William Marinello
neurodevelopment, brain, behavior, neuroendocrine, placenta, trophoblast, pregnancy, toxicology, endocrine disruptors, endocrine disrupting chemicals, EDC
Works (11)
2023 journal article
Gestational exposure to FireMaster® 550 (FM 550) disrupts the placenta-brain axis in a socially monogamous rodent species, the prairie vole (<i>Microtus ochrogaster</i>)

2023 journal article
Uncovering the common factors of chemical exposure and behavior: Evaluating behavioral effects across a testing battery using factor analysis

2022 journal article
Effects of developmental exposure to FireMaster (R) 550 (FM 550) on microglia density, reactivity and morphology in a prosocial animal model

2022 journal article
Individual and Combined Effects of Paternal Deprivation and Developmental Exposure to Firemaster 550 on Socio-Emotional Behavior in Prairie Voles
TOXICS, 10(5).

2021 chapter
Endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) and placental function: Impact on fetal brain development
In Advances in Pharmacology (Vol. 92, pp. 347–400).
Contributors: & H. Patisaul n n

2021 journal article
Sex-specific Disruption of the Prairie Vole Hypothalamus by Developmental Exposure to a Flame Retardant Mixture
Contributors: S. Gillera n, n , K. Cao n, B. Horman n, H. Stapleton * & H. Patisaul n

2020 journal article
Perfluorobutane sulfonate exposure disrupted human placental cytotrophoblast cell proliferation and invasion involving in dysregulating preeclampsia related genes
FASEB Journal, 34(11), 14182–14199.
Contributors: , Z. Mohseni *, S. Cunningham *, C. Crute*, R. Huang*, J. Zhang*, L. Feng * *
2020 journal article
Progestins Inhibit Interleukin-1β-Induced Matrix Metalloproteinase 1 and Interleukin 8 Expression via the Glucocorticoid Receptor in Primary Human Amnion Mesenchymal Cells
Frontiers in Physiology, 11.
Contributors: , L. Feng * & T. Allen * *
2019 journal article
Sex-specific effects of perinatal FireMaster® 550 (FM 550) exposure on socioemotional behavior in prairie voles
Neurotoxicology and Teratology, 79, 106840.
Contributors: S. Gillera n, n , B. Horman n, A. Phillips *, M. Ruis*, H. Stapleton *, D. Reif n , H. Patisaul n

2018 journal article
Infection-induced thrombin production: a potential novel mechanism for preterm premature rupture of membranes (PPROM)
American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology, 219(1), 101.e1–101.e12.
Contributors: L. Feng *, T. Allen *, * & A. Murtha *

2018 journal article
Roles of Progesterone Receptor Membrane Component 1 in Oxidative Stress–Induced Aging in Chorion Cells
Reproductive Sciences, 26(3), 394–403.
Contributors: L. Feng *, T. Allen *, * & A. Murtha *

Updated: June 24th, 2020 09:55
2018 - present
2016 - 2018
Updated: June 25th, 2020 16:52
2018 - present
2010 - 2014