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Works (8)

Updated: September 18th, 2023 08:06

2023 journal article

Extended Sentinel Monitoring of Helicoverpa zea Resistance to Cry and Vip3Aa Toxins in Bt Sweet Corn: Assessing Changes in Phenotypic and Allele Frequencies of Resistance

Insects, 14(7), 577.

By: G. Dively*, T. Kuhar*, S. Taylor*, H. Doughty*, K. Holmstrom*, D. Gilrein*, B. Nault*, J. Ingerson-Mahar* ...

author keywords: corn earworm; bollworm; resistance monitoring; Bacillus thuringiensis toxins; phenotypic and allele resistance frequency
topics (OpenAlex): Insect Resistance and Genetics; Genetically Modified Organisms Research; Insect and Pesticide Research
TL;DR: Estimating the phenotypic and resistance allele frequencies for toxins in sentinel Bt corn revealed a widespread resistance to Cry1Ab, Cry2Ab2, and Cry1A, with higher numbers of larvae surviving in Bt ears than in non-Bt ears at many trial locations. (via Semantic Scholar)
Sources: Web Of Science, ORCID, Crossref, NC State University Libraries
Added: July 23, 2023

2023 journal article

Living mulches reduce natural enemies when combined with frequent pesticide applications

Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment, 357, 108680.

By: T. Hudson*, A. Alford*, T. Bilbo*, S. Boyle*, H. Doughty*, T. Kuhar*, L. Lopez*, K. McIntyre* ...

author keywords: Chemical control; Living mulches; Cover crops; Non-crop diversity; Anasa tristis; Diabrotica spp. Acalymma vitattum
topics (OpenAlex): Insect-Plant Interactions and Control; Plant and animal studies; Plant Parasitism and Resistance
UN Sustainable Development Goals Color Wheel
UN Sustainable Development Goal Categories
2. Zero Hunger (Web of Science)
13. Climate Action (Web of Science)
15. Life on Land (Web of Science)
Sources: Web Of Science, NC State University Libraries, ORCID, Crossref
Added: September 11, 2023

2023 journal article

Western flower thrips (Frankliniella occidentalis) field resistance to spinetoram in North Carolina


By: T. Bilbo n, G. Kennedy n & J. Walgenbach n

author keywords: Western flower thrips; Frankliniella occidentalis; Spinetoram; Resistance; Insecticide resistance management
topics (OpenAlex): Insect-Plant Interactions and Control; Insect and Pesticide Research; Plant Virus Research Studies
UN Sustainable Development Goals Color Wheel
UN Sustainable Development Goal Categories
2. Zero Hunger (Web of Science)
13. Climate Action (Web of Science)
15. Life on Land (Web of Science)
Sources: Web Of Science, ORCID, NC State University Libraries
Added: February 6, 2023

2022 article

Impact of insecticide programs on pests, the predatory mite Phytoseiulus persimilis, and staked tomato profitability

Bilbo, T. R., Owens, D. R., Golec, J. R., & Walgenbach, J. F. (2022, March 26). PEST MANAGEMENT SCIENCE, Vol. 3.

By: T. Bilbo n, D. Owens*, J. Golec* & J. Walgenbach n

author keywords: reduced risk pesticides; biological control; environmental impact; economics; twospotted spider mite; predatory mites
MeSH headings : Animals; Insecticides / pharmacology; Solanum lycopersicum; Pest Control, Biological / methods; Predatory Behavior; Tetranychidae
topics (OpenAlex): Insect-Plant Interactions and Control; Insect and Pesticide Research; Insect Pest Control Strategies
UN Sustainable Development Goals Color Wheel
UN Sustainable Development Goal Categories
2. Zero Hunger (Web of Science)
13. Climate Action (Web of Science)
15. Life on Land (Web of Science)
Sources: Web Of Science, NC State University Libraries
Added: April 8, 2022

2021 journal article

Comparison of chemigationversusfoliar insecticide use: management of lepidopteran larvae and stink bugs in North Carolina field tomatoes with environmental and farmworker benefits


