@article{zhu_gerard_xia_stevenson_cao_fan_spadaccini_jing_assouar_2021, title={Systematic Design and Experimental Demonstration of Transmission-Type Multiplexed Acoustic Metaholograms}, volume={31}, ISSN={["1616-3028"]}, url={http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/adfm.202101947}, DOI={10.1002/adfm.202101947}, abstractNote={AbstractAcoustic holograms have promising applications in sound‐field reconstruction, particle manipulation, ultrasonic haptics, and therapy. This study reports on the theoretical, numerical, and experimental investigation of multiplexed acoustic holograms at both audio and ultrasonic frequencies via a rationally designed transmission‐type acoustic metamaterial. The proposed metahologram is composed of two Fabry–Pérot resonant channels per unit cell, which enables the simultaneous modulation of the transmitted amplitude and phase at two desired frequencies. In contrast to conventional acoustic metamaterial‐based holograms, the design strategy proposed here provides a new degree of freedom (frequency) that can actively tailor holograms that are otherwise completely passive and significantly enhances the information encoded in acoustic metamaterials. To demonstrate the multiplexed acoustic metamaterial, the projection of two different high‐quality metaholograms is first shown at 14 and 17 kHz, with the patterns of the letters N and S. Then, two‐channel ultrasound focusing and annular beams generation for the incident ultrasonic frequencies of 35 and 42.5 kHz are demonstrated. These multiplexed acoustic metaholograms offer a technical advance to tackle the rising challenges in the fields of acoustic metamaterials, architectural acoustics, and medical ultrasound.}, number={27}, journal={ADVANCED FUNCTIONAL MATERIALS}, publisher={Wiley}, author={Zhu, Yifan and Gerard, Nikhil J. R. K. and Xia, Xiaoxing and Stevenson, Grant C. and Cao, Liyun and Fan, Shiwang and Spadaccini, Christopher M. and Jing, Yun and Assouar, Badreddine}, year={2021}, month={Jul} } @article{gerard_oudich_xu_yao_cui_naify_ikei_rohde_zheng_jing_2021, title={Three-Dimensional Trampolinelike Behavior in an Ultralight Elastic Metamaterial}, volume={16}, ISSN={["2331-7019"]}, url={https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevApplied.16.024015}, DOI={10.1103/PhysRevApplied.16.024015}, abstractNote={Elastic metamaterials possess band gaps, or frequency ranges that are forbidden to wave propagation. Existing solutions for impeding three-dimensional (3D) wave propagation largely rest on high-volume fractions of mass inclusions that induce and tailor negative effective density-based local resonances. This study introduces a class of elastic metamaterials that achieve low-frequency band gaps with a volume fraction as low as 3% (mass density as low as $0.034\phantom{\rule{0.1em}{0ex}}\mathrm{g}/{\mathrm{cm}}^{3}$). The working of the proposed design hinges on a 3D trampolinelike mode behavior that gives rise to wide, omnidirectional, and low-frequency band gaps for elastic waves despite very low-mass densities. Such a 3D trampoline effect is derived from a network of overhanging nodal microarchitectures that act as locally resonating elements, which give rise to band gaps at low frequencies. The dynamic effective properties of the metamaterial are numerically examined, which reveal that the band gap associated with the trampoline effect is resulted from a negative effective modulus coupled with a near-zero yet positive effective density. The experimental characterization is then made possible by fabricating the metamaterial via a light-based printing system that is capable of realizing microarchitectures with overhanging microfeatures. This design strategy could be useful to applications where simultaneous light weight and vibration control is desired.