Works (14)
2021 article
Comprehending Cornales: phylogenetic reconstruction of the order using the Angiosperms353 probe set
Thomas, S. K., Liu, X., Du, Z.-Y., Dong, Y., Cummings, A., Pokorny, L., … Leebens-Mack, J. H. (2021, July 14). AMERICAN JOURNAL OF BOTANY, Vol. 7.

2017 journal article
Down regulation of APETALA 3 homolog resulted in defect of floral structure critical to explosive pollen release in Cornus canadensis: The role of APETALA3 homolog in Cornus
Journal of Systematics and Evolution, 55(6), 566–580.

2016 journal article
Alterations of CorTFL1 and CorAP1 expression correlate with major evolutionary shifts of inflorescence architecture in Cornus (Cornaceae) - a proposed model for variation of closed inflorescence forms
New Phytologist, 216(2), 519–535.
Contributors: Q. Ma n, n, R. Franks n & Q. Xiang n

2016 journal article
Analysis of two TFL1 homologs of dogwood species (Cornus L.) indicates functional conservation in control of transition to flowering
Planta, 243(5), 1129–1141.
Contributors: J. Zhang *, A. Abuahmad n, R. Franks n , D. Xie n & Q. Xiang n n,

2016 journal article
Enhancing Heat Tolerance of the Little Dogwood Cornus canadensis L. f. with Introduction of a Superoxide Reductase Gene from the Hyperthermophilic Archaeon Pyrococcus furiosus
Frontiers in Plant Science, 7.

2015 journal article
Phylogenomics of polyploidy Fothergilla (Hamamelidaceae) by RAD-tag based GBS—Insights into species origin and effects of software pipelines
Phylogenomics of polyploid Fothergilla (Hamamelidaceae) by RAD-tag based GBS - insights into species origin and effects of software pipelines. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology, 53(5), 432–447.

2013 journal article
Characterization of the sequence and expression pattern of LFY homologues from dogwood species (Cornus) with divergent inflorescence architectures
Annals of Botany, 112(8), 1629–1641.

2013 journal article
De novo Sequencing, Characterization, and Comparison of Inflorescence Transcriptomes of Cornus canadensis and C. florida (Cornaceae)
PLoS ONE, 8(12), e82674.
Contributors: J. Zhang n, R. Franks n , n, M. Kang *, J. Keebler n, J. Schaff n, H. Huang*, Q. Xiang n
Ed(s): T. Wang

2013 journal article
Plant regeneration and genetic transformation of C. canadensis: a non-model plant appropriate for investigation of flower development in Cornus (Cornaceae)
Plant Cell Reports, 32(1), 77–87.
Contributors: C. Feng n, R. Franks n , R. Qu n, D. Xie n & Q. Xiang n n,

2012 journal article
Evolution of bract development and B‐class MADS box gene expression in petaloid bracts of Cornus s. l. (Cornaceae)
New Phytologist, 196(2), 631–643.
Contributors: C. Feng n, n, Y. Yu n, D. Xie n , R. Franks n & Q. Xiang n

2011 journal article
Changes in Phytohormones and Fatty Acids in Wheat and Rice Seedlings in Response to Hessian Fly (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae) Infestation

2011 journal article
Wheat Gene Expression is Differentially Affected by a Virulent Russian Wheat Aphid Biotype

2010 journal article
Differential Accumulation of Phytohormones in Wheat Seedlings Attacked by Avirulent and Virulent Hessian Fly (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae) Larvae

2010 journal article
Global Phylogenetics of Diuraphis noxia (Hemiptera: Aphididae), an Invasive Aphid Species: Evidence for Multiple Invasions Into North America