Alice Cheng
Yang “Alice” Cheng (Ph.D., MBA) received a Ph.D. degree from Missouri School of Journalism, which is one of the oldest formal journalism schools in the world. She also graduated with an outstanding academic award from the nationally recognized Crosby MBA program. She is a tenured associate professor in the department of communication and an adjunct professor in the Poole College of Management. She has taught many courses such as strategic management, research methods, the introduction of public relations, and crisis communication. She has demonstrated a long-term commitment to research involving global public relations management, social media and artificial intelligence, and crisis communication. She has published more than 70 journal articles and book chapters. Some of her publications have appeared in top journals such as the New Media & Society, American Behavioral Scientist, Social Science Computer Review, Computers in Human Behavior, Journal of Public Relations Research, Journal of Product & Brand Management, Telematics and informatics, Mass Communication & Society, International Journal of Communication, Public Relations Review, and Journal of Contingencies and Crisis Management. Acting as the Principal Investigator (PI) or senior researcher, her research has been funded by many global prestigious institutions, such as the National Science Foundation (NSF) ($1 million), Arthur Page Center (USA) ($4,000), North Carolina State University (USA) ($15,000), and the Chinese University of Hong Kong (Hong Kong) ($7,000). Especially, The Arthur Page Johnson Legacy Scholar Grant is awarded to support scholars and professionals making important contributions to knowledge, practice, or public understanding of ethics and responsibility in public communication The funded study that examines mobile CSR activities in crises has been accepted in the 68th Annual Conference of the International Communication Association (2018) and won the Top Faculty Paper Award. Her research has been internationally and domestically recognized via various awards, for its originality, quality, and productivity. The received honors and awards included the Best Paper Award, Public Relations Division, International Communication Association Conference, 2013, 2014 and 2018; Top Paper Award in Mass Communication Division in 2014 and 2016, awarded by the International Communication Association Conference; Grunig PRIME Research Fellowship from Institute of Public Relations and PRIME research in 2015; and Peter Debreceny Corporate Award in the 18th International Public Relations Research Conference in 2015. Additionally, She has received the Hong Kong Government Reaching Out Award and the extremely competitive Extraordinary Potential Prize of 2016 Chinese Government Award. Due to her expertise in Communication, especially in social media and public relations, she has been invited to review many manuscripts for top journals. She also serves on the editorial board of Journal of Public Relations Research, Public Relations Review and Public Relations Inquiry. Currently, she is the advisory committee member for the International Public Relations Research Conference (IPRRC). Website:
Works (86)
2025 journal article
A Review of Artificial Intelligence Research in Peer-Reviewed Communication Journals
Applied Sciences.
2025 journal article
Leveraging AI in CSR: How social-oriented chatbots influence Chinese consumers’ supportive actions via dialogic communication
Public Relations Review.
2025 article
Navigating vaccine misinformation: a study on users' motivations, active communicative action and anti-misinformation behavior via chatbots
Cheng, Y. (2025, January 23). ONLINE INFORMATION REVIEW.
2024 chapter
Crisis Communication in the Age of AI
2024 article
Employee Engagement with Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Ethical Judgments and the Path to Positive Word-of-Mouth
Park, K., Cheng, Y., Jiang, H., & Luo, Y. (2024, July 6). JOURNAL OF PUBLIC RELATIONS RESEARCH, Vol. 7.

2024 article
Impacts of the COVID-19 infodemic on emotions through cognitive appraisals
Han, W., Lee, H., Xu, Y., & Cheng, Y. (2024, June 11). ONLINE INFORMATION REVIEW, Vol. 6.

2024 conference paper
Information Overload and Information Distrust: How Does Information Environment Influence Consumer Well-being During the COVID-19 Pandemic
Han, W., Lee, H., Xu, Y., & Cheng, Y. (2024, January 21).

2024 journal article
Managing contingent relationships with customers: Examining MNCs’ social media crises in Mainland China
Business Horizons.
2024 article
Seeking professional help in health crises: The impact of cognitive factors, discrete emotions, and eHealth information seeking on mental health communication
Lee, Y.- I., Cheng, Y., & Zhao, W. (2024, September 9). JOURNAL OF HEALTH PSYCHOLOGY.
2024 article
To Leave or Stay During the COVID-19 Crisis: Exploring the Impacts of CSR Motives on Employee Distrust and Turnover Intentions
Dong, C., Cheng, Y., Wang, Y., & Sazhina, O. (2024, August 16). JOURNAL OF PUBLIC RELATIONS RESEARCH, Vol. 8.

