Works (3)
2019 journal article
Managing congestion at visitor hotspots using park-level use level data: Case study of a Chinese World Heritage Site
PLOS ONE, 14(7).

2016 journal article
The Effects of 2D and 3D Imagery and an Educational Message on Perceptions of Trail Impacts
Natural Areas Journal, 36(1), 88–92.
Contributors: Y. Leung n , J. Smith n, E. Seekamp n , K. Conlon n, J. Mayer n, n, C. Walden-Schreiner n , B. Adams n, R. Keane n

2015 journal article
Determinants of Responsible Hiking Behavior: Results from a Stated Choice Experiment
Environmental Management, 56(3), 765–776.
Contributors: J. Smith n, Y. Leung n , E. Seekamp n & R. Moore n n,