Works (5)
2020 journal article
Knockoff boosted tree for model-free variable selection
BIOINFORMATICS, 37(7), 976–983.

2019 journal article
Genome-wide DNA copy number analysis and targeted transcriptional analysis of canine histiocytic malignancies identifies diagnostic signatures and highlights disruption of spindle assembly complex
CHROMOSOME RESEARCH, 27(3), 179–202.

2018 journal article
Equi-biaxial compressive strain in graphene: Gruneisen parameter and buckling ridges
2015 journal article
Measuring graphene adhesion using atomic force microscopy with a microsphere tip
NANOSCALE, 7(24), 10760–10766.
Contributors: Y. Zhu n n &
2014 journal article
The electric field screening and crossing point shift effects in coated carbon nanotubes
Applied Physics. A, Materials Science & Processing, 116(2), 629–633.