}, number={2}, journal={PHYSICAL REVIEW APPLIED}, author={Gerard, Nikhil Jrk and Oudich, Mourad and Xu, Zhenpeng and Yao, Desheng and Cui, Huachen and Naify, Christina J. and Ikei, Alec and Rohde, Charles A. and Zheng, Xiaoyu and Jing, Yun}, year={2021}, month={Aug} } @article{li_gu_vu_sankin_zhong_yao_jing_2021, title={Time-Resolved Passive Cavitation Mapping Using the Transient Angular Spectrum Approach}, volume={68}, ISSN={["1525-8955"]}, DOI={10.1109/TUFFC.2021.3062357}, abstractNote={Passive cavitation mapping (PCM), which generates images using bubble acoustic emission signals, has been increasingly used for monitoring and guiding focused ultrasound surgery (FUS). PCM can be used as an adjunct to magnetic resonance imaging to provide crucial information on the safety and efficacy of FUS. The most widely used algorithm for PCM is delay-and-sum (DAS). One of the major limitations of DAS is its suboptimal computational efficiency. Although frequency-domain DAS can partially resolve this issue, such an algorithm is not suitable for imaging the evolution of bubble activity in real time and for cases in which cavitation events occur asynchronously. This study investigates a transient angular spectrum (AS) approach for PCM. The working principle of this approach is to backpropagate the received signal to the domain of interest and reconstruct the spatial–temporal wavefield encoded with the bubble location and collapse time. The transient AS approach is validated using an in silico model and water bath experiments. It is found that the transient AS approach yields similar results to DAS, but it is one order of magnitude faster. The results obtained by this study suggest that the transient AS approach is promising for fast and accurate PCM.}, number={7}, journal={IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ULTRASONICS FERROELECTRICS AND FREQUENCY CONTROL}, author={Li, Mucong and Gu, Juanjuan and Vu, Tri and Sankin, Georgy and Zhong, Pei and Yao, Junjie and Jing, Yun}, year={2021}, month={Jul}, pages={2361–2369} } @article{xu_hensleigh_gerard_cui_oudich_chen_jing_zheng_2021, title={Vat photopolymerization of fly-like, complex micro-architectures with dissolvable supports}, volume={47}, ISSN={["2214-7810"]}, DOI={10.1016/j.addma.2021.102321}, abstractNote={Recent advances in additive manufacturing of complex geometries enabled the creation of mechanical metamaterials whose exotic properties are based on local control of complex cell geometries. Overhanging and free-hanging features that lack continuous support layers in the previous build volume cannot be directly manufactured, imposing a major design limitation. The resulting metamaterials are limited to single homogenous structural materials, and inherently self-supporting geometries, resulting in constraints of achievable architectures. Realizing arbitrary features is compelling but is inherently limited by process and material support constraints. Here we present a novel light-based additive manufacturing approach capable of printing arbitrary micro-architectures comprising a large array of internally suspended features, large span overhang, and high aspect ratio struts. This method eliminates the need for manual removal of internal supports and enables a suite of multi-functional metamaterials with a range of designed properties, including wide bandgaps for elastic waves at low frequency, switchable wave transmissions, and products requiring no post support removal. We describe the synthesis and rapid printing of a variety of metamaterials comprising an extensive array of suspended features and demonstrate their metamaterial behaviors. The proposed approach removes scale and unit cell limitations and is capable of achieving embedded features across multiple materials.}, journal={ADDITIVE MANUFACTURING}, author={Xu, Zhenpeng and Hensleigh, Ryan and Gerard, Nikhil J. R. K. and Cui, Huachen and Oudich, Mourad and Chen, Wentao and Jing, Yun and Zheng, Xiaoyu}, year={2021}, month={Nov} } @article{gu_jing_2021, title={mSOUND: An Open Source Toolbox for Modeling Acoustic Wave Propagation in Heterogeneous Media}, volume={68}, ISSN={["1525-8955"]}, DOI={10.1109/TUFFC.2021.3051729}, abstractNote={mSOUND is an open-source toolbox written in MATLAB. This toolbox is intended for modeling linear/ nonlinear acoustic wave propagation in media (primarily biological tissues) with arbitrary heterogeneities, in which, the speed of sound, density, attenuation coefficient, power-law exponent, and nonlinear coefficient are all spatially varying functions. The computational model is an iterative one-way model based on a mixed domain method. In this article, a general guideline is given along with three representative examples to illustrate how to set up simulations using mSOUND. The first example uses the transient mixed-domain method (TMDM) forward projection to compute the transient acoustic field for a given source defined on a plane. The second example uses the frequency-specific mixed-domain method (FSMDM) forward projection to rapidly obtain the pressure distribution directly at the frequencies of interest, assuming linear or weakly nonlinear wave propagation. The third example demonstrates how to use TMDM backward projection to reconstruct the initial acoustic pressure field to facilitate photoacoustic tomography (PAT). mSOUND (https://m-sound.github.io/mSOUND/home) is designed to be complementary to existing ultrasound modeling toolboxes and is expected to be useful for a wide range of applications in medical ultrasound including treatment planning, PAT, transducer design, and characterization.