Works (10)
2024 article
Guided <i>ad infinitum</i> assembly of mixed-metal oxide arrays from a liquid metal
Chang, J. J., Du, C., Jamadgni, D., Pauls, A., Martin, A., Wei, L., … Thuo, M. M. (2024, November 25). MATERIALS HORIZONS, Vol. 11.
2012 journal article
A study of the production and reversible stability of EGaIn liquid metal microspheres using flow focusing
LAB ON A CHIP, 12(20), 3961–3967.

2012 journal article
CO2 sequestration in a radial Hele-Shaw cell via an interfacial chemical reaction
Chaos (Woodbury, N.Y.), 22(3).
2012 journal article
Granular segregation in a tilted-rotating drum
Powder Technology, 215-16, 227–234.
2011 journal article
Gas-driven displacement of a liquid in a partially filled radial Hele-Shaw cell
Physical Review. E, Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics, 83(4).
2010 journal article
Capillary-pressure driven adhesion of rigid-planar surfaces
Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 354(2), 816–824.
2010 journal article
Drop production and tip-streaming phenomenon in a microfluidic flow-focusing device via an interfacial chemical reaction
Langmuir, 26(12), 9233–9239.
2010 journal article
Self-similarity in particle-laden flows at constant volume
Journal of Engineering Mathematics, 66(1-3), 53–63.
2009 journal article
Experimental investigation of transition to laminar mixing of a homogeneous viscous liquid in a tilted-rotating tank

2009 journal article
Experimental study of gravitation effects in the flow of a particle-laden thin film on an inclined plane
Physics of Fluids (Woodbury, N.Y.), 21(8).