Tessa Minchew
Works (9)
2017 conference paper
Time to Take New Measures: Developing a Cost-Per-Cited-Reference Metric for the Assessment of E-Journal Collections
"Roll With the Times, or the Times Roll Over You".
2016 journal article
Analyzing Consortial “Big Deals” via a Cost-Per-Cited-Reference (CPCR) Metric
Serials Review, 42(4), 293–305.
2016 journal article
Pulling It All Together: Using CORAL ERM for Serials Acquisitions Management
SERIALS REVIEW, 42(3), 216–221.
Contributors: C. Hutchins n & n
2016 journal article
The Path of Least Resistance: Using Available Tools to Support the E-Resources Lifecycle
The Serials Librarian.
2015 journal article
Who's on First?: License Team Workflow Tracking With Trello
SERIALS REVIEW, 41(3), 165–172.

2014 journal article
It's Not Just About Budget Cuts: A Study of Print Periodical Usage and a Subsequent Cancellation Project at a Small Academic Library
SERIALS REVIEW, 40(3), 203–206.

2013 journal article
"Who, What, Where, and Why"
Serials Review, 39(3), 181–183.
2003 article
The De Grummond Children’s Literature Collection
Biblio-Notes. http://www.ala.org/acrl/sites/ala.org.acrl/files/content/aboutacrl/directoryofleadership/sections/les/biblionotes41502003/bn41.pdf
2002 journal article
Collection Development for an Electronic Library
Mississippi Libraries, 66(4), 110–112. http://www.misslib.org/Resources/Documents/MLarchive/ML2002Winter.pdf
Updated: October 23rd, 2015 09:51
2013 - present
Updated: October 23rd, 2015 09:10