Works (8)
2023 article
Chronosequence of invasion reveals minimal losses of population genomic diversity, niche expansion, and trait divergence in the polyploid, leafy spurge
Lake, T. A., Runquist, R. D. B., Flagel, L. E., & Moeller, D. A. (2023, April 4).

2023 journal article
Chronosequence of invasion reveals minimal losses of population genomic diversity, niche expansion, and trait divergence in the polyploid, leafy spurge
Evolutionary Applications.

2022 journal article
Deep learning detects invasive plant species across complex landscapes using Worldview‐2 and Planetscope satellite imagery
Remote Sensing in Ecology and Conservation, 8(6), 875–889.
Ed(s): T. Sankey & Y. Ke *

2021 journal article
Improving predictions of range expansion for invasive species using joint species distribution models and surrogate co‐occurring species
Journal of Biogeography, 48(7), 1693–1705.

2020 journal article
Predicting range expansion of invasive species: Pitfalls and best practices for obtaining biologically realistic projections
Diversity and Distributions, 26(12), 1767–1779.
Ed(s): C. Bellard
2019 report
Electronic Supplementary Materials for Species distribution models throughout the invasion history of Palmer amaranth predict regions at risk of future invasion and reveal challenges with modeling rapidly shifting geographic ranges
2019 report
Species Distribution Models and Joint Species Distribution Models of Nine Invasive Species in North America

2019 journal article
Species distribution models throughout the invasion history of Palmer amaranth predict regions at risk of future invasion and reveal challenges with modeling rapidly shifting geographic ranges
Scientific Reports, 9(1).

Updated: September 19th, 2023 15:10
2018 - 2023