Works (5)
2021 journal article
A smartphone-read ultrasensitive and quantitative saliva test for COVID-19

2021 article
Coupling smartphone and CRISPR-Cas12a for digital and multiplexed nucleic acid detection
Yu, T., Zhang, S., Matei, R., Marx, W., Beisel, C. L., & Wei, Q. (2021, July 23). AICHE JOURNAL, Vol. 7.

2020 review
Agricultural nanodiagnostics for plant diseases: recent advances and challenges
[Review of ]. NANOSCALE ADVANCES, 2(8), 3083–3094.

2019 journal article
Aptamer-Based Fluorescent Sensor Array for Multiplexed Detection of Cyanotoxins on a Smartphone
ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY, 91(16), 10448–10457.

2018 review
Plasmonic molecular assays: Recent advances and applications for mobile health
[Review of ]. NANO RESEARCH, 11(10), 5439–5473.
Contributors: Q. Wei n n &