2024 article
Using a Chatbot to Combat Misinformation: Exploring Gratifications, Chatbot Satisfaction and Engagement, and Relationship Quality
Cheng, Y., Wang, Y., & Lee, J. (2024, April 26). INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HUMAN-COMPUTER INTERACTION, Vol. 4.

2023 chapter book
Dealing with Employees in Crises: Examining Contingent Organization–Public Relationships (COPR) for Internal Communication
2023 journal article
Exploring 360-degree virtual reality videos for CSR communication: An integrated model of perceived control, telepresence, and consumer behavioral intentions
Computers in Human Behavior, 144, 107736.
2023 journal article
Guest editorial: The social, ethical, economic and political implications of misinformation
INTERNET RESEARCH, 33(5), 1665–1669.

2023 journal article
Praxis</i>, hashtag activism, and social justice: a content analysis of #StopAsianHate narratives
Asian Journal of Communication, 3, 1–17.

2023 chapter
Public Relations Theory Development in China
In Public Relations Theory III (pp. 303–320).
2023 journal article
Tracking CSR Communication Research Within the Chinese Context: A Systematic Literature Review
International Journal of Business Communication, 3, 232948842311565.

2023 journal article
When non-CSR-themed social media influencers endorse corporate CSR initiatives: Effects of publics’ perceived influencer characteristics and leadership
Public Relations Review, 49(1), 102288.

2022 journal article
A Digital Communication Twin for Addressing Misinformation: Vision, Challenges, Opportunities
IEEE Internet Computing, 26(2), 36–41.
2022 journal article
AI-powered chatbot communication with customers: Dialogic interactions, satisfaction, engagement, and customer behavior
Computers in Human Behavior, 134, 107329.
2022 chapter
Chatbots and Health: Mental Health
In The International Encyclopedia of Health Communication (pp. 1–6).
2022 journal article
Contingency theory informs relationship management: Exploring the contingent organization-public relationships (COPR) in a crisis of Mainland China
Public Relations Review, 48(2), 102178.

2022 other
Contingent Organization–Public Relationships and their Application in Organizational Crises
2022 journal article
Does Artificial Intelligence Satisfy You? A Meta-Analysis of User Gratification and User Satisfaction with AI-Powered Chatbots
International Journal of Human–Computer Interaction, 9, 1–11.

2022 journal article
Linking CSR Communication to Corporate Reputation: Understanding Hypocrisy, Employees’ Social Media Engagement and CSR-Related Work Engagement
Sustainability, 14(4), 2359.

2022 journal article
Shared Virtual Reality Experiences during the COVID-19 Pandemic: Exploring the Gratifications and Effects of Engagement with Immersive Videos
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19(9), 5056.

2022 chapter
Social Media and Crisis Communication (SMCC) Research in A Global Context
In Y. Jin & L. Austin (Eds.), Social Media and Crisis Communication (pp. 7–19).
Ed(s): Y. Jin & L. Austin
2022 journal article
The Impact of CSR Perceptions on Employees’ Turnover Intention during the COVID-19 Crisis in China
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19(14), 8297.

2022 journal article
The state of social-mediated crisis communication research through the lens of global scholars: An updated assessment
Public Relations Review, 48(2), 102172.

2022 journal article
Toward an employee communication mediation model: Exploring the effects of social media engagement on employee–organization relationships and advocacy
International Journal of Communication, 16, 4164–4186.
2022 chapter
Turning crises into opportunities? Examining the effectiveness of Starbucks’ responses to its Philadelphia crisis
In R. Luttrell, S. Emerick, & A. Wallace (Eds.), Digital Strategies: Data-Driven Public Relations, Marketing, and Advertising (pp. 191–201). Oxford University Press.
Ed(s): R. Luttrell, S. Emerick & A. Wallace
2022 journal article
Virtually Enhancing Public Engagement During the Pandemic: Measuring the Impact of Virtual Reality Powered Immersive Videos on Corporate Social Responsibility Communication
Social Science Computer Review, 7, 089443932211114.

2021 journal article
Customer–brand relationship in the era of artificial intelligence: understanding the role of chatbot marketing efforts
Journal of Product & Brand Management, 31(2), 252–264.

2021 journal article
Decisions to react after mass shootings: exploring negative affect, relational trust, and public behavioral intentions toward the National Rifle Association
Journal of Applied Communication Research, 50(1), 19–36.

2021 journal article
Examining organization‐public relationships in crises: A thematic meta‐analysis of updated literature from 1997 to 2019
Journal of Contingencies and Crisis Management, 30(2), 148–160.

