Works (13)
2023 journal article
Fight or flight: Eastern wild Turkey repeatedly defends nest against raccoon

2023 journal article
Frequent prescribed burns reduce mammalian species richness and occurrence in longleaf pine sandhills

2023 journal article
Minimal shift of eastern wild turkey nesting phenology associated with projected climate change
Climate Change Ecology, 6, 100075.

2023 journal article
Robust assessment of associations between weather and eastern wild turkey nest success
The Journal of Wildlife Management, 88(2).

2022 journal article
Climate change likely to increase co-occurrence of island endemic and invasive wildlife
Climate Change Ecology.

2022 journal article
Shrub encroachment threatens persistence of an endemic insular wetland rodent
Journal of Mammalogy.
Ed(s): E. Flaherty

2021 journal article
Bat activity response to fire regime depends on species, vegetation conditions, and behavior
Forest Ecology and Management, 502, 119722.

2021 article
Shrub Encroachment Threatens Persistence of An Endemic Insular Wetland Rodent
Boone, W. W., Albrecht, A. A., Conrad, J. R., Lechowicz, C. J., Hellgren, E. C., & McCleery, R. A. (2021, April 6).

2020 journal article
Seasick: Why Value Ecosystems Severely Threatened by Sea-Level Rise?
Estuaries and Coasts, 44(4), 899–910.
Contributors: E. Torrez *, C. Frock *, * , A. Sovie * & R. McCleery *
2019 journal article
Impact of Low-Intensity Hunting on Game Species in and Around the Kanuku Mountains Protected Area, Guyana
Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, 7.
Contributors: M. Hallett *, A. Kinahan, R. McGregor*, T. Baggallay, T. Babb*, H. Barnabus*, A. Wilson, F. Li*, * , B. Bankovich *

2017 journal article
Fox squirrel response to forest restoration treatments in longleaf pine
Journal of Mammalogy, 98(6), 1594–1603.
Contributors: , R. McCleery * & B. Reichert * *

2017 journal article
Shrub encroachment and vertebrate diversity: A global meta-analysis
Global Ecology and Biogeography, 27(3), 368–379.
Contributors: R. Stanton *, * , J. Soto-Shoender *, R. Fletcher *, N. Blaum * & R. McCleery *
2016 journal article
Burn regime matters: A review of the effects of prescribed fire on vertebrates in the longleaf pine ecosystem
Forest Ecology and Management, 378, 214–221.
Contributors: A. Darracq *, * & R. McCleery *

Updated: August 22nd, 2024 10:47
2024 - present
2024 - 2024
2021 - 2023