Michelle Russell
Social psychology, Close relationships
Works (15)
2023 journal article
Perceptions of relationship value and exploitation risk mediate the effects of transgressors? post-harm communications upon forgiveness

2021 journal article
But What’s Your Partner Up to? Associations Between Relationship Quality and Pornography Use Depend on Contextual Patterns of Use Within the Couple
Frontiers in Psychology, 12.

2019 journal article
A Growth Mind-Set Intervention Improves Interest but Not Academic Performance in the Field of Computer Science
Social Psychological and Personality Science, 11(1), 107–116.
Contributors: J. Burnette n , C. Hoyt *, V. Russell *, B. Lawson*, C. Dweck * & E. Finkel *

2019 journal article
Forgiveness takes place on an attitudinal continuum from hostility to friendliness: Toward a closer union of forgiveness theory and measurement.
Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 119(4), 861–880.
Contributors: D. Forster *, J. Billingsley n, V. Russell n, T. McCauley *, A. Smith *, J. Burnette n , Y. Ohtsubo *, J. Schug, D. Lieberman *, M. McCullough *

2019 journal article
Romantic partners’ working memory capacity facilitates relationship problem resolution through recollection of problem-relevant information.
Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 149(3), 580–584.
2018 journal article
Mindsets applied to fitness: Growth beliefs predict exercise efficacy, value and frequency
Psychology of Sport and Exercise, 36, 156–161.
Contributors: K. Orvidas n, J. Burnette n & V. Russell *

2018 journal article
“You’re forgiven, but don’t do it again!” Direct partner regulation buffers the costs of forgiveness.
Journal of Family Psychology, 32(4), 435–444.

2017 journal article
An online growth mindset intervention in a sample of rural adolescent girls
British Journal of Educational Psychology, 88(3), 428–445.
Contributors: J. Burnette n , n , C. Hoyt *, K. Orvidas n & L. Widman n

2016 journal article
Forgive and Forget, or Forgive and Regret? Whether Forgiveness Leads to Less or More Offending Depends on Offender Agreeableness
Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 42(5), 616–631.

2014 journal article
The association between discontinuing hormonal contraceptives and wives’ marital satisfaction depends on husbands’ facial attractiveness
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 111(48), 17081–17086.

2013 journal article
Attachment insecurity and infidelity in marriage: Do studies of dating relationships really inform us about marriage?
Journal of Family Psychology, = {27}, number = {2, 242–251 ,

2010 chapter
Attitudes toward unconventional sex scale
In Handbook of sexuality-related measures. https://books.google.com/books?hl=en&lr=&id=gUnbAAAAQBAJ&oi=fnd&pg=PA80&dq=info:Bvm2YvG6V7QJ:scholar.google.com&ots=Ku78Mr9ofv&sig=v-Qbw_YbHb2swIiVhcJdm94UEus#v=onepage&q&f=false
Contributors: C. Wenner, V. Russell & J. McNulty
2010 journal article
Frequent Sex Protects Intimates From the Negative Implications of Their Neuroticism
Social Psychological and Personality Science, 2(2), 220–227.

2010 journal article
When “negative” behaviors are positive: A contextual analysis of the long-term effects of problem-solving behaviors on changes in relationship satisfaction.
Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, = {98}, number = {4, 587–604 ,
2009 journal article
Sex Buffers Intimates Against the Negative Implications of Attachment Insecurity
Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, = {36}, number = {4, 484–498 ,
Updated: April 13th, 2023 11:22
2023 - present
2017 - 2023
2015 - 2017
Updated: April 13th, 2023 11:23