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Works (64)
2016 journal article
Contributing Factors for Acute Illness/Injury from Childhood Pesticide Exposure in North Carolina, USA, 2007-2013
TOXICS, 4(1).

2013 journal article
Evolution of a pesticide safety website-Cooperative Extension agents help define target audience needs
Acta Horticulturae, 6(999), 221–225.

2013 journal article
Greenhouse and landscape growth of tiger lily cultivars following flurprimidol preplant bulb soaks
HortTechnology, 23(6), 820–822.
2012 journal article
Assessing Extension educator’s needs for the development of homeowner pesticide use and safety information
Journal of Extension, 50(5).
2012 journal article
Height control of 'Hot Lips' Hybrid sage to flurprimidol substrate drench
HortTechnology, 22(4), 539–541.
2012 report
Ornamental sweetpotatoes for the home landscape
(No. AG-755). North Carolina Cooperative Extension.
2012 journal article
Soil organic amendment impacts on corn resistance to Helicoverpa zea: Constitutive or induced?
PEDOBIOLOGIA, 55(6), 343–347.

2011 journal article
Control of zantedeschia aethiopica growth with flurprimidol pre-plant tuber soaks and substrate drenches
Acta Horticulturae, 886, 397–400.

2011 journal article
Flurprimidol pre-plant bulb soaks control growth of potted Liliums
Acta Horticulturae, 900, 79–87.

2011 journal article
Flurprimidol pre-plant soaks and substrate drenches control excessive growth of forced bulbs
Acta Horticulturae, 886, 385–391.

2011 journal article
Flurprimidol pre-plant tuber soaks for dahlia growth control
Acta Horticulturae, 886, 393–396.

2011 journal article
Studies on the entomopathogenicity and bacterial associates of the nematode Oscheius carolinensis
BIOLOGICAL CONTROL, 59(2), 123–129.

2010 journal article
Operation S.A.F.E. Fly-in: The North Carolina Experience
Journal of Pesticide Safety Education, 12, 1–12.
2010 report
Pesticide Applicator Certification and Licensing
(No. AG-714W). North Carolina State University Cooperative Extension.
2009 report
Pesticide applicator certification and licensing
(No. AG-714W). North Carolina State University Cooperative Extension.
2009 report
Recordkeeping form for the USDA restricted-use pesticides regulation and the Worker Protection Standard
(No. AG-689W). North Carolina State University Cooperative Extension Service.
2008 journal article
Evaluation of slow-release fertilizers on bell pepper
HortTechnology, 18(3), 393–396.
2007 report
Farm Family Exposure to Pesticides...a discussion with farm families
(No. PPP-72). Purdue University Extension.
2007 report
Pesticide recordkeeping form for private applicators
(No. AG-689W). North Carolina State University Cooperative Extension Service.
2007 journal article
Violations of Pesticide Use and Worker Safety Regulations in North Carolina
Journal of Agricultural Safety and Health, 13(2), 189–203.

2006 book
Geranium disorder guide.
North Carolina Commercial Flower Grower’s Association.
2006 book
Insect and mite pest guide of herbaceous annuals and perennials
North Carolina Commercial Flower Grower’s Association.
2005 journal article
Nicotine exposure and decontamination on tobacco harvesters' hands

2004 report
Applying the Correct Amount of Pesticide
In Ornamentals and Turfgrass Pest Management, A Pesticide Applicator Certification Manual for the Carolinas and Georgia (No. AG-648). NC Cooperative Extension Service.
2004 report
Control de plagas de pastos de césped y plantas ornamentals
In Manual de certificación del aplicador de pesticidas en Carolina del Norte, Carolina del Sur y Georgia (No. AGS-648). NC Cooperative Extension.
2004 report
Cultural Management for Ornamental Plants
In Ornamentals and Turfgrass Pest Management, A Pesticide Applicator Certification Manual for the Carolinas and Georgia (No. AG-648). NC Cooperative Extension Service.
2004 report
Cultural Management for Turfgrasses
In Ornamentals and Turfgrass Pest Management, A Pesticide Applicator Certification Manual for the Carolinas and Georgia (No. AG-648). NC Cooperative Extension Service.
2004 report
Diseases of Turfgrasses
In Ornamentals and Turfgrass Pest Management, A Pesticide Applicator Certification Manual for the Carolinas and Georgia (No. AG-648). NC Cooperative Extension Service.
2004 report
Introduction to Pest Management in Turfgrass and Ornamentals
In Ornamentals and Turfgrass Pest Management, A Pesticide Applicator Certification Manual for the Carolinas and Georgia. (No. AG-648). NC Cooperative Extension Service Publication.
2004 report
Ornamentals and turfgrass pest
In Ornamentals and turfgrass pest management: a pesticide applicator certification manual for the Carolinas and Georgia. (No. AG-648; p. 23). NC Cooperative Extension.
2004 report
PICT guide of pansy disorders
North Carolina Commercial Flower Growers’ Association.
2004 report
Understanding the Agricultural Health Study (1993-2003), Part 1: Overview
(No. AG-MED-24). North Carolina State University Cooperative Extension Service Press.
2004 report
Understanding the Agricultural Health Study (1993-2003), Part 2: Pesticide Exposure
(No. AG-MED-25). North Carolina State University Cooperative Extension Service.
2004 report
Understanding the Agricultural Health Study (1993-2003), Part 3: Health Findings
(No. AG-MED-26). North Carolina State University Cooperative Extension Service.
2004 report
Weed Pests of Ornamental Plants
In Ornamentals and Turfgrass Pest Management, A Pesticide Applicator Certification Manual for the Carolinas and Georgia (No. AG-648). NC Cooperative Extension Service.
2004 report
Weeds of Turfgrasses
In Ornamentals and Turfgrass Pest Management, A Pesticide Applicator Certification Manual for the Carolinas and Georgia (No. AG-648). NC Cooperative Extension Service.
2003 journal article
Acephate exposure and decontamination on tobacco harvesters' hands

