Veronica Catete Limke, A., Catete, V., Hill, M., & Barnes, T. (2024). A Survey of K-12 Teacher Needs for an Online Programming Learning System. EXTENDED ABSTRACTS OF THE 2024 CHI CONFERENCE ON HUMAN FACTORS IN COMPUTING SYSTEMS, CHI 2024. Chavez, B., Thomas, M., Elmore, E., & Cateté, V. (2024, December 5). Cybersecurity Pedagogy: Exploration Of Effective Teaching Methods For Engaging Middle School Learners. Goslen, A., Gupta, A., Muthukrishnan, S., Midgett, R., Min, W., Vandenberg, J., … Mott, B. (2024, March 14). Engaging Students from Rural Communities in AI Education with Game-Based Learning. Thomas, M., Elmore, E., Chavez, B., Ruth, R., Avery, C., Cukier, M., & Catete, V. (2024). Equitable Access to Cybersecurity Education: A Case Study of Underserved Middle School Students. PROCEEDINGS OF THE 2024 CONFERENCE INNOVATION AND TECHNOLOGY IN COMPUTER SCIENCE EDUCATION, VOL 1, ITICSE 2024, pp. 625–632. Marwan, S., Choquette, N., Cateté, V., & Morrison, B. B. (2024, November 12). Exploring Novices' Problem-Solving Strategies in Computing and Math Domains. Wang, W., Limke, A., Bobbadi, M., Isvik, A., Catete, V., Barnes, T., & Price, T. W. (2024). Idea Builder: Motivating Idea Generation and Planning for Open-Ended Programming Projects through Storyboarding. PROCEEDINGS OF THE 55TH ACM TECHNICAL SYMPOSIUM ON COMPUTER SCIENCE EDUCATION, SIGCSE 2024, VOL. 1, pp. 1402–1408. Boulden, D., Vandenberg, J., Goslen, A., Cateté, V., Min, W., & Mott, B. (2024, December 5). Investigating the Needs of Middle School Educators in Teaching Artificial Intelligence. Wyatt, L. G., Fisk, S. R., Thompson, C., Payton, J., Catete, V., Rorrer, A., … McKlin, T. (2024). Multi-Pronged Pedagogical Approaches to Broaden Participation in Computing and Increase Students' Computing Persistence: A Robustness Analysis of the STARS Computing Corps' Impact on Students' Intentions to Persist in Computing. PROCEEDINGS OF THE 55TH ACM TECHNICAL SYMPOSIUM ON COMPUTER SCIENCE EDUCATION, SIGCSE 2024, VOL. 1, pp. 1456–1462. Tabarsi, B., Reichert, H., Lytle, N., Catete, V., & Barnes, T. (2024). Scaffolding Novices: Analyzing When and How Parsons Problems Impact Novice Programming in an Integrated Science Assignment. 20TH ANNUAL ACM CONFERENCE ON INTERNATIONAL COMPUTING EDUCATION RESEARCH, ICER 2024, VOL 1, pp. 42–54. Lim, H., Min, W., Vandenberg, J., Cateté, V., Uchidiuno, J., & Mott, B. (2024, March 14). Supporting Student Engagement in K-12 AI Education with a Card Game Construction Toolkit. Wang, W., Rao, Y., Kwatra, A., Milliken, A., Dong, Y., Gomes, N., … Price, T. (2023). A Case Study on When and How Novices Use Code Examples in Open-Ended Programming. PROCEEDINGS OF THE 2023 CONFERENCE ON INNOVATION AND TECHNOLOGY IN COMPUTER SCIENCE EDUCATION, ITICSE 2023, VOL 1, pp. 82–88. Limke, A., Lytle, N., Lin, M., Mahmoud, S., Hill, M., Cateté, V., & Barnes, T. (2023, April 19). Empowering Students as Leaders of Co-Design for Block-Based Programming. Gransbury, I., Brock, J., Catete, V., Barnes, T., Grover, S., & Ledeczi, A. (2023). High School Girls' Experiences in a Project-Based Learning Computer Science Course. 2023 CONFERENCE ON RESEARCH IN EQUITABLE AND SUSTAINED PARTICIPATION IN ENGINEERING, COMPUTING, AND TECHNOLOGY, RESPECT 2023, pp. 117–123. Wang, W., Bacher, J., Isvik, A., Limke, A., Sthapit, S., Shi, Y., … Price, T. (2023). Investigating the Impact of On-Demand Code Examples on Novices' Open-Ended Programming Projects. PROCEEDINGS OF THE 2023 ACM CONFERENCE ON INTERNATIONAL COMPUTING EDUCATION RESEARCH V.1, ICER 2023 V1, pp. 464–475. Vandenberg, J., Min, W., Catete, V., Boulden, D., & Mott, B. (2023). Leveraging Game Design Activities for Middle Grades AI Education in Rural Communities. PROCEEDINGS OF THE 18TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON THE FOUNDATIONS OF DIGITAL GAMES, FDG 2023. Limke, A., Lytle, N., Mahmoud, S., Lin, M., Hill, M., Catete, V., & Barnes, T. (2023). Participatory Design with Teachers for Block-based Learning with SnapClass. 