Works (5)
2017 conference paper
A multi-loop controller for LCL-filtered grid-connected converters integrated with a hybrid harmonic compensation and a novel virtual impedance
Conference Proceedings - IEEE Applied Power Electronics Conference and Exposition - APEC, 2658–2663.
Contributors: M. Mobarrez n & S. Bhattacharya n n,

2016 conference paper
Design consideration of volt-VAR controllers in distribution systems with multiple PV inverters
ECCE 2016 - IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition, Proceedings.
Contributors: M. Kashani n, n & S. Bhattacharya n

2016 conference paper
Seamless black start and reconnection of LCL-filtered solid state transformer based on droop control
2016 ieee energy conversion congress and exposition (ecce).
Contributors: Y. Han *, R. Beddingfield n , J. Ha * & S. Bhattacharya n n,

2016 conference paper
Synchronous frame full-order observer design for three-phase buck-type PWM rectifier
IECON Proceedings (Industrial Electronics Conference), 3618–3622.
Contributors: Y. Han *, S. Madhusoodhanan n, J. Ha * & S. Bhattacharya n n,

2013 conference paper
Comparative evaluation of SiC devices for PWM buck rectifier based active front end converter for MV grid interface
2013 IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition, ECCE 2013, 3034–3041.
Contributors: S. Madhusoodhanan n, n, A. Kadavelugu n, S. Bhattacharya n , D. Grider*, S. Ryu *, A. Agarwal *, S. Leslie