Works (28)
2024 chapter
Between Distinction and Integration: The Jews of the Bohemian Crown Lands until 1726
[Hebrew Translation]. In K. Čapková & H. Kieval (Eds.), Prague and Beyond: Jews in the Bohemian Lands (pp. 22–60). Bar Ilan University Press: Tel Aviv.
Ed(s): K. Čapková & H. Kieval
2024 journal article
Imperial Transition and Early Modern Jewish Continuities: The Case of Bohemian Jewry
PaRDeS, 29, 52–66.
2024 conference paper
Jewish legal advocacy in 18th-century German media
Informal Governance and Jewish Advocacy in 18th Century Frankfurt and Vienna, AJS 56th Annual Conference. Presented at the AJS 56th Annual Conference.
2024 book review
V. Wolfgang Treue. Judengasse und christliche Stadt. Religion, Politik und Gesellschaft im frühneuzeitlichen Frankfurt am Main. Frankfurt/New York: Campus, 2023
[Review of Judengasse und christliche Stadt. Religion, Politik und Gesellschaft im frühneuzeitlichen Frankfurt am Main, by V. W. Treue]. Francia-Recensio, 2.
2023 conference paper
Jewish litigation in non-Jewish courts - state of the field and perspectives
New Directions in North American Scholarship on Early Modern Jewish History. A Salo and Jeanette Baron Conference. Presented at the New Directions in North American Scholarship on Early Modern Jewish History. A Salo and Jeanette Baron Conference, NYU.
2023 journal article
Jüdische Rechtspraxis und Justiznutzung in der deutschsprachigen Medienöffentlichkeit des 18. Jahrhunderts = Public representations of Jewish legal practice in 18th century German media
FrühneuzeitInfo, 34(5), 99–113.
2023 conference paper
Jüdische Ritualgegenstände in Museen: ein Vergleich zwischen Europa und den USA
Research Colloquium: Jüdische Museen. Gründungsgeschichten und aktuelle Positionierungen. Presented at the Research Colloquium: Jüdische Museen. Gründungsgeschichten und aktuelle Positionierungen, Simon Dubnov Institute Leipzig.
2023 conference paper
Museum display of Jewish ritual objects between art and pedagogy
Exhibiting Jewish History, Culture, and Religion: Four comparative studies, EAJS 12th Conference. Presented at the EAJS 12th Conference, Frankfurt am Main.
2023 journal article
Rescue the Surviving Souls: The Great Jewish Refugee Crisis of the Seventeenth Century By Adam Teller. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2020. Pp. 377. Hardback $35.00. ISBN: 978-0691161747.
Central European History, 56(1), 101–103.
2023 conference paper
The Early Modern Workshop
Fordham University, New York City. Presented at the Fordham University, New York City.
2022 chapter
Between Distinction and Integration: The Jews of the Bohemian Crown Lands until 1726
[Czech translation]. In K. Čapková & H. Kieval (Eds.), Prague and Beyond: Jews in the Bohemian Lands (pp. 22–60). Prague: Nakladatelství Lidové noviny.
Ed(s): K. Čapková & H. Kieval
2022 conference paper
Between Yeshiva and Reformschule – Inclusion and Education in Frankfurt’s Early Modern Jewish Ghetto
Fourteenth Southeast German Studies Workshop. Presented at the Fourteenth Southeast German Studies Workshop, Appalachian State University, Boone, NC.
2022 conference paper
Half Profit, Half Loss. Negotiating Jewish Economic Law in Non-Jewish Courtrooms
Modern Jewish History Seminar. Presented at the Modern Jewish History Seminar, Czech Academy of Sciences/ Prague Center for Jewish Studies.
2022 conference paper
Jewish Economic Disputes in Early Modern Christian Courts
XIX World Economic History Congress. Presented at the XIX World Economic History Congress, Paris.
2022 conference paper
Navigating Legal Pluralism as a Jewish Woman in eighteenth century Frankfurt
Spring Colloquium: Jews and Law in the Middle Ages and Early Modernity. Presented at the Spring Colloquium: Jews and Law in the Middle Ages and Early Modernity, Katz Center, University of Pennsylvania.