2023 IEEE SYMPOSIUM ON VISUAL LANGUAGES AND HUMAN-CENTRIC COMPUTING, VL/HCC, pp. 173–178. Gransbury, I., Brock, J., Root, E., Catete, V., Barnes, T., Grover, S., & Ledeczi, A. (2023). Project-Based Software Engineering Curriculum for Secondary Students. PROCEEDINGS OF THE 18TH WIPSCE CONFERENCE IN PRIMARY AND SECONDARY COMPUTING EDUCATION RESEARCH, WIPSCE 2023. Brock, J., Gransbury, I., Cateté, V., Barnes, T., Grover, S., & Ledeczi, A. (2023, August 7). Student Attitudes During the Pilot of the Computer Science Frontiers Course. Vandenberg, J., Min, W., Gupta, A., Catete, V., Boulden, D., & Mott, B. (2023). Toward AI-infused Game Design Activities for Rural Middle Grades Students. PROCEEDINGS OF THE 2023 CONFERENCE ON INNOVATION AND TECHNOLOGY IN COMPUTER SCIENCE EDUCATION, ITICSE 2023, VOL. 2, pp. 644–644. Catete, V., Isvik, A., & Hill, M. (2022). A Framework for Socially-Relevant Service-Learning Internship Experiences for High School Students. PROCEEDINGS OF THE 53RD ACM TECHNICAL SYMPOSIUM ON COMPUTER SCIENCE EDUCATION (SIGCSE 2022), VOL 1, pp. 815–821. Brady, C., Broll, B., Stein, G., Jean, D., Grover, S., Catete, V., … Ledeczi, A. (2022). Block-based abstractions and expansive services to make advanced computing concepts accessible to novices. JOURNAL OF COMPUTER LANGUAGES, 73. Jocius, R., O'Byrne, W. I., Albert, J., Joshi, D., Blanton, M., Robinson, R., … Catete, V. (2022, April 18). Building a Virtual Community of Practice: Teacher Learning for Computational Thinking Infusion. TECHTRENDS, Vol. 4. Limke, A., Milliken, A., Catete, V., Gransbury, I., Isvik, A., Price, T., … Barnes, T. (2022). Case Studies on the use of Storyboarding by Novice Programmers. PROCEEDINGS OF THE 27TH ACM CONFERENCE ON INNOVATION AND TECHNOLOGY IN COMPUTER SCIENCE EDUCATION, ITICSE 2022, VOL 1, pp. 318–324. Isvik, A., Lytle, N., Catete, V., & Barnes, T. (2022, November 17). Characterizing High School Participants’ Motivations and Outcomes in a Service-Oriented Summer Internship. Vandenberg, J., Min, W., Catete, V., Boulden, D., & Mott, B. (2023). Promoting AI Education for Rural Middle Grades Students with Digital Game Design. PROCEEDINGS OF THE 54TH ACM TECHNICAL SYMPOSIUM ON COMPUTER SCIENCE EDUCATION, VOL 2, SIGCSE 2023, pp. 1388–1388. Bottomley, L., Catete, V., Mbaneme, V., Daniel, A., Pender, K., Reynolds, K., & Marshall, L. (2021). Developing Sustainable, Mutually Collaborative, Global Partnerships. 2021 WORLD ENGINEERING EDUCATION FORUM/GLOBAL ENGINEERING DEANS COUNCIL (WEEF/GEDC), pp. 82–87. Isvik, A., Catete, V., Elmore, E., & Barnes, T. (2021). Examining Equity in Computing-Infused Lessons Made by Novices. IEEE STCBP RESPECT CONFERENCE: 2021 RESEARCH ON EQUITY AND SUSTAINED PARTICIPATION IN ENGINEERING, COMPUTING, AND TECHNOLOGY (RESPECT), pp. 157–161. Milliken, A., Catete, V., Limke, A., Gransbury, I., Chipman, H., Dong, Y., & Barnes, T. (2021). Exploring and Influencing Teacher Grading for Block-based Programs through Rubrics and the GradeSnap Tool. ICER 2021: PROCEEDINGS OF THE 17TH ACM CONFERENCE ON INTERNATIONAL COMPUTING EDUCATION RESEARCH, pp. 101–114. Isvik, A., Catete, V., Bell, D., Gransbury, I., & Barnes, T. (2021). Infusing Computing: Moving a Service Oriented Internship Program Online. IEEE STCBP RESPECT CONFERENCE: 2021 RESEARCH ON EQUITY AND SUSTAINED PARTICIPATION IN ENGINEERING, COMPUTING, AND TECHNOLOGY (RESPECT), pp. 199–203. Milliken, A., Wang, W., Cateté, V., Martin, S., Gomes, N., Dong, Y., … Martens, C. (2021). PlanIT! A New Integrated Tool to Help Novices Design for Open-ended Projects. SIGCSE 2021 - Proceedings of the 52nd ACM Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education, 232–238. Broll, B., Ledeczi, A., Stein, G., Jean, D., Brady, C., Grover, S., … Barnes, T. (2021). Removing the Walls Around Visual Educational Programming Environments. 