Works (3)
2023 journal article
Effects of bacterial β-mannanase on apparent total tract digestibility of nutrients in various feedstuffs fed to growing pigs
ANIMAL BIOSCIENCE, 36(11), 1700–1708.
2019 journal article
Lowering dietary cation-anion difference increases sow blood and milk calcium concentrations
Journal of Animal Science, 97(7), 2927–2939.
Contributors: J. Guo n, n & S. Kim n

2017 journal article
Effects of supplemental L-methionine on growth performance and redox status of turkey poults compared with the use of DL-methionine
Poultry Science, 97(1), 102–109.
Contributors: I. Park*, *, R. Malheiros n, P. Ferket n & S. Kim*