}, number={5}, journal={IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ULTRASONICS FERROELECTRICS AND FREQUENCY CONTROL}, author={Gu, Juanjuan and Jing, Yun}, year={2021}, month={May}, pages={1476–1486} } @article{gu_jing_2021, title={mSOUND: An Open Source Toolbox for Modeling Acoustic Wave Propagation in Heterogeneous Media (vol 68, pg 1476, 2021)}, volume={68}, ISSN={["1525-8955"]}, DOI={10.1109/TUFFC.2021.3091311}, abstractNote={In the above article [1], the authors regret that there were some mistakes pertaining to (1)(3) and (5).}, number={10}, journal={IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ULTRASONICS FERROELECTRICS AND FREQUENCY CONTROL}, author={Gu, Juanjuan and Jing, Yun}, year={2021}, month={Oct}, pages={3257–3257} } @article{gu_jing_2020, title={A modified mixed domain method for modeling acoustic wave propagation in strongly heterogeneous media}, volume={147}, ISSN={["1520-8524"]}, DOI={10.1121/10.0001454}, abstractNote={In this paper, phase correction and amplitude compensation are introduced to a previously developed mixed domain method (MDM), which is only accurate for modeling wave propagation in weakly heterogeneous media. Multiple reflections are also incorporated with the one-way model to improve the accuracy. The resulting model is denoted as the modified mixed domain method (MMDM) and is numerically evaluated for its accuracy and efficiency using four distinct cases. It is found that the MMDM is significantly more accurate than the MDM for strongly heterogeneous media, especially when the phase aberrating layer is approximately perpendicular to the acoustic beam. Additionally, a convergence study suggests that the second-order reflection could be sufficient for cases involving high contrast inhomogeneities and large loss values (e.g., skulls). The method developed in this work could facilitate therapeutic ultrasound for treating brain-related diseases and disorders.}, number={6}, journal={JOURNAL OF THE ACOUSTICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA}, author={Gu, Juanjuan and Jing, Yun}, year={2020}, month={Jun}, pages={4055–4068} } @article{tian_ge_zhang_xu_lu_jing_chen_2020, title={Acoustic Ghost Imaging in the Time Domain}, volume={13}, ISSN={["2331-7019"]}, DOI={10.1103/PhysRevApplied.13.064044}, abstractNote={Ghost imaging (GI) enables reconstruction of the image of an object by measuring the intensity correlation of two beams, neither of which independently carries the spatial characteristics of the object. By exploiting the space-time duality, GI has been extended from the spatial domain to the time domain, and has been successfully demonstrated in the optical regime. This article reports on the experimental demonstration of acoustic GI in the time domain. Using ultrasound instead of photons, we created high-quality ghost images of a temporal object, even in the presence of strong ambient noise. Our work offers a fresh approach for imaging disturbance-sensitive acoustic signals, and could open the gateway to identifying new approaches in acoustic sensing, dynamic imaging, and communications.}, number={6}, journal={PHYSICAL REVIEW APPLIED}, author={Tian, Yuan and Ge, Hao and Zhang, Xiu-Juan and Xu, Xiang-Yuan and Lu, Ming-Hui and Jing, Yun and Chen, Yan-Feng}, year={2020}, month={Jun} } @article{gerard_jing_2020, title={Loss in acoustic metasurfaces: a blessing in disguise}, volume={10}, ISSN={["2159-6867"]}, url={http://dx.doi.org/10.1557/mrc.2019.148}, DOI={10.1557/mrc.2019.148}, abstractNote={From being an unfavorable consequence to finding itself as the intended imaginary part of a non-Hermitian system, loss has truly emerged as more of a friend than a foe in the context of acoustic metasurfaces. With the promising features of sub-wavelength geometries and the rapid advances in manufacturing techniques that can enable their realization, loss becomes a central topic of discussion. Further, the capability of introducing and tailoring loss allows it to serve as a new degree of freedom in passive wavefront shaping devices. In this review, the authors look back at the recent progress in the field of lossy acoustic metasurfaces. The background behind loss in deep sub-wavelength geometries and the instinctive responses to treat them and exploit them are overviewed, followed by more recent works that embrace and tailor their behavior for unconventional applications. The forthcoming years for acoustic metasurfaces thus hold several promising avenues for exploration, with loss as the protagonist.