@article{garbutt_konganti_konneker_hillhouse_phelps_jones_aylor_threadgill_2020, title={Derivation of stable embryonic stem cell-like, but transcriptionally heterogenous, induced pluripotent stem cells from non-permissive mouse strains}, volume={31}, ISSN={["1432-1777"]}, DOI={10.1007/s00335-020-09849-x}, abstractNote={Genetic background is known to play a role in the ability to derive pluripotent, embryonic stem cells (ESC), a trait referred to as permissiveness. Previously we demonstrated that induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSC) can be readily derived from non-permissive mouse strains by addition of serum-based media supplemented with GSK3B and MEK inhibitors, termed 2iS media, 3 days into reprogramming. Here, we describe the derivation of second type of iPSC colony from non-permissive mouse strains that can be stably maintained independently of 2iS media. The resulting cells display transcriptional heterogeneity similar to that observed in ESC from permissive genetic backgrounds derived in conventional serum containing media supplemented with leukemia inhibitor factor. However, unlike previous studies that report exclusive subpopulations, we observe both exclusive and simultaneous expression of naive and primed cell surface markers. Herein, we explore shifts in pluripotency in the presence of 2iS and characterize heterogenous subpopulations to determine their pluripotent state and role in heterogenous iPSCs derived from the non-permissive NOD/ShiLtJ strain. We conclude that heterogeneity is a naturally occurring, necessary quality of stem cells that allows for the maintenance of pluripotency. This study further demonstrates the efficacy of the 2iS reprogramming technique. It is also the first study to derive stable ESC-like stem cells from the non-permissive NOD/ShiLtJ and WSB/EiJ strains, enabling easier and broader research possibilities into pluripotency for these and similar non-permissive mouse strains and species.}, number={9-12}, journal={MAMMALIAN GENOME}, publisher={Springer Science and Business Media LLC}, author={Garbutt, Tiffany A. and Konganti, Kranti and Konneker, Thomas and Hillhouse, Andrew and Phelps, Drake and Jones, Alexis and Aylor, David and Threadgill, David W.}, year={2020}, month={Dec}, pages={263–286} } @article{garbutt_konneker_konganti_hillhouse_swift-haire_jones_phelps_aylor_threadgill_2018, title={Permissiveness to form pluripotent stem cells may be an evolutionarily derived characteristic in Mus muscuius}, volume={8}, ISSN={["2045-2322"]}, url={https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-018-32116-8}, DOI={10.1038/s41598-018-32116-8}, abstractNote={AbstractMus musculus is the only known species from which embryonic stem cells (ESC) can be isolated under conditions requiring only leukemia inhibitory factor (LIF). Other species are non-permissive in LIF media, and form developmentally primed epiblast stem cells (EpiSC) similar to cells derived from post-implantation, egg cylinders. To evaluate whether non-permissiveness extends to induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSC), we derived iPSC from the eight founder strains of the mouse Collaborative Cross. Two strains, NOD/ShiLtJ and the WSB/EiJ, were non-permissive, consistent with the previous classification of NOD/ShiLtJ as non-permissive to ESC derivation. We determined non-permissiveness is recessive, and that non-permissive genomes do not compliment. We overcame iPSC non-permissiveness by using GSK3B and MEK inhibitors with serum, a technique we termed 2iS reprogramming. Although used for ESC derivation, GSK3B and MEK inhibitors have not been used during iPSC reprogramming because they inhibit survival of progenitor differentiated cells. iPSC derived in 2iS are more transcriptionally similar to ESC than EpiSC, indicating that 2iS reprogramming acts to overcome genetic background constraints. Finally, of species tested for ESC or iPSC derivation, only some M. musculus strains are permissive under LIF culture conditions suggesting that this is an evolutionarily derived characteristic in the M. musculus lineage.}, journal={SCIENTIFIC REPORTS}, author={Garbutt, Tiffany A. and Konneker, Thomas I and Konganti, Kranti and Hillhouse, Andrew E. and Swift-Haire, Francis and Jones, Alexis and Phelps, Drake and Aylor, David L. and Threadgill, David W.}, year={2018}, month={Oct} }