Works (4)
2023 journal article
High-density Planting and a Smaller Row Width Increased Yield and Decreased Fruit Size of
HORTSCIENCE, 58(10), 1194–1200.

2023 journal article
Using Partial Budgeting Analyses to Analyze Profitability of Commercial Pumpkin Production, Standardize Bin Size Categories, and Understand Bin Sorting Accuracy
HortScience, 58(12), 1587–1594.

2020 journal article
Evaluating the invasive potential of an exotic scale insect associated with annual Christmas tree harvest and distribution in the southeastern U.S.

2015 article
First Report of Plectosporium Blight on Pumpkin and Squash Caused by Plectosporium tabacinum in North Carolina
Quesada-Ocampo, L. M., Withers, S., Butler, S., Birdsell, T., & Schultheis, J. (2015, May). PLANT DISEASE, Vol. 99, pp. 724–725.