2023 journal article

A Deep Transfer Learning Design Rule Checker With Synthetic Training

IEEE Design & Test, 40(1), 77–84.

author keywords: Layout; Design methodology; Convolutional neural networks; Transfer learning; Generators; Deep learning; Manuals; Training data; Design Rule Checking; Machine Learning; IC Verification; Physical Verification; Convolutional Neural Network; Deep Learning; Synthetic Data Training; Transfer Learning
Sources: Web Of Science, ORCID, NC State University Libraries, Crossref
Added: January 24, 2023

2021 article proceedings

Design for 3D Stacked Circuits


By: P. Franzon n, W. Davis n, E. Rotenberg n, J. Stevens n, S. Lipa n, T. Nigussie n, H. Pan n, L. Baker n ...

TL;DR: 2.5D and 3D technologies can give rise to a node equivalent of scaling due to improved connectivity because of improved connectivity, but design issues that need to be addressed in pursuing such exploitations include thermal management, design for test and computer aided design. (via Semantic Scholar)
UN Sustainable Development Goals Color Wheel
UN Sustainable Development Goal Categories
Sources: Web Of Science, NC State University Libraries, Crossref
Added: July 11, 2022

2021 conference paper

Fast and Accurate PPA Modeling with Transfer Learning

By: W. Davis n, P. Franzon n, L. Francisco n, B. Huggins n & R. Jain*

author keywords: PPA; Machine Learning; Power; Performance; Area; Gradient Boost; Neural Network; Transfer Learning; Surrogate Modeling
TL;DR: The approach reached the same PPA solution as human designers in the same or fewer runs for a CORTEX-M0 system design, showing potential for automating the recipe optimization without needing more runs than a human designer would need. (via Semantic Scholar)
UN Sustainable Development Goals Color Wheel
UN Sustainable Development Goal Categories
9. Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure (OpenAlex)
Sources: Web Of Science, NC State University Libraries, Crossref
Added: February 21, 2022

1998 book

Cornelius Lanczos: Collected published papers with commentaries

Raleigh, NC: College of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, North Carolina State University.

By: W. Davis, M. Chu, J. McConnell, P. Dolan, L. Norris, E. Ortiz, R. Plemmon, D. Ridgeway ...

Source: NC State University Libraries
Added: August 6, 2018

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