Works (4)
2016 article
Sound Localization Sensors for Search and Rescue Biobots
Latif, T., Whitmire, E., Novak, T., & Bozkurt, A. (2016, May 15). IEEE SENSORS JOURNAL, Vol. 16, pp. 3444–3453.

2015 conference paper
Design and characterization of breath analysis system for BAC prediction
2015 Virtual Conference on Application of Commercial Sensors.
2014 conference paper
Solar powered wrist worn acquisition system for continuous photoplethysmogram monitoring
2014 36th annual international conference of the ieee engineering in medicine and biology society (embc), 3142–3145.
2014 conference paper
Towards fenceless boundaries for solar powered insect biobots
2014 36th annual international conference of the ieee engineering in medicine and biology society (embc), 1670–1673.