September 11
Review of Policy Research, 21(2), 177–198.
2004 journal article
Guns, hollywood, and school safety: Defining the school-shooting problem across public arenas
Social Science Quarterly, 85(5 SPEC. ISS.), 1193–1207.

2004 report
Information, Technology and Coordination: Lessons from the World Trade Center Response
Albany, NY: Center for Technology in Government, University at Albany, SUNY.
2004 article
Information, Technology, and Coordination: Lessons from the World Trade Center Response
Dawes, S. S., Birkland, T., Tayi, G. K., & Schneider, C. A. (2004, June). Center for Technology in Government, SUNY Albany.
2004 journal article
Learning and policy improvement after disaster: The case of aviation security
American Behavioral Scientist, 48(3), 341–364.
2004 journal article
Risk, disaster, and policy in the 21st century: Introduction
American Behavioral Scientist, 48(3), 275–280.
2003 report
Information Needs for Sustainable Development
In Encyclopedia of Life Support Systems (ELOSS). The United Nations Educational, Social and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) and EOLSS Publishers.
2003 newspaper article
Jokes Aside, The Case for Being Prepared
Birkland, T. A. (2003, February 20). Times Union (Albany, NY).
2003 report
Major Terrorism Events and Their U.S. Outcomes (1988-2001)
(Working Paper No. 107). Boulder, Colorado: Natural Hazards Research Applications and Information Center.
2003 journal article
River ecology and flood hazard mitigation
Natural Hazards Review, 4(1), 46–54.
Contributors: , R. Burby, D. Conrad*, H. Cortner* & W. Michener * *

2002 newspaper article
New York's Beasts of Burden: Counties are creatures of the state, so mandates come with the turf
Birkland, T. A. (2002, September 13). Newsday (Long Island).
2002 journal article
Program evaluation in a challenging authorizing environment: Intergovernmental and interorganizational factors
New Directions for Evaluation, 2002(95), 5–22.
2002 journal article
The Social and Political Meaning of the Exxon Valdez Oil Spill
Spill Science and Technology Bulletin, 7(1-2), 3–4.
2001 journal article
Expertise and policy change after "focusing events"
Journal of Urban Technology, 8(3), 121–124.
2001 newspaper article
Our Political System Will Keep Doing its Job
Birkland, T. A. (2001, September 30). Times Union (Albany, NY).
2001 book review
Review of Rutherford Platt, Disasters and Democracy
[Review of ]. Environmental Hazards.
2001 journal article
Scientists and coastal hazards: Opportunities for participation and policy change
Environmental Geosciences, 8(1), 61–67.
2001 chapter
The Exxon Valdez and Alaska in the American Imagination
In S. Biel (Ed.), American Disasters. New York: New York University Press.
Ed(s): S. Biel
2000 journal article
Business and political dimensions in disaster management
Journal of Public Policy, 20(3), 275–303.

2000 newspaper article
Earthquakes and Weather: Lessons for Policy and Science
Birkland, T. A. (2000, April). [Guest editorial]. Weatherzone.
1998 journal article
[Review of Economic Consequences of Earthquakes: Preparing for the Unexpected, by B. G. Jones]. International Journal of Mass Emergencies and Disasters, 16(2), 221–222.
1998 journal article
Disasters and the Courts' Agenda
Judges’ Journal, 37(4), 7–11.
1998 journal article
Environmental taxes: China's bold initiative
Environment, 40(7).
1998 journal article
Focusing Events, Mobilization, and Agenda Setting
Journal of Public Policy, 18(1), 53–74.

1998 journal article
In the Wake of the Exxon Valdez: How Environmental Disasters Can Spur Policy Change
Environment, 40(7), 4–9 , 27–32.
1998 journal article
In the wake of the Exxon Valdez: How environmental disasters influence policy
Environment, 40(7).
1998 journal article
Law, policymaking, and the policy process: closing the gaps
Policy Studies Journal, 26(2), 227–243.
1998 journal article
National Earthquake Probabilistic Hazard Mapping Program
[Review of , by E. Mittler, C. Taylor, & W. Petak]. International Journal of Mass Emergencies and Disasters, 16(3), 371–373.
1997 book
After Disaster: Agenda Setting, Public Policy, and Focusing Events
Washington: Georgetown University Press.
1997 book
After Disaster: Agenda Setting, Public Policy, and Focusing Events
In Georgetown University Press.
1997 journal article

1996 journal article
Natural Disasters as Focusing Events: Policy Communities and Political Response
International Journal of Mass Emergencies and Disasters, 14(2), 221–243.
1994 journal article
Earthquake risk reduction: an examination of local regulatory efforts
Environmental Management, 18(6), 923–937.
Contributors: P. May * & *
1990 journal article
Integrating Strategic Planning and Budgeting: A Case Study at the New Jersey Department of Transportation
Transportation Research Record, 1305, 147–152.
Emergency Management, Climate Change, and Complex Governance in Arctic Alaska
In More than ‘nature’: Research on infrastructure and settlements in the North.
Updated: March 3rd, 2023 09:21
2007 - present
2001 - 2007
1995 - 2007
2006 - 2007
1988 - 1990
1987 - 1988
1985 - 1987
Updated: August 17th, 2022 18:26
1990 - 1995
1984 - 1985
1980 - 1984
Funding History
Funding history based on the linked ORCID record. Updated: August 17th, 2022 18:33