2023 journal article
An atomically smooth container: Can the native oxide promote supercooling of liquid gallium?
ISCIENCE, 26(4).
2023 article
Compositional Design of Surface Oxides in Gallium-Indium Alloys
Farrell, Z. J., Jacob, A. R., Truong, V. K., Elbourne, A., Kong, W., Hsiao, L., … Tabor, C. (2023, January 11). CHEMISTRY OF MATERIALS, Vol. 1.
2021 journal article
A Liquid Metal Mediated Metallic Coating for Antimicrobial and Antiviral Fabrics
Advanced Materials, 33(45), 2104298.
2021 journal article
A high-throughput and machine learning resistance monitoring system to determine the point of resistance for Escherichia coli with tetracycline: Combining UV-visible spectrophotometry with principal component analysis
2021 review
Antipathogenic properties and applications of low-dimensional materials
[Review of ]. NATURE COMMUNICATIONS, 12(1).
2021 article
Counterpropagating Gradients of Antibacterial and Antifouling Polymer Brushes
Ko, Y., Truong, V. K., Woo, S. Y., Dickey, M. D., Hsiao, L., & Genzer, J. (2021, December 14). BIOMACROMOLECULES, Vol. 12.
2020 journal article
Facile Route of Fabricating Long-Term Microbicidal Silver Nanoparticle Clusters against Shiga Toxin-Producing Escherichia coli O157:H7 and Candida auris
COATINGS, 10(1).
2020 review
Surface Modification of Gallium-Based Liquid Metals: Mechanisms and Applications in Biomedical Sensors and Soft Actuators
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