Works (6)
2019 review
Recent progress in near-field nanolithography using light interactions with colloidal particles: from nanospheres to three-dimensional nanostructures
[Review of ]. NANOTECHNOLOGY, 30(35).

2017 journal article
Enhanced total internal reflection using low-index nanolattice materials
OPTICS LETTERS, 42(20), 4123–4126.

2017 journal article
Large-area nanolattice film with enhanced modulus, hardness, and energy dissipation
Scientific Reports, 7.
2017 journal article
Nanostructured antireflective in-plane solar harvester
OPTICS EXPRESS, 25(16), A840–A850.

2017 journal article
Three-dimensional colloidal interference lithography
Nanotechnology, 28(12), 125302.
2017 journal article
Twin photonic nanojets generated from coherent illumination of microscale sphere and cylinder
Nanotechnology, 29(7), 075204.