@book{huntsinger_davis_boone_shoghli_brock_2024, title={Assessing Environmental Justice & Historical Transportation Impacts in North Carolina }, url={https://connect.ncdot.gov/projects/research/pages/ProjDetails.aspx?ProjectID=2023-29}, journal={North Carolina State University}, author={Huntsinger, L. and Davis, J. and Boone, K. and Shoghli, O. and Brock, T.}, year={2024}, month={Jun} } @book{brock_sciaudone_nicholas_warren_davis_findley_2024, title={Natural Hazards Vulnerability Assessment of the NCDOT Ferry Division Assets}, url={https://connect.ncdot.gov/projects/research/pages/ProjDetails.aspx?ProjectID=2023-14}, journal={North Carolina State University}, author={Brock, T. and Sciaudone, B. and Nicholas, D.C. and Warren, M. and Davis, J. and Findley, D.}, year={2024}, month={Jul} } @book{brock_hasset_lippert_nihal_daniels_list_bert_findley_2023, place={August}, title={Economic Contribution of Rail in North Carolina}, url={https://connect.ncdot.gov/projects/research/pages/ProjDetails.aspx?ProjectID=2022-19}, journal={North Carolina State University}, author={Brock, T. and Hasset, R. and Lippert, C. and Nihal, E. and Daniels, C. and List, G. and Bert, S. and Findley, D.}, year={2023}, month={Aug} } @inproceedings{brock_monast_scott_freedman_wright_2023, title={Medicaid Transformation and Non-Emergency Medical Transportation in North Carolina: Initial Experiences for Coordinated Public Transportation, Presentation}, booktitle={Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting}, author={Brock, Tim and Monast, Kai and Scott, Jeremy and Freedman, Jonah and Wright, Waugh}, year={2023}, month={Jan} } @book{developing a methodology to quantify economic, mobility, and health benefits of multimodal projects _2022, journal={North Carolina State University}, year={2022} } @book{medicaid transformation and non-emergency medical transportation in north carolina _2022, journal={North Carolina State University}, year={2022} } @book{moore county schools integrated planning for school and community_2022, journal={North Carolina State University}, year={2022} } @inbook{o'connell_yusuf_brock_blandford_2019, title={From College to the City: Implications of Rail Transit on the Movement of the Young, College Educated Into the City Center}, url={http://dx.doi.org/10.4018/978-1-5225-7396-8.ch005}, DOI={10.4018/978-1-5225-7396-8.ch005}, abstractNote={This chapter focuses on how investment in the American rail infrastructure has shaped changes in the population and residential patterns. Specifically, the chapter examines the association between commuter rail systems, urban rail transit systems, and the movement of the college-educated young into the inner city. Two hypotheses are proposed about the characteristics of rail systems and the relationship to the growth in the percentage of young college graduates residing in close-in neighborhoods. Using a sample of central cities within the 51 largest metropolitan areas in the U.S., the chapter compares the growth in young college graduates (ages 25 to 34 years) across cities with the different transit configurations. Using correlation analysis, the chapter explores the relationship between the presence of rail transit and the residential location choices of this population group. In the discussion and conclusion, the findings are summarized and implications for policy and sustainability are discussed.}, booktitle={Advances in Public Policy and Administration}, author={O'Connell, Lenahan L. and Yusuf, Juita-Elena and Brock, Timothy J. and Blandford, Benjamin}, year={2019} } @inproceedings{brock_o'connell_blandford_yusuf_2017, title={Types of Rail Transit Systems and the Movement of the College Educated into the Center of Large American Cities, Poster Presentation}, booktitle={Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting}, author={Brock, Tim and O'Connell, Lenahan and Blandford, Benjamin and Yusuf, Juita-Elena}, year={2017}, month={Jan} } @inproceedings{brock_2016, title={Critical Engagements with Transit Oriented Development}, booktitle={Association of American Geographers Annual Meeting}, author={Brock, Tim}, year={2016}, month={Apr} } @inproceedings{brock_blandford_souleyrette_2016, title={Multi-Scalar Analysis of Transit-Oriented Development for New Start Commuter Rail}, booktitle={Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting}, author={Brock, Tim and Blandford, Benjamin and Souleyrette, Reginald R.}, year={2016}, month={Jan} } @inproceedings{blandford_souleyrette_2016, place={Washington, DC}, title={Multi-Scalar Analysis of Transit-Oriented Development for New Start Commuter Rail}, booktitle={The 95th Annual Meeting of TRB}, author={Blandford, Ben T.Brock and Souleyrette, R.