2021 IEEE SYMPOSIUM ON VISUAL LANGUAGES AND HUMAN-CENTRIC COMPUTING (VL/HCC 2021). Rorrer, A., Pugalee, D., Edwards, C., Boulden, D., Maher, M. L., Cao, L., … Wiebe, E. (2021). The Design and Implementation of a Method for Evaluating and Building Research Practice Partnerships. SIGCSE 2021 - Proceedings of the 52nd ACM Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education, 753–759. Jocius, R., Joshi, D., Albert, J., Barnes, T., Robinson, R., Cateté, V., … Andrews, A. (2021). The Virtual Pivot: Transitioning Computational Thinking PD for Middle and High School Content Area Teachers. SIGCSE 2021 - Proceedings of the 52nd ACM Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education, 1198–1204. Cateté, V., Lytle, N., Boulden, D., Hinckle, M., Wiebe, E., & Barnes, T. (2020). A block-based modeling curriculum for teaching middle grade science students about Covid-19. ACM International Conference Proceeding Series. Cateté, V., Alvarez, L., Isvik, A., Milliken, A., Hill, M., & Barnes, T. (2020). Aligning Theory and Practice in Teacher Professional Development for Computer Science. ACM International Conference Proceeding Series. Catete, V., Bell, D., Isvik, A., Lytle, N., Dong, Y., & Barnes, T. (2020). Bridge to Computing: An outreach program for at-risk young men. 2020 Research on Equity and Sustained Participation in Engineering, Computing, and Technology, RESPECT 2020 - Proceedings. Jocius, R., Joshi, D., Dong, Y., Robinson, R., Cateté, V., Barnes, T., … Lytle, N. (2020). Code, Connect, Create: The 3C Professional Development Model to Support Computational Thinking Infusion. Proceedings of the 51st ACM Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education, 971–977. Boulden, D., Edwards, C., Catete, V., Lytle, N., Barnes, T., Wiebe, E. N., & Frye, D. (2020). Creating a School-wide CS/CT-focused STEM Ecosystem to Address Access Barriers. 2020 Research on Equity and Sustained Participation in Engineering, Computing, and Technology, RESPECT 2020 - Proceedings. Lytle, N., Catete, V., & Dong, Y. (2020). Data-driven approaches for exploring the effects of teacher instruction on student programming behaviors. CEUR Workshop Proceedings, 2734. Retrieved from Akintunde, R. O., Shabrina, P., Catete, V., Barnes, T., Lynch, C., & Rutherford, T. (2020). Data-informed curriculum sequences for a curriculum-integrated game. Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Learning Analytics & Knowledge, 635–644. Isvik, A., Catete, V., Alvarez, L., Lytle, N., & Barnes, T. (2020, August). Exploring Differences Between Student and Teacher Created Snap! Projects. 2020 IEEE Symposium on Visual Languages and Human-Centric Computing (VL/HCC). Grover, S., Cateté, V., Barnes, T., Hill, M., Ledeczi, A., & Broll, B. (2020). FIRST Principles to Design for Online, Synchronous High School CS Teacher Training and Curriculum Co-Design. ACM International Conference Proceeding Series. Isvik, A., Catete, V., & Barnes, T. (2020). FLAMES: A Socially Relevant Computing Summer Internship for High School Students. 