Thomas Wentworth Fitzgerald, J. L., Stuble, K. L., Nichols, L. M., Diamond, S. E., Wentworth, T. R., Pelini, S. L., … Penick, C. A. (2021). Abundance of spring- and winter-active arthropods declines with warming. ECOSPHERE, 12(4). Spooner, J. K., Peet, R. K., Schafale, M. P., Weakley, A. S., & Wentworth, T. R. (2021). The Role of Fire in the Dynamics of Piedmont Vegetation. FIRE ECOLOGY AND MANAGEMENT PAST, PRESENT, AND FUTURE OF US FORESTED ECOSYSTEMS, Vol. 39, pp. 31–62. Henkhaus, N., Bartlett, M., Gang, D., Grumet, R., Jordon-Thaden, I., Lorence, A., … Stern, D. (2020). Plant science decadal vision 2020-2030: Reimagining the potential of plants for a healthy and sustainable future. PLANT DIRECT, 4(8). Hakkenberg, C. R., Peet, R. K., Wentworth, T. R., Zhu, K., & Schafale, M. P. (2020). Tree canopy cover constrains the fertility-diversity relationship in plant communities of the southeastern United States. ECOLOGY, 101(10). Liu, C., Qiao, X., Wang, Z., Lu, S., Hou, M., Wentworth, T. 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D., Neufeld, H. S., & Plata, E. R. (2017). Effects of highway pollution on forest lichen community structure in western Wake County, North Carolina, USA. Bryologist, 120(1), 1–10. Cooper, A. W., & Wentworth, T. R. (2016). Ernest Davis Seneca 1937-2015. The Bulletin of the Ecological Society of America, 97(2), 148–149. Kalusova, V., Chytry, M., Peet, R. K., & Wentworth, T. R. (2015). Intercontinental comparison of habitat levels of invasion between temperate North America and Europe. ECOLOGY, 96(12), 3363–3373. Kalusova, V., Chytry, M., Peet, R. K., & Wentworth, T. R. (2014). Alien species pool influences the level of habitat invasion in intercontinental exchange of alien plants. GLOBAL ECOLOGY AND BIOGEOGRAPHY, 23(12), 1366–1375. Jeffries, S. B., & Wentworth, T. R. (Eds.). (2014). Exploring Southern Appalachian forests: An ecological guide to 30 great hikes in the Carolinas, Georgia, Tennessee, and Virginia. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press. Lewis, D. F., Richardson, R. J., Yelverton, F. H., & Wentworth, T. R. (2013). Bioavailability of Aminocyclopyrachlor and Triclopyr plus Clopyralid from Turfgrass Clippings in Aquatic and Riparian Plants. WEED SCIENCE, 61(4), 594–600. Wall, W. A., Douglas, N. A., Hoffmann, W. A., Wentworth, T. R., Gray, J. B., Xiang, Q. Y. J., … G., M. (2014). Evidence of population bottleneck in Astragalus michauxii (Fabaceae), a narrow endemic of the southeastern United States. Conservation Genetics, 15(1), 153–164. Wall, W. A., Hoffmann, W. A., Wentworth, T. R., Gray, J. B., & Hohmann, M. G. (2012). Demographic effects of fire on two endemic plant species in the longleaf pine-wiregrass ecosystem. PLANT ECOLOGY, 213(7), 1093–1104. Wall, W. A., Wentworth, T. R., Shelingoski, S., Stucky, J. M., LeBlond, R. J., & Hoffmann, W. A. (2011). Lost and Found: Remnants of the Big Savannah and Their Relationship to Wet Savannas in North Carolina. CASTANEA, 76(4), 348–363. Douglas, N. A., Wall, W. A., Xiang, Q.-Y., Hoffmann, W. A., Wentworth, T. R., Gray, J. B., & Hohmann, M. G. (2011). Recent vicariance and the origin of the rare, edaphically specialized Sandhills lily, Lilium pyrophilum (Liliaceae): evidence from phylogenetic and coalescent analyses. MOLECULAR ECOLOGY, 20(14), 2901–2915. Wall, W. A., Hilton, J. L., Wentworth, T. R., Gray, J. B., Hohmann, M. G., & Hoffmann, W. A. (2010). Effects of light and temperature on germination of Pyxidanthera brevifolia Wells (Diapensiaceae). JOURNAL OF THE TORREY BOTANICAL SOCIETY, 137(4), 348–354. Jeffries, S. B., Wentworth, T. R., & Allen, H. L. (2010). Long-term effects of establishment practices on plant communities across successive rotations in a loblolly pine (Pinus taeda) plantation. FOREST ECOLOGY AND MANAGEMENT, 260(9), 1548–1556. Kelly, L. A., & Wentworth, T. R. (2009). Effects of mechanized pine straw raking on population densities of longleaf pine seedlings. Forest Ecology and Management, 259(1), 1–7. Jackson, B. C., Pittillo, J. D., Allen, H. 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A flexible, multipurpose method for recording vegetation composition and structure. Castanea, 63(3), 262–274. Small, C. J., & Wentworth, T. R. (1998). Characterization of montane cedar-hardwood woodlands in the Piedmont and Blue Ridge provinces of North Carolina. Castanea, 63(3), 241–261.