}, number={1}, journal={MRS COMMUNICATIONS}, author={Gerard, Nikhil J. R. K. and Jing, Yun}, year={2020}, month={Mar}, pages={32–41} } @article{ji_li_li_jing_2020, title={Low-Frequency Broadband Acoustic Metasurface Absorbing Panels}, volume={6}, ISSN={["2297-3079"]}, DOI={10.3389/fmech.2020.586249}, abstractNote={A broadband sound absorption attained by a deep-subwavelength structure is of great interest to the noise control community especially for extremely low frequencies (20–100 Hz) in room acoustics. Coupling multiple different resonant unit cells has been an effective strategy to achieve a broadband sound absorption. In this paper, we report on an analytical, numerical and experimental study of a low-frequency broadband (50–63 Hz, one third octave band), high absorption (average absorption coefficient ≈ 93%), near-omnidirectional (0–75°) acoustic metasurface absorber composed of four coupled unit cells at a thickness of 15.4 cm (1/45 of the wavelength at 50 Hz). To further broaden the bandwidth (50–100 Hz, one octave band), a design with 19 unit cells coupled in a supercell is analytically studied to achieve an average absorption coefficient of 85% for a wide angle range (0–75°) at a thickness of 20 cm (1/34 of wavelength at 50 Hz). Two additional degrees of freedom, the lateral size of supercell and the number of unit cells in the supercell, are demonstrated to facilitate such a causally optimal design which is close to the ideally causal optimality. The proposed design methodology may solve the long-standing issue for low frequency absorption in room acoustics.}, journal={FRONTIERS IN MECHANICAL ENGINEERING-SWITZERLAND}, author={Ji, Jun and Li, Dongting and Li, Yong and Jing, Yun}, year={2020}, month={Nov} } @article{chen_zhang_mao_nama_gu_huang_jing_guo_costanzo_huang_2020, title={Three-dimensional numerical simulation and experimental investigation of boundary-driven streaming in surface acoustic wave microfluidics (vol 18, pg 3645, 2018)}, volume={20}, ISSN={["1473-0189"]}, DOI={10.1039/d0lc90090g}, abstractNote={Correction for ‘Three-dimensional numerical simulation and experimental investigation of boundary-driven streaming in surface acoustic wave microfluidics’ by Chuyi Chen et al., Lab Chip, 2018, 18, 3645–3654, DOI: 10.1039/C8LC00589C.}, number={18}, journal={LAB ON A CHIP}, author={Chen, Chuyi and Zhang, Steven Peiran and Mao, Zhangming and Nama, Nitesh and Gu, Yuyang and Huang, Po-Hsun and Jing, Yun and Guo, Xiasheng and Costanzo, Francesco and Huang, Tony Jun}, year={2020}, month={Sep}, pages={3469–3469} } @article{deng_lu_jing_2019, title={A comparison study between acoustic topological states based on valley Hall and quantum spin Hall effects}, volume={146}, ISSN={["1520-8524"]}, DOI={10.1121/1.5115017}, abstractNote={Over the past few years, the rapid development in the fields of condensed matter physics, electronic, and photonic systems have inspired the design and experimental demonstration of various acoustic topological insulators (TIs). Among these, the topologically protected one-way propagation is a phenomenon that is gaining increased attention. Pseudospin states, which is the analogue of the quantum spin Hall effect from electronic systems, has been proven to enable topological edge states in acoustics. Similarly, the valley Hall (VH) effect is also observed in acoustic systems and provides a pair of valley vortex states with opposite chirality. These valley vortex states can similarly form topologically protected edge states and, in turn, realize robust one-way propagation. However, the differences in the physics behind these acoustic systems give rise to distinct features such as different angle selections and immunization levels to various types of defects. This article conducts a comparison study between topological states in valley Hall phononic crystals and TIs that reveals the differences and similarities in several aspects. Both of them have topologically protected edge states and thus the robust one-way propagation. For the maximum transmission incident angle and defect immunization, however, VH topological waveguides and TI waveguides show different characteristics.