Works (8)
2023 journal article
Silvicultural canopy gaps improve health and growth of eastern hemlocks infested with & nbsp;Adelges tsugae & nbsp;in the southern Appalachian Mountains
Silvicultural canopy gaps improve health and growth of eastern hemlocks infested with & nbsp;Adelges tsugae & nbsp;in the southern Appalachian Mountains. FOREST ECOLOGY AND MANAGEMENT, 546.

2022 article
Table Mountain Pine (Pinus pungens): Genetic Diversity and Conservation of an Imperiled Conifer
Potter, K. M., Jetton, R. M., Whittier, W. A., Crane, B. S., Hipkins, V. D., Echt, C. S., & Hodge, G. R. (2022, December 12). FOREST SCIENCE, Vol. 12.
Contributors: K. Potter n , R. Jetton n, W. Whittier n, B. Crane *, V. Hipkins*, C. Echt*, G. Hodge n

2021 article
The use of near infrared spectroscopy to predict foliar nutrient levels of hydroponically grown teak seedlings
Whittier, W. A., Hodge, G. R., Lopez, J., Saravitz, C., & Acosta, J. J. (2021, July 8). JOURNAL OF NEAR INFRARED SPECTROSCOPY, Vol. 7.

2011 journal article
Widespread inbreeding and unexpected geographic patterns of genetic variation in eastern hemlock (Tsuga canadensis), an imperiled North American conifer
Conservation Genetics, 13(2), 475–498.

2009 conference paper
Genetics and conservation of hemlock species threatened by the hemlock woolly adelgid
Proceedings of the 20th U.S. Department of Agriculture Interagency Research Forum on Invasive Species, 39–40.
2008 review
Ecological and genetic factors that define the natural distribution of Carolina hemlock in the southeastern United States and their role in ex situ conservation
[Review of ]. FOREST ECOLOGY AND MANAGEMENT, 255(8-9), 3212–3221.

2008 conference paper
Status of ex situ conservation efforts for eastern and Carolina hemlock in the southeastern United States
Proceedings of the 4th Symposium on Hemlock Woolly Adelgid, 81–89.
2007 journal article
Allozyme variation and recent evolutionary history of eastern hemlock (Tsuga canadensis) in the southeastern United States
New Forests, 35(2), 131–145.