Virginia Carraway Stage
Dr. Virginia C. Stage is a Registered Dietitian, Nutrition Education & Behavior Specialist, and Assistant Professor in the Department of Agriculture and Human Sciences at NC State University. From the kitchen to the classroom, Dr. Stage’s mission is to empower early childhood teachers and families with evidence-based strategies to improve children’s dietary quality through early education, exposure, and access to healthy foods. Over the years, she has worked with 300+ P-8 teachers nationwide on how to improve food and nutrition learning environments in school settings using qualitative and quantitative research methodologies. She also has experience writing and developing integrative nutrition education curricular resources and collaborating with P-8 upper-level administration, teachers, and students.
Works (58)
2024 journal article
Associations between Preschool Teachers' Food-Based Learning Frequency, Level of Personal Priority and Identified Resources and Challenges: A Needs Assessment
NUTRIENTS, 16(13).

2024 journal article
Development of Educational Whiteboard Videos for<i> Head</i><i> Start</i> Teachers on How to Implement Food-based Learning in the Preschool Classroom

2024 article
Height and Weight Measurement and Communication With Families in Head Start: Developing a Toolkit and Establishing Best Practices
Tovar, A., Fischbach, S. R., Miller, M. E., Guseman, E. H., Stage, V. C., Wentzell, B., … Sisson, S. B. (2024, April 3). CHILDHOOD OBESITY, Vol. 4.

2024 article
North Carolina head start teachers' needs, resources, experiences, and priority for science education and professional development
Hegde, A. V., Resor, J., Dixon, J. B., Mendez, L. I., Lee, T. D., Mcmillan, V. J., … Stage, V. C. (2024, October 10). JOURNAL OF EARLY CHILDHOOD TEACHER EDUCATION, Vol. 10.
2023 article
Associations between food and beverage purchases and skin carotenoids among diverse small food retail store customers
Dixon, J., Stage, V. C., Truesdale, K. P., Wu, Q., Kolasa, K., Haynes-Maslow, L., … Jilcott Pitts, S. (2023, August 7). PUBLIC HEALTH NUTRITION, Vol. 8.

2023 journal article
Engaging with health programming in head start: Parents' perspectives

2023 journal article
Integration of Food-based Learning With Science in the Preschool Classroom: Implementation Gaps and Opportunities

2023 article
More PEAS Please! Teaching Teachers How to Integrate Food-based Learning Into Preschool Science
Stage, V. C., Resor, J., Dixon, J., Hegde, A. V., Mendez, L. I., Lee, T., … Gilliam, E. M. (2023, June). JOURNAL OF NUTRITION EDUCATION AND BEHAVIOR, Vol. 55, pp. 457–463.

2023 review
Systematic Review of Reflection Spectroscopy-Based Skin Carotenoid Assessment in Children
[Review of ]. NUTRIENTS, 15(6).

2022 journal article
BMI Data Collection and Communication Practices in a Multistate Sample of Head Start Programs
Childhood Obesity, 12.
2022 journal article
Collecting, Using, and Reporting Race and Ethnicity Information: Implications for Research in Nutrition Education, Practice, and Policy to Promote Health Equity
Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior, 54(6), 582–593.
2022 journal article
Communicating With Head Start Families About Children's Weight Status: A Phenomenological Approach
Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior.
2022 journal article
Ecological Approach to Family-Style, Multilevel Child Care Intervention: Formative Evaluation Using RE-AIM Framework
Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior.

2022 journal article
‘Read for Nutrition’ programme improves preschool children’s liking and consumption of target vegetable
Public Health Nutrition, 25(5), 1346–1354.

2021 journal article
Eastern North Carolina Head Start Teachers' personal and professional experiences with healthy eating and physical activity: a qualitative exploration
PUBLIC HEALTH NUTRITION, 24(11), 3460–3476.

2020 review
Extended Reality Technologies in Nutrition Education and Behavior: Comprehensive Scoping Review and Future Directions
[Review of ]. NUTRIENTS, 12(9).