}, number={1}, journal={JOURNAL OF THE ACOUSTICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA}, author={Deng, Yuanchen and Lu, Minghui and Jing, Yun}, year={2019}, month={Jul}, pages={721–728} } @article{cao_wu_zhang_ke_cheng_cui_jing_2019, title={Asymmetric transmission of acoustic waves in a waveguide via gradient index metamaterials}, volume={64}, ISSN={["2095-9281"]}, DOI={10.1016/j.scib.2019.01.002}, abstractNote={We demonstrate that asymmetric acoustic wave transmission in a waveguide can be achieved via gradient index metamaterials (GIMs). We theoretically prove that the acoustic wave can be efficiently converted to surface waves (SWs) via GIMs. The GIMs in a waveguide can allow the transmission of acoustic waves in one direction but block them in the other direction. This theory is validated by experiments. Our findings may provide new applications in various scenarios such as high-efficiency acoustic couplers and noise control.}, number={12}, journal={SCIENCE BULLETIN}, author={Cao, Wen-Kang and Wu, Li-Ting and Zhang, Cheng and Ke, Jun-Chen and Cheng, Qiang and Cui, Tie-Jun and Jing, Yun}, year={2019}, month={Jun}, pages={808–813} } @article{suo_govind_gu_dayton_jing_2019, title={Dynamic assessment of dual-frequency microbubble-mediated sonothrombolysis in vitro}, volume={125}, ISSN={["1089-7550"]}, DOI={10.1063/1.5083908}, abstractNote={Optimizing the use of high intensity focused ultrasound (HIFU) for recanalization of occluded blood vessels is an actively researched area. This yields an alternative therapy to the use of thrombolytic drugs in the treatment of ischemic stroke. HIFU treatment, used in conjunction with microbubbles (MBs) in the fluid stream, serves to augment the dissipation of the blood clot. In this study, using an in vitro approach, we implement a flow system to simulate the dynamic dispersion of blood clots using single-frequency focused ultrasound (SFFU) and dual-frequency focused ultrasound (DFFU). The effects of permutations of acoustic power and driving frequency (SFFU vs. DFFU) on the rate of disintegration and site-specific lytic action are quantified under the influence of fluid akin to that in a blood vessel, for specific microbubble concentrations. It is found that dual-frequency excitation in general produces a faster rate of clot dissipation in comparison to single-frequency excitation, and this observation is corroborated by cavitation signal detection. Our observations indicate that accelerated thrombolysis may be realized by the inertial cavitation threshold of DFFU being lower than that of SFFU. Furthermore, the thrombolytic effect with variance in microbubble concentration is studied for a fixed acoustic power. The efficacy of DFFU is not found to vary appreciably with an increase in microbubble concentration from 108 MBs/ml to 109 MBs/ml, possibly due to acoustic shadowing induced at increased concentrations.}, number={8}, journal={JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS}, author={Suo, Dingjie and Govind, Bala and Gu, Juanjuan and Dayton, Paul A. and Jing, Yun}, year={2019}, month={Feb} } @article{wang_fang_mao_jing_li_2019, title={Extremely Asymmetrical Acoustic Metasurface Mirror at the Exceptional Point}, volume={123}, ISSN={["1079-7114"]}, DOI={10.1103/PhysRevLett.123.214302}, abstractNote={Previous research has attempted to minimize the influence of loss in reflection- and transmission-type acoustic metasurfaces. This Letter shows that, by treating the acoustic metasurface as a non-Hermitian system and by harnessing loss, unconventional wave behaviors that do not exist in lossless metasurfaces can be uncovered. Specifically, we theoretically and experimentally demonstrate a non-Hermitian acoustic metasurface mirror featuring extremely asymmetrical reflection at the exception point. As an example, the metasurface mirror is designed to have high-efficiency retroreflection when the wave comes from one side and near-perfect absorption when the wave comes from the opposite side. This work marries conventional gradient index metasurfaces with the exceptional point from non-Hermitian systems, and it paves the way for identifying new mechanisms and functionalities for wave manipulation.