Works (14)
2024 chapter
Trust in nuclear nonproliferation negotiations
2020 journal article
Whose Life Is Worth More? Hierarchies of Risk and Death in Contemporary Wars. By Yagil Levy. Stanford: Stanford University Press, 2019. 328p. $90.00 cloth, $30.00 paper.
Perspectives on Politics, 18(3), 996–997.
2018 conference paper
Building an Interdisciplinary Graduate Certificate in Nuclear Nonproliferation Science and Policy at North Carolina State University
Advances in Nuclear Nonproliferation Technology & Policy Conference: Bridging the Gaps in Nuclear Nonproliferation. Presented at the Advances in Nuclear Nonproliferation Technology and Policy Conference, Orlando, Florida.
Event: Advances in Nuclear Nonproliferation Technology and Policy Conference at Orlando, Florida
2017 journal article
Conflict, cooperation, and change in the politics of energy interdependence: An introduction
Energy Research & Social Science, 24, 1–5.
2017 journal article
Resolving potential energy conflicts among allies: The 2015 United States-Republic of Korea nuclear cooperation agreement
Energy Research & Social Science, 24, 86–93.

2009 journal article
“Don’t let them die in vain”: Casualty frames and public tolerance for escalating commitment in Iraq
Journal of Conflict Resolution, 53(5), 677–697.

2007 journal article
Ambivalent Sexism and Misogynistic Rap Music: Does Exposure to Eminem Increase Sexism?
Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 37(12), 3025–3042.

2007 journal article
Failing to Win: Perceptions of Victory and Defeat in International Politics
Perspectives on Politics, 5(04).

2006 journal article
Echoes of Vietnam?: Casualty framing and public perceptions of success and failure in Iraq
Journal of Conflict Resolution, 50(6), 831–854.

2005 journal article
International Relations Under Risk: Framing State Choice
Perspectives on Politics, 3(04).

2005 book
Presidential risk behavior in foreign policy: Prudence or peril
New York: Palgrave Macmillan.
2004 journal article
Military intervention decisions regarding humanitarian crises: Framing induced risk behavior
Journal of Conflict Resolution, 48(3), 331–355.

2004 journal article
The Prospects for Prospect Theory: An Empirical Evaluation of International Relations Applications of Framing and Loss Aversion
Political Psychology, 25(3), 331–362.

1995 journal article
Context, methods, numbers, and words: Prospect theory in international relations
Journal of Conflict Resolution, 39(3), 561–583.