2020 journal article
Pre-service early childhood educators’ perceived barriers and supports to nutrition education
Journal of Early Childhood Teacher Education.
Contributors: J. Resor *, A. Hegde * & *

2020 journal article
Use of the Veggie Meter® as a tool to objectively approximate fruit and vegetable intake among youth for evaluation of preschool and school-based interventions
Journal of Human Nutrition and Dietetics.
Contributors: K. May *, S. Jilcott Pitts *, * , C. Kelley *, S. Burkholder*, X. Fang *, A. Zeng, S. Lazorick *
2019 journal article
A systematic review and content analysis of classroom teacher professional development in nutrition education programs
Advances in Nutrition, 10(2), 351–359.
Contributors: C. Dunn *, M. Burgermaster *, A. Adams *, P. Koch *, P. Adintori * & *
2019 journal article
Comparison of Parent and Child Ratings of Fruit and Vegetable Liking to Assess Parent Accuracy as Proxy Reporters
Contributors: , C. Downing*, A. Hegde *, D. Dev*, A. Peterson* & L. Goodell n *

2019 journal article
DigiTech Division: Positioning SNEB to Lead the Way in Digital Technology for Nutrition Education and Behavior Change
Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior, 51(3), 265–266.
Contributors: M. Burgermaster *, S. Wong *, W. Bateson*, Z. Qamar*, J. McGuirt *, A. Uribe *, T. El-Kour *, A. Spielmaker*, V. C. Stage *

2019 journal article
Standing Up for Broccoli: Exploring Pre-Service Early Childhood Educators’ (ECE) Experience With Nutrition Education
Journal of Research in Childhood Education, 33(3), 414–429.
Contributors: J. Resor *, A. Hegde *, * & C. Yeh *

2019 journal article
TraDiSHional Impact on the Health of Native American Children
Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior, 51(6), 647.
Contributors: C. Bullard*, S. Sisson * & *
2018 journal article
Exploring the Associations Among Nutrition, Science, and Mathematics Knowledge for an Integrative, Food-Based Curriculum
Journal of School Health, 88(1), 15–22.
Contributors: , K. Kolasa *, S. Díaz & M. Duffrin * *

2018 journal article
Head Start administrator and teacher perceptions of parental influence on preschool children's nutrition education
Contributors: , K. Wilkerson n, A. Hegde n, S. Lisson n, O. Babatunde n & L. Goodell n n

2018 journal article
Predictors of Parent Engagement Based on Child Care Providers’ Perspectives
Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior, 50(9), 905–912.
Contributors: A. Garcia *, D. Dev * & *

2018 journal article
The Pregnancy/Birth-24 Months Project: Background and Importance
Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior, 50(6), 527.

2017 journal article
Implementing the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics Benchmarks for Nutrition Education for Children: Child-Care Providers’ Perspectives
Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, 117(12), 1963–1971.e2.
Contributors: D. Dev *, V. Carraway-Stage, D. Schober *, B. McBride *, C. Kok* & S. Ramsay *
2017 journal article
Middle school nutrition knowledge tool development and evaluation in North Carolina
Nutrition and Food Science, 47(3), 332–345.
Contributors: C. Hodges*, A. Roseno*, M. Duffrin * & *
2017 journal article
Teacher Perceptions of Multilevel Policies and the Influence on Nutrition Education in North Carolina Head Start Preschools
Contributors: A. Peterson*, L. Goodell n, A. Hegde * & *

2016 journal article
Implementation of a Food-Based Science Curriculum Improves Fourth-Grade Educators' Self-efficacy for Teaching Nutrition
American Journal of Health Education, 47(3), 155–162.
Contributors: V. C. Stage *, A. Roseno*, C. Hodges*, J. Hovland*, S. Diaz & M. Duffrin *

2016 journal article
Nutrition Education Resources in North Carolina-Based Head Start Preschool Programs: Administrator and Teacher Perceptions of Availability and Use
Contributors: S. Lisson*, L. Goodell n, D. Dev*, K. Wilkerson*, A. Hegde * & *

2016 journal article
Practical Qualitative Research Strategies: Training Interviewers and Coders
Contributors: L. Goodell n, * & N. Cooke n

2015 journal article
Exploring sunflower seeds: A thematic approach to science inquiry
YC Young Children, 70(3), 88–91.
Contributors: A. Roseno, E. Geist, V. Carraway-Stage & M. Duffrin
2015 journal article
Food-based science curriculum yields gains in nutrition knowledge
Journal of School Health, 85(4), 231–240.
Contributors: V. Carraway-Stage, J. Hovland*, C. Showers*, S. Díaz * & M. Duffrin *

