Works (8)
2023 article
A growth mindset intervention to improve mental health in adolescents during COVID-19
Lipsey, N. P., Burnette, J. L., Becker, W., Baker, L. R., Mccrimmon, J., & Billingsley, J. (2023, October 6). SOCIAL AND PERSONALITY PSYCHOLOGY COMPASS, Vol. 10.

2023 article
Mindsets of poverty: Implications for redistributive policy support
Hoyt, C. L., Burnette, J. L., Billingsley, J., Becker, W., & Babij, A. D. (2023, September 19). ANALYSES OF SOCIAL ISSUES AND PUBLIC POLICY, Vol. 9.

2022 article
A many-analysts approach to the relation between religiosity and well-being
Hoogeveen, S., Sarafoglou, A., Aczel, B., Aditya, Y., Alayan, A. J., Allen, P. J., … Wagenmakers, E.-J. (2022, July 2). RELIGION BRAIN & BEHAVIOR.

2022 journal article
Harnessing growth mindsets to help individuals flourish
Social and Personality Psychology Compass, 16(3).
Contributors: J. Burnette n , * & C. Hoyt *

2021 journal article
Experimental evidence that apologies promote forgiveness by communicating relationship value
Scientific Reports, 11(1).
Contributors: D. Forster *, *, J. Burnette n , D. Lieberman *, Y. Ohtsubo * & M. McCullough *

2021 article
Growth mindsets of anxiety: Do the benefits to individual flourishing come with societal costs?
Hoyt, C. L., Burnette, J. L., Nash, E., Becker, W., & Billingsley, J. (2021, November 29). JOURNAL OF POSITIVE PSYCHOLOGY, Vol. 11.
Contributors: C. Hoyt *, J. Burnette n , E. Nash*, W. Becker n & n

2021 journal article
Growth mindsets: defining, assessing, and exploring effects on motivation for entrepreneurs and non-entrepreneurs
Current Psychology, 42(11), 8855–8873.
Contributors: N. Lipsey*, J. Burnette n & J. Pollack n *,

2021 article
If it quacks like a duck: The by-product account of music still stands
Lieberman, D., & Billingsley, J. (2021, September 30). BEHAVIORAL AND BRAIN SCIENCES, Vol. 44.