}, number={21}, journal={PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS}, author={Wang, Xu and Fang, Xinsheng and Mao, Dongxing and Jing, Yun and Li, Yong}, year={2019}, month={Nov} } @article{gerard_cui_shen_xie_cummer_zheng_jing_2019, title={Fabrication and experimental demonstration of a hybrid resonant acoustic gradient index metasurface at 40 kHz}, volume={114}, ISSN={["1077-3118"]}, url={http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.5095963}, DOI={10.1063/1.5095963}, abstractNote={Over the past few years, acoustic gradient index metasurfaces (GIMs) have been actively studied for the numerous wave control capabilities that they facilitate. Previous research, however, has primarily focused on GIMs that operate in the audible frequency range, due to the difficulties in fabricating such intricate structures at the millimeter and submillimeter scales, for ultrasonic applications. In this work, we design, fabricate, and experimentally demonstrate the working of a hybrid resonant acoustic gradient index metasurface for airborne ultrasound at 40 kHz. The fabrication of such a GIM is made possible by projection microstereolithography, an emerging additive manufacturing technique. Numerical simulations were conducted to verify the metasurface design, and experiments were performed to corroborate these simulations. The stronger dissipation associated with airborne ultrasound is highlighted in this paper. The experimental demonstration of such a metasurface for airborne ultrasound could further its prospects as a candidate for miniaturized acoustic devices.}, number={23}, journal={APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS}, author={Gerard, Nikhil J. R. K. and Cui, Huachen and Shen, Chen and Xie, Yangbo and Cummer, Steven and Zheng, Xiaoyu and Jing, Yun}, year={2019}, month={Jun} } @article{wang_liu_yu_yan_lu_jing_chen_2019, title={Guiding robust valley-dependent edge states by surface acoustic waves}, volume={125}, ISSN={["1089-7550"]}, DOI={10.1063/1.5066034}, abstractNote={Recently, the concept of valley pseudospin, labeling quantum states of energy extrema in momentum space, has attracted enormous attention because of its potential as a new type of information carrier. Here, we present surface acoustic wave (SAW) waveguides which utilize and transport valley pseudospins in two-dimensional SAW phononic crystals. In addition to a direct visualization of the valley-dependent modes excited from the corresponding chiral sources, the backscattering suppression of SAW valley-dependent edge modes transport is observed in sharply curved interfaces. By means of band structure engineering, elastic wave energy in the SAW waveguides can be transported with remarkable robustness, which is very promising for new generations of integrated solid-state phononic circuits with great versatility.}, number={4}, journal={JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS}, author={Wang, Zhen and Liu, Fu-Kang and Yu, Si-Yuan and Yan, Shi-Ling and Lu, Ming-Hui and Jing, Yun and Chen, Yan-Feng}, year={2019}, month={Jan} } @article{zhang_su_liu_zhao_jing_hu_2019, title={Metasurface constituted by thin composite beams to steer flexural waves in thin plates}, volume={162}, ISSN={["1879-2146"]}, DOI={10.1016/j.ijsolstr.2018.11.025}, abstractNote={We report a novel approach to control flexural waves in thin plates using metasurfaces constituted of an array of parallel arranged composite beams with their neutral planes the same as that of the host plate. The composite beams are composed of two connecting parts made of different materials, and have a thickness identical to that of the host plate. To steer flexural waves in thin plates, a rectangular zone is subtracted from the thin plate and is then filled with the designed metasurface. The time delay of flexural waves in each composite beam of the metasurface is tuned through the varying length of the two connecting components, while keeping the total length fixed. To quantitatively evaluate the time delay in each composite beam, a theoretical model for analyzing the phase of the transmitted flexural waves is developed based on both Mindlin plate theory and Timoshenko beam theory. To control the flexural waves at will, each composite beam in the metasurface is delicately designed according to the proposed theoretical model. For illustrative purposes, the refracted and focusing metasurfaces are designed and numerically validated.