Wade A. Wall
Works (7)
2019 journal article
Better lucky than good: How savanna trees escape the fire trap in a variable world
ECOLOGY, 101(1).

2013 journal article
Evidence of population bottleneck in Astragalus michauxii (Fabaceae), a narrow endemic of the southeastern United States
Conservation Genetics, 15(1), 153–164.

2012 journal article
Demographic effects of fire on two endemic plant species in the longleaf pine-wiregrass ecosystem
PLANT ECOLOGY, 213(7), 1093–1104.

2011 journal article
Lost and Found: Remnants of the Big Savannah and Their Relationship to Wet Savannas in North Carolina
CASTANEA, 76(4), 348–363.

2011 journal article
Recent vicariance and the origin of the rare, edaphically specialized Sandhills lily, Lilium pyrophilum (Liliaceae): evidence from phylogenetic and coalescent analyses
MOLECULAR ECOLOGY, 20(14), 2901–2915.

2010 journal article
Effects of light and temperature on germination of Pyxidanthera brevifolia Wells (Diapensiaceae)

2010 journal article
Evidence for range stasis during the latter Pleistocene for the Atlantic Coastal Plain endemic genus, Pyxidanthera Michaux
MOLECULAR ECOLOGY, 19(19), 4302–4314.