2013 journal article

An evaluation of solid waste capture from recirculating aquaculture systems using a geotextile bag system with a flocculant-aid


By: T. Guerdat n, T. Losordo n, D. DeLong* & R. Jones n

author keywords: Geotextile bag; Recirculating aquaculture systems; Solids capture; Flocculant aid; Wastewater treatment
topics (OpenAlex): Constructed Wetlands for Wastewater Treatment; Microplastics and Plastic Pollution; Innovations in Aquaponics and Hydroponics Systems
TL;DR: Two separate geotextile bag systems were evaluated as a means for capturing and dewatering bio-solids in the effluent stream from recirculating aquaculture systems (RAS) using a high molecular weight cationic polyacrylamide polymer as a flocculant-aid. (via Semantic Scholar)
UN Sustainable Development Goals Color Wheel
UN Sustainable Development Goal Categories
6. Clean Water and Sanitation (OpenAlex)
14. Life Below Water (Web of Science)
Source: Web Of Science
Added: August 6, 2018

2011 journal article

Evaluating the effects of organic carbon on biological filtration performance in a large scale recirculating aquaculture system


By: T. Guerdat n, T. Losordo n, J. Classen n, J. Osborne n & D. DeLong n

author keywords: Biological filtration; Organic carbon; Nitrification; Recirculating aquaculture
topics (OpenAlex): Water Quality Monitoring Technologies; Wastewater Treatment and Nitrogen Removal; Marine Bivalve and Aquaculture Studies
TL;DR: The results demonstrate the importance of controlling the concentration of biologically available organic carbon in a recirculating aquaculture system. (via Semantic Scholar)
UN Sustainable Development Goals Color Wheel
UN Sustainable Development Goal Categories
6. Clean Water and Sanitation (OpenAlex)
14. Life Below Water (Web of Science)
Sources: Web Of Science, NC State University Libraries
Added: August 6, 2018

2010 journal article

An evaluation of commercially available biological filters for recirculating aquaculture systems


By: T. Guerdat n, T. Losordo n, J. Classen n, J. Osborne n & D. DeLong n

author keywords: Biological filtration; Nitrification performance; Recirculating aquaculture systems
topics (OpenAlex): Wastewater Treatment and Nitrogen Removal; Constructed Wetlands for Wastewater Treatment; Water Quality Monitoring Technologies
TL;DR: The need for future biofilter evaluations at the commercial scale using real aquaculture waste nutrients is highlighted, with results considerably lower than results previously published at the laboratory scale using artificial waste nutrients. (via Semantic Scholar)
UN Sustainable Development Goals Color Wheel
UN Sustainable Development Goal Categories
14. Life Below Water (Web of Science)
Sources: Web Of Science, NC State University Libraries
Added: August 6, 2018

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