Works (5)
2020 journal article
Co-occurring Fungal Functional Groups Respond Differently to Tree Neighborhoods and Soil Properties Across Three Tropical Rainforests in Panama
MICROBIAL ECOLOGY, 79(3), 675–685.

2020 journal article
First Report of Cotton Leafroll Dwarf Virus in Cotton Plants Affected by Cotton Leafroll Dwarf Disease in North Carolina
Plant Disease, 104(12), 3275.

2020 article
First Report of Serratia marcescens Causing a Leaf Spot Disease on Industrial Hemp (Cannabis sativa)
Schappe, T., Ritchie, D. F., & Thiessen, L. D. (2020, April). PLANT DISEASE, Vol. 104, pp. 1248–1249.

2020 journal article
Surveying for Potential Diseases and Abiotic Disorders of Industrial Hemp (Cannabis sativa) Production
PLANT HEALTH PROGRESS, 21(4), 321–332.
2019 article
First Report of Exserohilum rostratum Causing Foliar Blight of Industrial Hemp (Cannabis saliva)
Thiessen, L. D., & Schappe, T. (2019, June). PLANT DISEASE, Vol. 103, pp. 1414–1414.