2021 journal article

Fundamental study of porcine drip bloodstains on fabrics: Blood droplet impact and wicking dynamics


By: F. Wang n, V. Gallardo n, S. Michielsen n & T. Fang n

author keywords: Bloodstain pattern analysis; Textile; Droplet impact; Droplet wicking; Fluid dynamics
MeSH headings : Animals; Blood Stains; Capillary Action; Forensic Medicine / methods; Hemorheology; Hydrodynamics; Swine; Textiles
TL;DR: Brief comments are provided regarding the influence of the evaporation on the blood drop post-impact wicking dynamics and the shape of bloodstains formed on fabrics, with a few suggested research directions for future work. (via Semantic Scholar)
Sources: Web Of Science, NC State University Libraries
Added: February 15, 2021

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