}, editor={Souleyrette, ReginaldEditor}, year={2016}, month={Jan}, pages={14} } @inproceedings{brock_2015, title={Transit Amenities, Creative City Narratives and Orlando’s Economic Development Vision for Establishing Medical Tourism and Biomedical Technology Sectors}, booktitle={Association of American Geographers Annual Conference}, author={Brock, Tim}, year={2015}, month={Apr} } @inbook{wood_brock_2015, title={Urban Entrepreneurialism}, url={http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/b978-0-08-097086-8.74050-5}, DOI={10.1016/b978-0-08-097086-8.74050-5}, booktitle={International Encyclopedia of the Social & Behavioral Sciences}, author={Wood, Andrew and Brock, Timothy}, year={2015} } @misc{brock_2014, title={Commuter Rail }, url={http://dx.doi.org/10.4135/9781483346526.n521}, DOI={10.4135/9781483346526.n521}, journal={Encyclopedia of Transportation: Social Science and Policy}, author={Brock, Tim}, year={2014} } @book{brock_blandford_2014, title={Inland Navigation in the United States: An Evaluation of Economic Impacts and the Potential Effects of Infrastructure Investment}, url={https://nationalwaterwaysfoundation.org/file/32/INLANDNAVIGATIONINTHEUSDECEMBER2014.pdf}, note={with Ted Grossardt, et al}, journal={University of Kentucky Transportation Center}, author={Brock, Tim and Blandford, Ben}, year={2014}, month={Nov} } @misc{brock_o'connell_2014, title={Inland Waterways Planning}, url={http://dx.doi.org/10.4135/9781483346526.n286}, DOI={10.4135/9781483346526.n286}, journal={Encyclopedia of Transportation: Social Science and Policy}, author={Brock, Tim and O'Connell, Lenahan}, year={2014} } @inproceedings{brock_2014, title={The increasing mobility of private capital through public infrastructure investment}, booktitle={Association of American Geographers Annual Conference}, author={Brock, Tim}, year={2014}, month={Apr} } @book{brock_2013, title={An Overview of US Commuter Rail}, url={https://uknowledge.uky.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1323&context=ktc_researchreports}, note={Distributed by NuRail and KTC. 2013. (with Reginald R. Souleyrette).}, journal={University of Kentucky Transportation Center}, institution={NuRail University Transportation Center}, author={Brock, Tim}, year={2013} } @misc{book review of “charlotte, nc: the global evolution of a new south city”_2013, volume={45}, url={https://www.jstor.org/stable/24397624?seq=1}, number={2}, journal={Material Culture}, year={2013}, pages={65–67} } @inproceedings{brock_mintjes_2013, title={Inland Waterways Simulation Education and Training: A United States and European Union (EDINNA) Comparison}, booktitle={Transportation Research Board (TRB) Inland Waterways Transportation Committee [AW020]}, author={Brock, Tim and Mintjes, Arjen}, year={2013}, month={Jan} } @article{crick_brock_2013, title={The Politics of City Building: Pro-Growth Planning Regimes And Equitable Distribution of Infrastructure}, url={https://cdr.lib.unc.edu/concern/articles/1z40kv306?locale=en}, DOI={10.17615/2QZ4-XZ76}, journal={The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill University Libraries}, publisher={The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill University Libraries}, author={Crick, Jeffrey S. and Brock, Timothy J.}, editor={Crick, Jeffery S.Editor}, year={2013} } @inproceedings{brock_2013, title={Transportation Planning and the Fragmented Urban Form}, booktitle={Urban Affairs Association Annual Meeting}, author={Brock, Tim}, year={2013}, month={Apr} } @inproceedings{brock_souleyrette_2013, title={Urban Transit Policy Mobility: The Historical Development of U.S. Commuter Rail Policy and Financing}, booktitle={Association of American Geographers Annual Conference}, author={Brock, Tim and Souleyrette, Reginald R.}, year={2013}, month={Apr} } @article{o'connell_brock_2013, title={Workforce Assessment of the Inland Waterways Industry}, url={http://uknowledge.uky.edu/ktc_researchreports/317/}, DOI={10.13023/KTC.RR.2013.19}, abstractNote={This report describes the findings of a preliminary review of the workforce needs of the inland waterways industry, which currently confronts a human resources crisis and must recruit more people who can work their way up to the skilled positions on towboats. The looming surge in retirements will present a significant hurdle - especially as its large cohort of baby boom river pilots and captains reach retirement age. The industry will need to recruit, train, and retain competent personnel for a very demanding and important set of jobs. While many people can handle the tasks of a deckhand, only a minority will have the requisite combination of spatial relations aptitude, leadership, technical and social skills that it takes to perform effectively as a pilot or captain on the inland river system. Two basic conclusions were drawn from the interviews with industry experts: (1) the rivers present a dangerous and cognitively challenging environment in which to work and (2) the more demanding jobs on the rivers are best filled by conscientious people who can work well with others and have sufficient cognitive ability to cope with the safety and other challenges that arise with some regularity. During research on job performance, it was found that cognitive ability is the best predictor of job performance and especially so in the more complex jobs. To be sure, piloting a barge tow is a complex task. Service as captain is even more so. Clearly the jobs above deckhand require more cognitive