By: J. Walgenbach*, T. Bilbo*, D. Tussey* & E. Ogburn*

author keywords: drip chemigation; reduced risk pesticides; environmental impact quotient; economics
MeSH headings : Animals; Farmers; Humans; Insect Control; Insecticides; Larva; Solanum lycopersicum; North Carolina
topics (OpenAlex): Insect and Pesticide Research; Insect Pest Control Strategies; Insect-Plant Interactions and Control
TL;DR: Drip chemigation was an effective tool for managing key insect pests, provided a broad range of human and environmental health benefits, and will likely become increasingly cost effective in the future as insecticide patents expire and more insecticide options become available. (via Semantic Scholar)
UN Sustainable Development Goals Color Wheel
UN Sustainable Development Goal Categories
15. Life on Land (Web of Science)
Sources: Web Of Science, NC State University Libraries
Added: October 19, 2020

2020 journal article

Compatibility of Bifenazate and Phytoseiulus persimilis for Management of Twospotted Spider Mites in North Carolina Staked Tomatoes


By: T. Bilbo n & J. Walgenbach n

author keywords: twospotted spider mite; Phytoseiulus persimilis; bifenazate; tomato; biological control
MeSH headings : Animals; Carbamates; Hydrazines; Solanum lycopersicum; Mites; North Carolina; Pest Control, Biological; Predatory Behavior; Tetranychidae
topics (OpenAlex): Insect-Plant Interactions and Control; Plant Virus Research Studies; Insect and Pesticide Research
TL;DR: This study is the first to demonstrate the utility and limitations of P. persimilis in staked field tomatoes, which is a promising option for growers to manage TSSM in tomatoes in the southeast United States. (via Semantic Scholar)
UN Sustainable Development Goals Color Wheel
UN Sustainable Development Goal Categories
2. Zero Hunger (Web of Science)
13. Climate Action (Web of Science)
15. Life on Land (Web of Science)
Sources: Web Of Science, NC State University Libraries
Added: December 11, 2020

2020 journal article

Decline in Sublethal Effects of Bt Corn on Corn Earworm (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) Linked to Increasing Levels of Resistance

Journal of Economic Entomology, 113(5), 2241–2249.

Ed(s): A. Gassmann

author keywords: Helicoverpa zea; transgenic crops; Bacillus thuringiensis; maize
MeSH headings : Animals; Bacillus thuringiensis / genetics; Bacterial Proteins / genetics; Endotoxins; Hemolysin Proteins / genetics; Larva; Longitudinal Studies; Moths; North Carolina; Pest Control, Biological; Plants, Genetically Modified / genetics; South Carolina; Zea mays / genetics
topics (OpenAlex): Insect Resistance and Genetics; CRISPR and Genetic Engineering; Insect and Pesticide Research
TL;DR: Reduction in pupal weight between Bt and non-Bt near-isolines significantly declined from 2014 to 2019 for Cry1Ab + Cry1F in North and South Carolina, likely correlated with resistance development. (via Semantic Scholar)
UN Sustainable Development Goals Color Wheel
UN Sustainable Development Goal Categories
2. Zero Hunger (Web of Science)
Sources: Web Of Science, Crossref, NC State University Libraries, ORCID
Added: December 11, 2020

2019 journal article

Susceptibility of Corn Earworm (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) to Cry1A.105 and Cry2Ab2 in North and South Carolina

Journal of Economic Entomology, 112(4), 1845–1857.

By: T. Bilbo*, F. Reay-Jones*, D. Reisig n & J. Greene*

author keywords: Helicoverpa zea; corn; cotton; resistance
MeSH headings : Animals; Bacillus thuringiensis; Bacterial Proteins; Endotoxins; Hemolysin Proteins; Insecticide Resistance; Moths; Plants, Genetically Modified; South Carolina; Southeastern United States; Zea mays
topics (OpenAlex): Insect Resistance and Genetics; Entomopathogenic Microorganisms in Pest Control; CRISPR and Genetic Engineering
TL;DR: The results expand on the recent reports of H. zea resistance to Cry1A and Cry2A proteins and will aid in the design and deployment of future pyramided crops in the United States. (via Semantic Scholar)
UN Sustainable Development Goals Color Wheel
UN Sustainable Development Goal Categories
2. Zero Hunger (Web of Science)
Sources: Web Of Science, Crossref, NC State University Libraries
Added: October 21, 2019

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