2022 conference paper
Translating Jewish Law in Early Modern Courtrooms
Jewish challenges to legal and constitutional norms, AJS 54th Annual Conference. Presented at the AJS 54th Annual Conference, Boston, MA.
2021 journal article
Nourishing a Community: Food, Hospitality, and Jewish Communal Spaces in Early Modern Frankfurt

2019 article
The Jewish Economic Elite: Making Modern Europe
Kasper-Marienberg, V. (2019, April). AJS REVIEW-THE JOURNAL OF THE ASSOCIATION FOR JEWISH STUDIES, Vol. 43, pp. 216–219.

2017 chapter book
From Enlightenment to Emancipation
2016 journal article
Gemeinsamer Alltag – geteilter Lebensraum? Der Frankfurter Wochenmarkt als christlich-jüdischer Begegnungsort
Aschkenas, 26(2).
2015 journal article
Jewish Martyrdom without Persecution: The Murder of Gumpert May, Frankfurt am Main, 1781
AJS Review, 39(2), 267–301.
2014 journal article
Jewish Women at the Viennese Imperial Supreme Court: A Case Study from the Eighteenth Century
Jewish Studies Quarterly, 21(2), 176.
2013 journal article
Daß in erster Instanz übel und widerrechtlich gesprochen [...] Zur Rechtspraxis und Funktionsweise von Appellationen am Reichshofrat im Kontext jüdisch-nichtjüdischer Konflikte in Frankfurt am Main im 18. Jahrhundert
Beiträge Zur Rechtsgeschichte Österreichs, 1, 147–162.
2013 chapter
Zwischen Magistrat und Kaiser − rechtliche Handlungsspielräume der Frankfurter Jüdischen Gemeinde am Ende des 18. Jahrhunderts
2012 chapter book
Die »Protokolle der Weisen von Zion «als klassische Utopie? Eine rhetorische Textanalyse
2007 chapter
Die Zensur hebräischer Bücher durch die kaiserliche Bücherkommission = Censorship of Hebrew books by the Imperial Book Commission
In E. Brockhoff, J. Gerchow, R. Gross, & A. Heuser (Eds.), Die Kaisermacher: Frankfurt am Main und die Goldene Bulle,1356-1806, Katalog. = The Emperor Makers: Frankfurt am Main and the Golden Bull, 1356-1806, Catalogue (p. 444). Frankfurt: Societäts-Verlag.
Ed(s): E. Brockhoff, J. Gerchow, R. Gross & A. Heuser
2007 chapter
Reichshofratsprozess über die Errichtung einer modernen jüdischen Schule in Frankfurt = The Trial of the Imperial Aulic Council about the Establishing of a Modern Jewish School in Frankfurt
In E. Brockhoff, J. Gerchow, R. Gross, & A. Heuser (Eds.), Die Kaisermacher: Frankfurt am Main und die Goldene Bulle,1356-1806, Katalog. = The Emperor Makers: Frankfurt am Main and the Golden Bull, 1356-1806, Catalogue (p. 443). Frankfurt: Societäts-Verlag.
Ed(s): E. Brockhoff, J. Gerchow,, R. Gross & A. Heuser
2007 chapter
Reichshofratsprozess über jüdische Läden und Lagerräume außerhalb der Judengasse Frankfurts = The Trial of the Imperial Aulic Council about Jewish Stores and Storehouses outside the Frankfurt Jewish Quarter
In Die Kaisermacher: Frankfurt am Main und die Goldene Bulle,1356-1806, Katalog = The Emperor Makers: Frankfurt am Main and the Golden Bull, 1356-1806, Catalogue (pp. 470–472). Frankfurt: Societäts-Verlag.
Updated: March 24th, 2023 12:44
2022 - present
2016 - 2022
2018 - 2019
2010 - 2016
2013 - 2014
2009 - 2010
Updated: February 1st, 2022 10:29
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1999 - 2005