2020 Research on Equity and Sustained Participation in Engineering, Computing, and Technology, RESPECT 2020 - Proceedings. Cateté, V., Isvik, A., & Barnes, T. (2020). Infusing Computing: A Scaffolding and Teacher Accessibility Analysis of Computing Lessons Designed by Novices. ACM International Conference Proceeding Series. Lytle, N., Milliken, A., Cateté, V., & Barnes, T. (2020). Investigating Different Assignment Designs to Promote Collaboration in Block-Based Environments. Proceedings of the 51st ACM Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education, 832–838. Milliken, A., Catete, V., Isvik, A., & Barnes, T. (2020, August). Poster: Designing GradeSnap for Block-Based Code. 2020 IEEE Symposium on Visual Languages and Human-Centric Computing (VL/HCC). Price, T. W., Dong, Y., Zhi, R., Paaßen, B., Lytle, N., Cateté, V., & Barnes, T. (2019). A Comparison of the Quality of Data-Driven Programming Hint Generation Algorithms. International Journal of Artificial Intelligence in Education, 29(3), 368–395. Peddycord-Liu, Z., Catete, V., Vandenberg, J., Barnes, T., Lynch, C. F., & Rutherford, T. (2019). A Field Study of Teachers Using a Curriculum-integrated Digital Game. CHI 2019: PROCEEDINGS OF THE 2019 CHI CONFERENCE ON HUMAN FACTORS IN COMPUTING SYSTEMS. Lytle, N., Cateté, V., Dong, Y., Boulden, D., Akram, B., Houchins, J., … Wiebe, E. (2019). CEO: A Triangulated Evaluation of a Modeling-Based CT-Infused CS Activity for Non-CS Middle Grade Students. Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Global Computing Education - CompEd '19, 58–64. Dong, Y., Marwan, S., Catete, V., Price, T., & Barnes, T. (2019). Defining Tinkering Behavior in Open-ended Block-based Programming Assignments. Proceedings of the 50th ACM Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education - SIGCSE '19, 1204–1210. Wiebe, E., Boulden, D., Catete, V., Barnes, T., Freeman, S., Frye, D., … Rorrer, A. S. (2019). Developing a Systemic, Scalable Model to Broaden Participation in Middle School Computer Science. 2019 Research on Equity and Sustained Participation in Engineering, Computing, and Technology (RESPECT), 1–2. Milliken, A., Cody, C., Catete, V., & Barnes, T. (2019). Effective Computer Science Teacher Professional Development. Proceedings of the 2019 ACM Conference on Innovation and Technology in Computer Science Education - ITiCSE '19, 271–277. Lytle, N., Catete, V., Isvik, A., Boulden, D., Dong, Y., Wiebe, E., & Barnes, T. (2019). From 'Use' to 'Choose': Scaffolding CT Curricula and Exploring Student Choices while Programming [Paper]. Proceedings of the 14th Workshop in Primary and Secondary Computing Education on - WiPSCE'19, 18. Dong, Y., Andrews, A., Cateté, V., Lytle, N., Isvik, A., Barnes, T., … Robinson, R. (2019). Infusing Computing. Proceedings of the 2019 ACM Conference on Innovation and Technology in Computer Science Education - ITiCSE '19, 278–284. Jocius, R., Albert, J., Andrews, A., Catete, V., Dong, Y., Joshi, D., … Lytle, N. (2019). Infusing Computing Through Professional Development: Shifts in Content Area Teachers’ Understandings of Computational Thinking Integration. Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education International Conference, 302–305. Dong, Y., Catete, V., Jocius, R., Lytle, N., Barnes, T., Albert, J., … Andrews, A. (2019). PRADA. Proceedings of the 50th ACM Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education - SIGCSE '19, 906–912. Lytle, N., Dong, Y., Catete, V., Milliken, A., Isvik, A., & Barnes, T. (2019). Position: Scaffolded Coding Activities Afforded by Block-Based Environments. Proceedings of the 2019 IEEE Blocks and Beyond Workshop (B&B), 5–7. Lytle, N., Barnes, T., Cateté, V., Boulden, D., Dong, Y., Houchins, J., … Wiebe, E. (2019). Use, Modify, Create. Proceedings of the 2019 ACM Conference on Innovation and Technology in Computer Science Education - ITiCSE '19, 395–401. Cateté, V., Lytle, N., & Barnes, T. (2018). Creation and validation of low-stakes rubrics for K-12 computer science. Proceedings of the 23rd Annual ACM Conference on Innovation and Technology in Computer Science Education - ITiCSE 