2021 book review
Maxwell McCombs and Sebastian Valenzuela, Setting the Agenda: Mass Media and Public Opinion (3rd ed.), Cambridge, UK: Polity, 2021, 248 pp., $24.95 (paperback)
[Review of Setting the Agenda: Mass Media and Public Opinion, by M. McCombs & S. Valenzuela]. International Journal of Communication, 15, 10.
2021 journal article
Media coverage and public perceptions of the THAAD event in China, the United States, and South Korea: a cross-national network agenda-setting study
Chinese Journal of Communication, 14(4), 386–408.
2021 journal article
Social Media Influencer Effects on CSR Communication: The Role of Influencer Leadership in Opinion and Taste
International Journal of Business Communication, 7, 232948842110351.
2021 journal article
Social Media Influencers in CSR Endorsement: The Effect of Consumer Mimicry on CSR Behaviors and Consumer Relationships
Social Science Computer Review, 39(4), 089443932098718.

2021 journal article
Soft power with Chinese characteristics: China campaign for hearts and minds
Chinese Journal of Communication, 14(4), 472–474.

2021 book review
Stephen D. Reese, The Crisis of the Institutional Press, Cambridge, UK: Polity, 2021, 208 pp., $22.95 (paperback).
[Review of The Crisis of the Institutional Press, by S. D. Reese]. International Journal of Communication, 15, 1715–1717.
2021 chapter
The Influence of Presumed Fake News Influence: Examining Public Support for Corporate Corrective Response, Media Literacy Interventions, and Governmental Regulation
In What IS News? (pp. 103–127).

2021 journal article
The Moderating Effects of Perceived Severity on the Generational Gap in Preventive Behaviors during the COVID-19 Pandemic in the U.S.
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18(4), 2011.

2021 journal article
The NRA in Crisis: Social Identities and Publics’ Cognitive and Affective Evaluations
International Journal of Business Communication, 59(4), 653–662.

2021 journal article
The Presumed Influence of COVID-19 Misinformation on Social Media: Survey Research from Two Countries in the Global Health Crisis
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18(11), 5505.

2021 journal article
Toward a contingency theory of relating management: Exploring organization-public relationships (OPRs) in conflicts
Negotiation and Conflict Management Research, 15(1), 32–51.
2021 journal article
When public relations meets social media: A systematic review of social media related public relations research from 2006 to 2020
Public Relations Review, 47(4), 102081.

2020 journal article
AI‐Powered mental health chatbots: Examining users’ motivations, active communicative action and engagement after mass‐shooting disasters
Journal of Contingencies and Crisis Management, 28(3), 339–354.

2020 chapter
Agenda Setting
In The SAGE International Encyclopedia of Mass Media and Society.
2020 journal article
Contingent organization-public relationship (COPR) matters: reconciling the contingency theory of accommodation into the relationship management paradigm
Journal of Public Relations Research, 32(3-4), 140–154.

2020 journal article
Encountering misinformation online: antecedents of trust and distrust and their impact on the intensity of Facebook use
Online Information Review, 45(2), 372–388.
2020 journal article
How Do AI-driven Chatbots Impact User Experience? Examining Gratifications, Perceived Privacy Risk, Satisfaction, Loyalty, and Continued Use
Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media, 64(4), 592–614.
2020 chapter
Public Relations, Social Media, and Public Opinion in China
In J. Hong (Ed.), China in the Era of Social Media: An Unprecedented Force for An Unprecedented Social Change (pp. 171–186). Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield.
Ed(s): J. Hong
2020 journal article
Scale development for stakeholder responses in crises: Centering on stakeholders in the United Airlines crisis
Public Relations Journal, 13(2), 1–17.
2020 journal article
The Influence of Presumed Fake News Influence: Examining Public Support for Corporate Corrective Response, Media Literacy Interventions, and Governmental Regulation
Mass Communication and Society, 23(5), 705–729.

2020 journal article
The presumed influence of digital misinformation: examining US public’s support for governmental restrictions versus corrective action in the COVID-19 pandemic
Online Information Review, 45(4), 834–852.
2020 journal article
United Airlines crisis from the stakeholder perspective: Exploring customers’ ethical judgment, trust and distrust, and behavioral intentions
Public Relations Review, 46(2), 101908.

2019 journal article
Consumer response to fake news about brands on social media: the effects of self-efficacy, media trust, and persuasion knowledge on brand trust
Journal of Product & Brand Management, 29(2), 188–198.
2019 journal article
Corporate dialogue in crises of China: Examining dialogic strategies and communicative outcomes in a child abuse scandal
Public Relations Review, 46(1), 101816.

2019 journal article
Engaging International Publics via Mobile-Enhanced CSR (mCSR): A Cross-National Study on Stakeholder Reactions to Corporate Disaster Relief Efforts
American Behavioral Scientist, 63(12), 1603–1623.