ability and more capacity for leadership. Thus, only a subset of those who succeed as deckhands can move to the more complex and difficult positions of mate, engineer, pilot or captain. The military relies on a test of cognitive ability to ensure that all its recruits have measured intelligence in the normal range or above. The military also wants a high school diploma. Combined, these two screening devices improve the recruit's odds for success in the armed forces. Thus, this study concludes that the average veteran with an honorable discharge is more likely to have the traits conducive to occupational success in the more complex occupations on the rivers. Given this reality, the industry can profit from devising new methods for reaching out to veterans, many of whom have little or no knowledge of the numerous benefits of a career on the rivers.}, journal={Kentucky Transportation Center, University of Kentucky}, publisher={Kentucky Transportation Center, University of Kentucky}, author={O'Connell, Lenahan and Brock, Timothy J.}, year={2013} } @inproceedings{brock_knowles_wallace_blandford_martin_2012, title={States’ Support of Non-Highway Modes of Transportation: Investigation and Synthesis}, booktitle={Kentuckians for Better Transportation Annual Conference}, author={Brock, Tim and Knowles, Chuck and Wallace, Candice and Blandford, Ben and Martin, Andrew}, year={2012}, month={Jan} } @inproceedings{brock_2011, title={An Ethnography of Socioeconomic Landscapes and Built Environment along Orlando Highways}, booktitle={Southeastern Division of the Association of American Geographers Regional Conference}, author={Brock, Tim}, year={2011}, month={Nov} } @inproceedings{brock_2011, title={Preparing for Post-Panamax Commodity Flows: The Impacts of Freight Restructuring on Kentucky Waterways}, booktitle={International Smart Rivers Conference}, author={Brock, Tim}, year={2011}, month={Sep} } @inproceedings{preparing for post-panamax commodity flows: the impacts of freight restructuring on kentucky waterways_2011, place={New Orleans, LA, USA}, note={Presented at Smart Rivers 2011,}, booktitle={Smart Rivers 2011}, year={2011} } @misc{brock_2011, title={Reflections on the Disciplinary Intersection of Geography and Anthropology in the American Academy}, url={http://www.anthropologiesproject.org/2011/09/reflections-on-disciplinary.html}, number={ropologies,1(6). September issue}, author={Brock, Tim}, year={2011} } @article{knowles_wallace_blandford_brock_martin_2011, title={States’ Support of Non-Highway Modes of Transportation:}, url={http://uknowledge.uky.edu/ktc_researchreports/1487/}, DOI={10.13023/KTC.RR.2011.N01}, journal={Kentucky Transportation Center, University of Kentucky}, publisher={Kentucky Transportation Center, University of Kentucky}, author={Knowles, Chuck and Wallace, Candice Y. and Blandford, Benjamin L. and Brock, Timothy J. and Martin, Andrew}, year={2011} } @inproceedings{brock_2011, title={Visualizing Demographic Characteristics of the SunRail Commuter Shed in Orlando, Florida}, booktitle={University of Kentucky GIS Day}, author={Brock, Tim}, year={2011}, month={Nov} } @inproceedings{brock_crabtree_grossardt_2010, title={An Inland Waterways Research Agenda for Kentucky}, booktitle={Kentucky Legislative Subcommittee on Waterways}, author={Brock, Tim and Crabtree, J. and Grossardt, T.}, year={2010}, month={Sep} } @inproceedings{brock_2010, title={Determining Environmentalism: The World Bank’s Role in Global Environmental Policy}, booktitle={Association of American Geographers Annual Conference}, author={Brock, Tim}, year={2010}, month={Apr} } @inproceedings{brock_2009, title={Indigenous Land Use and The Brazilian Demarcation Movement}, booktitle={Association of American Geographers Annual Conference}, author={Brock, Tim}, year={2009}, month={Mar} } @inproceedings{brock_2008, title={Assumptions of Indigeneity and Scale in the Brazilian Demarcation Movement}, booktitle={Association of American Geographers Annual Conference}, author={Brock, Tim}, year={2008}, month={Apr} } @inproceedings{brock_2008, title={Florida’s Ecological Native: Perceptions of Pre-Columbian Land Use Practices}, booktitle={Florida Anthropological Society Annual Meeting}, author={Brock, Tim}, year={2008}, month={May} } @inproceedings{brock_2008, title={Public Archaeology: Engaging Stakeholders in East Central Florida}, booktitle={Southeastern Archaeological Conference Annual Meeting}, author={Brock, Tim}, year={2008}, month={Nov} } @inproceedings{brock_2007, title={Balancing Economic Development and Environmental Quality: A Case Study of the Georgia Green Subdivision Program}, booktitle={Association of American Geographers Annual Conference}, author={Brock, Tim}, year={2007}, month={Apr} } @inproceedings{brock_2006, title={Landscape Representations in the Yucca Mountain Waste Repository Debate}, booktitle={Association of American Geographers Annual Conference}, author={Brock, Tim}, year={2006}, month={Mar} } @article{great basin imagery in newspaper coverage of yucca mountain_2005, journal={Geographical Review . 95 (4)}, year={2005}, month={Nov} }