Works (4)
2022 journal article
Quantifying the Sorptive Behavior of Traditional Horticultural Substrate Components Based on Initial Hydraulic Conditioning
HORTSCIENCE, 58(1), 79–83.
2015 conference paper
Water retention of processed pine wood and pine bark and their particle size fractions ?
Proceedings of the 2014 annual meeting of the international plant propagators society, 1085, 467–471.
2014 journal article
Mini-horhizotron: An apparatus for observing and measuring root growth of container-grown plant material in situ
HortScience, 49(11), 1424–1431.
2013 conference paper
Root growth of horticultural crops as influenced by pine bark age, wood, and sand amendment (c)
Proceedings of the international plant propagators' society, 1014, 443–446.