2019 journal article
Examining six modes of relationships in a social-mediated crisis in China: an exploratory study of contingent organization–public relationships (COPR)
Journal of Applied Communication Research, 47(6), 689–705.

2019 journal article
Online crisis communication in a post-truth Chinese society: Evidence from interdisciplinary literature
Public Relations Review, 45(4), 101826.

2019 book review
Review of "Advertising and consumer culture in China," by H.M. Li
[Review of Advertising and consumer culture in China, by H. M. Li]. International Journal of Communication, 13, 459–461.
2019 journal article
The social-mediated crisis communication research: Revisiting dialogue between organizations and publics in crises of China
Public Relations Review, 46(1), 101769.

2019 journal article
When CSR meets mobile SNA users in mainland China: An examination of gratifications sought, CSR motives, and relational outcomes in natural disasters
International Journal of Communication, 13, 319–341.
2018 journal article
Mobile Corporate Social Responsibility (mCSR): Examining Publics’ Responses to CSR-Based Initiatives in Natural Disasters
International Journal of Strategic Communication, 13(1), 76–93.

2018 chapter book
Online Social Media and Crisis Communication in China: A Review and Critique
2018 journal article
The third-level agenda setting: Media and public agenda networks during THAAD events
Chinese Journal of Journalism & Communication, 9, 123–141.
2017 journal article
Global questioners: examining journalists’ aggressiveness at Chinese premiers’ press conferences (1993–2015)
Asian Journal of Communication, 27(4), 357–377.
2017 journal article
Looking back, moving forward: A review and reflection of the organization-public relationship (OPR) research
Public Relations Review, 44(1), 120–130.
2017 chapter
Looking over, looking out, and moving forward: The review of contingency theory in public relations
In X. Chen (Ed.), Public Relations Theories for contemporary China. Beijing Shi: Communication University of China Publishing House.
Ed(s): X. Chen
2017 chapter
The status of social-mediated crisis communication (SMCC) research: An analysis of published articles in 2002-2014
In L. Austin & Y. Jin (Eds.), Social Media and Crisis Communication (pp. 9–20).
Ed(s): L. Austin & Y. Jin
2016 journal article
Activism in China: Power and Confrontation Strategies in a Chinese Village
China Media Research, 12(2), 90–104.
2016 chapter
Crisis Communication Research in the Chinese Mainland
In A. Schwarz, M. Seeger, & C. Auer (Eds.), The Handbook of International Crisis Communication Research (pp. 269–282).
Ed(s): A. Schwarz, M. Seeger & C. Auer
2016 journal article
How Social Media Is Changing Crisis Communication Strategies: Evidence from the Updated Literature
Journal of Contingencies and Crisis Management, 26(1), 58–68.
2016 journal article
Public relations, media coverage, and public opinion in contemporary China: Testing agenda building theory in a social mediated crisis
Telematics and Informatics, 34(3), 765–773.
2016 journal article
Social media keep buzzing! A test of contingency theory in China’s Red Cross credibility crisis
International Journal of Communication, 10, 1–20.
2016 journal article
The third-level agenda-setting study: an examination of media, implicit, and explicit public agendas in China
Asian Journal of Communication, 26(4), 319–332.

2016 journal article
Who is leading whom in the General Motors recall: Understanding media impacts on public relations efforts, public awareness, and financial markets
Research Journal of the Institute for Public Relations, 3(1), 1–25.
2015 journal article
Crisis communication in context: Cultural and political influences underpinning Chinese public relations practice
Public Relations Review, 42(1), 201–213.
2015 journal article
The rapport management of sellers: Exploring the seller-buyer relationship in small and medium-sized enterprises of China
China Media Research, 11(3), 73–86.
2015 journal article
The third level of agenda setting in contemporary China: Tracking descriptions of moral and national education in media coverage and people’s minds
International Journal of Communication, 9, 1090–1107.
2014 journal article
Social network service use on mobile devices: An examination of gratifications, civic attitudes and civic engagement in China
New Media & Society, 17(7), 1096–1116.
2013 chapter
China, Hong Kong, and Taiwan, Practice of Public Relations in
In R. Heath (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Public Relations (pp. 111–115).
Ed(s): R. Heath
2013 journal article
The media effects on the acculturation of mainland Chinese students in Hong Kong
Journal of Radio & Television Studies, 36, 91–114.
2009 journal article
The current status and development countermeasure of the venture capital investment of Chinese companies
Modern Economics, 8(7), 2830.
Updated: September 13th, 2018 08:54
2017 - present
Updated: September 13th, 2018 08:53