@inproceedings{she_huang_2013, title={Solid state transformer in the future smart electrical system}, DOI={10.1109/pesmg.2013.6672768}, abstractNote={The concept of the solid state transformer has been investigated extensively in the past decade with the emphasis mainly focused on the circuit topology investigation. With the technology being more and more mature and acceptable, the application issue of solid state transformer in the future smart electrical system needs to be investigated. This paper characterizes and summarizes the main features of the solid state transformer, and correspondingly presents possible application areas of solid state transformer in the future smart electrical system. The future distribution system architecture is proposed and a new wind energy system is presented based on the multifunctional utilization of SST. Simulation results are given to demonstrate the proposal.}, booktitle={2013 ieee power and energy society general meeting (pes)}, author={She, X. and Huang, A.}, year={2013} } @article{she_baran_she_2013, title={Multiobjective Control of PEM Fuel Cell System With Improved Durability}, volume={4}, ISSN={["1949-3029"]}, DOI={10.1109/tste.2012.2203324}, abstractNote={A critical design goal of a fuel-cell-based renewable energy system in a smart grid scenario is to enable high efficiency while extending durability. This is particularly emphasized when the fuel-cell system becomes widely used. Towards this goal, the effort in this research paper is to develop multiobjective controllers to simultaneously realize both output tracking and durability improvement. More specifically, two types of controller are developed. With assumptions of knowledge of system parameters, the first controller enables exponentially stability of the closed-loop system. Then, with practical considerations of robustness, an adaptive extension of the first controller is developed, which is capable of handling possible mismatch between real parameters and parameters obtained from the manufacturer or system identification methods. The performance and stability is theoretically guaranteed by a Lyapunov-based proof. Together with theoretical analysis, several scenarios are considered and tested via Matlab/simulink-based simulation.}, number={1}, journal={IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON SUSTAINABLE ENERGY}, author={She, Yun and Baran, Mesut E. and She, Xu}, year={2013}, month={Jan}, pages={127–135} } @article{she_huang_wang_burgos_2013, title={Wind Energy System With Integrated Functions of Active Power Transfer, Reactive Power Compensation, and Voltage Conversion}, volume={60}, ISSN={["1557-9948"]}, DOI={10.1109/tie.2012.2216245}, abstractNote={As the power of wind energy system increases, the control of their active and reactive power becomes increasingly more important from a system standpoint given that these are typical frequency and voltage control parameters. In this paper, a family of wind energy systems with integrated functions of active power transfer, reactive power compensation, and voltage conversion is proposed. The proposed wind energy systems using solid-state transformer (SST) can effectively suppress the voltage fluctuation caused by the transient nature of wind energy without additional reactive power compensator and, as such, may enable the large penetration of wind farm (WF) into the power grid. To this end, a simulation study for WF driven by squirrel-cage induction generators is presented to verify the effectiveness of the proposed system. In addition, a modular-type high-voltage and high-power three-phase SST topology is presented for the proposed system, and its basic building block, which is a single-phase SST, is analyzed. The functions of SST in the presented wind energy system are verified in a single-phase laboratory prototype with scaled-down experiments. Lastly, cost issue of the proposed technology is analyzed with comparison to the traditional one.}, number={10}, journal={IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONICS}, author={She, Xu and Huang, Alex Q. and Wang, Fei and Burgos, Rolando}, year={2013}, month={Oct}, pages={4512–4524} } @article{she_she_baran_2011, title={Universal Tracking Control of Wind Conversion System for Purpose of Maximum Power Acquisition Under Hierarchical Control Structure}, volume={26}, ISSN={["1558-0059"]}, DOI={10.1109/tec.2011.2159607}, abstractNote={Renewable energy technologies have recently attracted intensive attentions. Several renewable energies, such as wind, solar, etc., are being investigated to solve current energy crisis. In this paper, a nonlinear controller is developed for tracking control of a wind energy conversion system under a hierarchical configuration. First, an adaptive neural-network-based estimator is developed to estimate uncertain (possibly unknown) aerodynamics online. Based on an estimated value of aerodynamics, a model-based adaptive tracking control law is derived based on the Lyapunov stability analysis. Associated dynamic parameter estimators are also developed to remove requirement of prior knowledge of system parameters. Then, robust differentiator techniques are utilized to eliminate the need for an acceleration of the wind and rotor. It is shown that the proposed controller can regulate tracking error to an arbitrary small value even if neither system parameter nor aerodynamics is available for control design. It is expected that the proposed control algorithm can be used as an “universal controller” for similar types of variable speed wind turbine with minimal modifications. The modularity of the proposed controller will enjoy the plug-and-play property that will be helpful in distributed control of smart grids. Simulation studies are performed along with the theoretical analysis to validate the proposed method.}, number={3}, journal={IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ENERGY CONVERSION}, author={She, Yun and She, Xu and Baran, Mesut E.}, year={2011}, month={Sep}, pages={766–775} }