2015 journal article
Validation of a dietary intake tool for african-american dialysis patients with low literacy
Journal of Renal Care, 41(2), 126–133.
Contributors: C. Duffrin *, V. Carraway-Stage, A. Briley & C. Christiano *

2014 journal article
A Gourd Smorgasbord Offers Second Grade Students Sensory Exposure to a Variety of Squash While Teaching Science
Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior, 46(4), S143–S144.
2014 journal article
Evaluation of a pictorial method to assess liking of familiar fruits and vegetables among preschool children
APPETITE, 75, 11–20.
Contributors: V. Carraway-Stage, H. Spangler n, M. Borges n & L. Suzanne Goodell n

2014 journal article
FoodMASTER Middle Grades: Development and Pilot Evaluation of an Integrative Food-based Science Curriculum
Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior, 46(4), S144.
2014 journal article
Head Start Administrator and Teacher Perceptions of Parental Influence on Preschool Children
Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior, 46(4), S135.
2014 journal article
Teacher and Administrator Perceptions of Nutrition Education During Mealtime in Head Start Preschools
Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior, 46(4), S144.

2014 journal article
Understanding the State of Nutrition Education in the Head Start Classroom: A Qualitative Approach
American Journal of Health Education, 45(1), 52–62.
Contributors: V. Carraway-Stage, S. Henson n, A. Dipper n, H. Spangler n, S. Ash n & L. Goodell n

2013 journal article
Food-based science curriculum increases 4th graders multidisciplinary science knowledge
Journal of Food Science Education, 12(4), 81–86.
Contributors: J. Hovland*, V. Carraway-Stage, A. Cela*, C. Collins *, S. Díaz, A. Collins*, M. Duffrin *

2013 journal article
FoodMASTER Summer Science Camp Experience Impacts Participants’ Attitudes towards Nutrition and Cooking
Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, 113(9), A79.

2013 journal article
Implementation of a Food-Based Science Curriculum Improves 4th Grade Educator's Self-Efficacy for Teaching Nutrition
Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, 113(9), A77.

2013 journal article
Integrative Food-Based Science Curriculum Increases 4th Graders’ Math Knowledge
Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, 113(9), A73.

2012 journal article
Food-Based Science Curriculum Yields Better Gains in Nutrition Knowledge Versus Conventional Science Curriculum
Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, 112(9), A50.

2012 journal article
Measuring Me: Using Nutrition Education Curriculum Activities to Teach Elementary Mathematics
Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior, 44(2), 189–191.
Contributors: S. McLeod*, V. Carraway-Stage, J. Hovland* & M. Duffrin *
2011 journal article
Engaging Preschool Children with Inquiry-Based Nutrition Education
Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior, 43(4), S27.

2011 journal article
FoodMASTER: Utilizing Hands-On, Food-Based Lessons to Introduce New Foods in the Preschool Classroom
Journal of the American Dietetic Association, 111(9), A52.

2011 journal article
Investigating perceived vs. medical weight status classification among college students
International Electronic Journal of Health Education.
2010 journal article
An exploratory study of weight and alcohol consumption among college students
The Internet Journal of Nutrition and Wellness.
2010 journal article
College Students' Ability to Self-identify Healthiness of Diet and Dietary Components
Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior, 42(4), S101.

2010 journal article
Using food as a tool to teach science to 3rd grade students in appalachian Ohio
Journal of Food Science Education, 9(2), 41–46.
Contributors: M. Duffrin *, J. Hovland*, V. Carraway-Stage, S. McLeod*, C. Duffrin *, S. Phillips*, D. Rivera *, D. Saum *

2009 journal article
FoodMASTER: Using Food as a Tool to Impact Health Literacy
Journal of the American Dietetic Association, 109(9), A57.

2007 journal article
Supplements and Dietary Methods of Interest for Treatment of Health Conditions that Restrict Sport Performance among College Athletes
The Virginia Journal.
2007 journal article
Supplements of interest for sport-related injury and sources of supplement information among college athletes.
Advances in Medical Sciences, 52, 50–54.
Contributors: B. Malinauskas, R. Overton, V. Carraway & B. Cash
2007 journal article
Supplements of interest for sports-related injury and sources of supplement information among college athletes
Advances in Biomedical Sciences.
Updated: December 6th, 2022 05:02
2022 - present
2013 - 2022
Updated: August 11th, 2014 10:38
Funding History
Funding history based on the linked ORCID record. Updated: September 15th, 2023 13:04