Works (9)
2022 article
Quantification of docusate antimicrobial finishing after simulated landfill degradation via tandem mass spectrometry and QuEChERS extraction
Sui, X., Feng, C., Ankeny, M., & Vinueza, N. R. (2022, October 12). ANALYTICAL METHODS, Vol. 10.

2021 journal article
Identification and quantification of CI Reactive Blue 19 dye degradation product in soil

2021 journal article
Separation and identification of commercial reactive dyes with hydrophilic interaction liquid chromatography and quadrupole time‐of‐flight mass spectrometry
Coloration Technology, 137(4), 407–417.

2020 journal article
A promising Ames battery for mutagenicity characterization of new dyes
Contributors: G. Umbuzeiro n, D. Morales *, F. Vacchi *, A. Albuquerque *, M. Szymczyk n, n , N. Vinueza n, H. Freeman n

2020 journal article
Characterization of synthetic dyes for environmental and forensic assessments: A chromatography and mass spectrometry approach
Journal of Separation Science, 44(1), 387–402.
Contributors: J. Terán n , Z. Millbern n, D. Shao n, n , Y. Liu n, M. Demmler n, N. Vinueza n

2020 journal article
High-resolution mass spectrometry analysis of reactive dye derivatives removed from biodegraded dyed cotton by chemical and enzymatic methods
AATCC Journal of Research, 7(Special Issue 1), 9–18.
Contributors: C. Feng n, N. Sultana n, n , Y. Chen n, E. Brooks n, M. Ankeny, N. Vinueza n
2020 journal article
Quantification of anthracene after dermal absorption test <i>via</i> APCI-tandem mass spectrometry
Analytical Methods, 12(22), 2820–2826.
Contributors: , J. Terán n , C. Feng n, K. Wustrow*, C. Smith * & N. Vinueza n n

2019 journal article
Detection of reactive dyes from dyed fabrics after soil degradation via QuEChERS extraction and mass spectrometry
Analytical Methods, 12(2), 179–187.
Contributors: , C. Feng *, Y. Chen *, N. Sultana *, M. Ankeny * & N. Vinueza * *
2019 journal article
Towards a reliable prediction of the aquatic toxicity of dyes
Contributors: G. Umbuzeiro*, A. Albuquerque *, F. Vacchi *, M. Szymczyk n, n , R. Aalizadeh *, P. Ohe, N. Thomaidis, N. Vinueza n, H. Freeman n