2018, 63–68. Catete, V., Lytle, N., Dong, Y., Boulden, D., Akram, B., Houchins, J., … Boyer, K. (2018). Infusing Computational Thinking into Middle Grade Science Classrooms: Lessons Learned. WIPSCE'18: PROCEEDINGS OF THE 13TH WORKSHOP IN PRIMARY AND SECONDARY COMPUTING EDUCATION, pp. 109–114. Catete, V. M. (2017). A Framework for the Rapid Creation of Quality-Assured Programming Rubrics for New K-12 Computer Science Teachers. North Carolina State University. Subramaniam, M., & Cateté, V. (2017). A pathway to strengthening support for Beauty and Joy of Computing teachers. Proceedings of the 2017 ACM SIGCSE Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education, 779–780. Cateté, V., & Barnes, T. (2017). Application of the Delphi Method in Computer Science Principles Rubric Creation. Proceedings of the 2017 ACM Conference on Innovation and Technology in Computer Science Education - ITiCSE '17, Part F128680, 164–169. Price, T. W., Liu, Z., Catete, V., & Barnes, T. (2017). Factors Influencing Students' Help-Seeking Behavior while Programming with Human and Computer Tutors. PROCEEDINGS OF THE 2017 ACM CONFERENCE ON INTERNATIONAL COMPUTING EDUCATION RESEARCH (ICER 17), pp. 127–135. Cateté, V., Snider, E., & Barnes, T. (2016). Developing a Rubric for a Creative CS Principles Lab. Proceedings of the 2016 ACM Conference on Innovation and Technology in Computer Science Education - ITiCSE '16, 11-13-July-2016, 290–295. Price, T. W., Cateté, V., Albert, J., Barnes, T., & Garcia, D. D. (2016). Lessons Learned from "BJC" CS Principles Professional Development. Proceedings of the 47th ACM Technical Symposium on Computing Science Education - SIGCSE '16, 467–472. Catete, V., Peddycord, B., & Barnes, T. (2015). Augmenting introductory Computer Science Classes with GameMaker and Mobile Apps. Proceedings of the 46th ACM Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education, 709–709. Price, T. W., Albert, J., Catete, V., & Barnes, T. (2015). BJC in action: Comparison of student perceptions of a computer science principles course. 2015 Research in Equity and Sustained Participation in Engineering, Computing, and Technology (RESPECT), 1–4. Hicks, A., Dong, Y., Zhi, R., Cateté, V., & Barnes, T. (2015). BOTS: Selecting Next-Steps from Player Traces in a Puzzle Game. EDM (Workshops), 1446. Retrieved from Cateté, V. (2014). CS outreach to high school enrollment: bridging the gap. Proceedings of the tenth annual conference on International computing education research, 143–144. Barnes, T., Catete, V., Hicks, A., & Peddycord, B. (2014). Making games and apps in introductory computer science (abstract only). Proceedings of the 45th ACM technical symposium on Computer science education - SIGCSE '14, 739–739. Hicks, A., Cateté, V., & Barnes, T. (2014). Part of the game: Changing level creation to identify and filter low quality user-generated levels. Foundations of Digital Games (FDG). Cateté, V., Hicks, D., Lynch, C., & Barnes, T. (2014). Snag’em: Graph data mining for a social networking game. Workshop on Graph-Based Educational Data Mining, 6(4), 10. Retrieved from Cateté, V., Wassell, K., & Barnes, T. (2014). Use and development of entertainment technologies in after school STEM program. SIGCSE '14: Proceedings of the 45th ACM technical symposium on Computer science education, 163–168. Barnes, T., Boyce, A., Catete, V., Doran, K., Hicks, A. G., & Keller, L. (2013). Augmenting introductory computer science classes with GameMaker and mobile apps. Proceeding of the 44th ACM technical symposium on Computer science education, 767–767. Powell, E., Brinkman, R., Barnes, T., & Catete, V. (2012). Table tilt. Proceedings of the International Conference on the Foundations of Digital Games - FDG '12, 242–245.