2003 report
Los pesticidas y la salud humana: tomates
(No. AG-MED-23). North Carolina State University Cooperative Extension Service Press.
2003 report
Los pesticidas y la salud humana: uvas
(No. AG-MED-21). North Carolina State University Cooperative Extension Service Press.
2003 report
PICT guide of vegetative annual disorders
North Carolina Commercial Flower Growers’ Association.
2003 report
Pesticides and human health: grapes
(No. AG-MED-20). North Carolina State University Cooperative Extension Service Press.
2003 report
Pesticides and human health: tomatoes
(No. AG-MED-22). North Carolina State University Cooperative Extension Service Press.
2003 chapter
Sprayer Calibration (1/128th of an Acre Method)
In Recordkeeping Manual for Private Pesticide Applicators (pp. 44–50). United States Department of Agriculture.
2003 journal article
Using research to design and evaluate pesticide dealer training
Journal of Pesticide Safety Education, 5, 7–24.
2002 report
PICT guide of bedding plant disorders
North Carolina Commercial Flower Growers’ Association.
2002 report
PICT guide of poinsettia disorders
North Carolina Commercial Flower Growers’ Association.
2002 journal article
The Southern Region Pesticide Safety Education Center: A Regional Approach to Train-the-Trainer
Journal of Pesticide Safety Education, 4, 22–36.
2001 report
The calibration of turfgrass boom sprayers and spreaders
(No. AG-628). North Carolina State University Cooperative Extension Service Press.
2000 report
FQPA: The Food Quality Protection Act
(No. AG-609). North Carolina State University Cooperative Extension Service Press.
2000 report
Pesticide storage regulations
Raleigh, NC: North Carolina Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services.
2000 report
Record-keeping manual for North Carolina Private Pesticide Applicators
(No. AG-611). North Carolina State University Cooperative Extension Service Press.
1999 report
1/128th acre calibration method (plastic wallet card)
(No. AG-601-2). North Carolina State University Cooperative Extension Service Press.
1999 report
Formula calibration method (plastic wallet card)
(No. AG-601-1). North Carolina State University Cooperative Extension Service Press.
1999 report
Sprayer calibration (spray tank decal)
(No. AG-601-3). North Carolina State University Cooperative Extension Service Press.
1999 report
The Worker Protection Standard for the use of agricultural pesticides on farms
(No. AG-600-1). North Carolina State University Cooperative Extension Service Press.
1998 journal article
Areawide pest management of Western Corn Rootworm in Indiana and Illinois -- turning the first corner
Pflanzenschutzberichte, 57(2), 69.
1998 journal article
Infectivity of Steinernema carpocapsae (Rhabditida: Steinernematidae) in Sterilized and Herbicide-Treated Soil
Journal of Entomological Science, 33(2), 152–157.
1997 journal article
Effect of Rye Incorporation, Planting Date, and Soil Temperature on Damage to Muskmelon Transplants by Seedcorn Maggot ( Diptera: Anthomyiidae )
Environmental Entomology, 26(6), 1323–1326.

1996 journal article
Comparison of Insecticide Use Programs for Managing the Striped Cucumber Beetle (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) in Muskmelon
Journal of Economic Entomology, 89(4), 981–986.
1995 chapter
The Status of Turfgrass Insect Pests in the United States
In R. L. Brandenburg & M. G. Villani (Eds.), Handbook of Turfgrass Insect Pests (pp. 7–8). Lanham, MD: Entomological Society of America.
Ed(s): R. Brandenburg & M. Villani
1993 journal article
Persistence of entomopathogenic nematodes against black cutworm on bentgrass
Journal of Economic Entomology, 87(3), 638–642.
1993 report
Varroa mite on honey bees
(No. E-201). Purdue University Extension Service.
1992 report
Black Cutworms on Turfgrass
(No. ME-22). Purdue University Extension Service.
1992 journal article
Effect of Enhanced Biodegradation of Carbofuran on the Control of Striped Cucumber Beetle (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) on Muskmelon
Journal of Economic Entomology, 85(5), 1910–1918.