}, journal={INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SOLIDS AND STRUCTURES}, author={Zhang, Jun and Su, Xiaoshi and Liu, Yaolu and Zhao, Youxuan and Jing, Yun and Hu, Ning}, year={2019}, month={May}, pages={14–20} } @article{wu_oudich_cao_jiang_zhang_ke_yang_deng_cheng_cui_et al._2019, title={Routing Acoustic Waves via a Metamaterial with Extreme Anisotropy}, volume={12}, ISSN={["2331-7019"]}, DOI={10.1103/PhysRevApplied.12.044011}, abstractNote={Routing acoustic waves without backscattering losses is presently of great interest. Unlike both conventional approaches using defects in sonic crystals and emerging approaches based on topological edge states, this study proposes a radically different theoretical framework that utilizes extremely anisotropic media to engineer backscattering-immune waveguides. The exact condition for one-way wave propagation along zigzag paths is derived. The proposal is experimentally validated using spoof surface acoustic waves, and the results could have implications for on-chip wave manipulation, as well as noise control.}, number={4}, journal={PHYSICAL REVIEW APPLIED}, author={Wu, Liting and Oudich, Mourad and Cao, Wenkang and Jiang, Haolin and Zhang, Cheng and Ke, Junchen and Yang, Jin and Deng, Yuanchen and Cheng, Qiang and Cui, Tiejun and et al.}, year={2019}, month={Oct} } @article{gu_jing_2019, title={Simulation of the Second-Harmonic Ultrasound Field in Heterogeneous Soft Tissue Using a Mixed-Domain Method}, volume={66}, ISSN={["1525-8955"]}, DOI={10.1109/TUFFC.2019.2892753}, abstractNote={A mixed-domain method (MDM) dubbed frequency-specific MDM (FSMDM) is introduced for the simulation of the second-harmonic ultrasound field in weakly heterogeneous media. The governing equation for the second harmonics is derived based on the quasi-linear theory. The speed of sound, nonlinear coefficient, and attenuation coefficient are all spatially varying functions in the equation. The fundamental frequency pressure field is first solved by the FSMDM and it is subsequently used as the source term for the second-harmonics equation. This equation can be again solved by the FSMDM to rapidly obtain the second-harmonic pressure field. Five 2-D cases, including one with a realistic human tissue map, are studied to systematically verify the proposed method. Results from the previously developed transient MDM are used as the benchmark solutions. Comparisons show that the two methods give similar results for all cases. More importantly, the FSMDM has a crucial advantage over the transient MDM in that it can be two orders of magnitude faster.}, number={4}, journal={IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ULTRASONICS FERROELECTRICS AND FREQUENCY CONTROL}, author={Gu, Juanjuan and Jing, Yun}, year={2019}, month={Apr}, pages={669–675} } @article{shen_xie_li_cummer_jing_2018, title={Acoustic metacages for sound shielding with steady air flow}, volume={123}, ISSN={["1089-7550"]}, DOI={10.1063/1.5009441}, abstractNote={Conventional sound shielding structures typically prevent fluid transport between the exterior and interior. A design of a two-dimensional acoustic metacage with subwavelength thickness which can shield acoustic waves from all directions while allowing steady fluid flow is presented in this paper. The structure is designed based on acoustic gradient-index metasurfaces composed of open channels and shunted Helmholtz resonators. In-plane sound at an arbitrary angle of incidence is reflected due to the strong parallel momentum on the metacage surface, which leads to low sound transmission through the metacage. The performance of the proposed metacage is verified by numerical simulations and measurements on a three-dimensional printed prototype. The acoustic metacage has potential applications in sound insulation where steady fluid flow is necessary or advantageous.}, number={12}, journal={JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS}, author={Shen, Chen and Xie, Yangbo and Li, Junfei and Cummer, Steven A. and Jing, Yun}, year={2018}, month={Mar} } @misc{assouar_liang_wu_li_cheng_jing_2018, title={Acoustic metasurfaces}, volume={3}, ISSN={["2058-8437"]}, DOI={10.1038/s41578-018-0061-4}, abstractNote={Acoustic metasurfaces derive their characteristics from the interaction between acoustic waves and specifically designed materials. The field is driven by the desire to control acoustic wave propagation using compact devices and is governed by fundamental and physical principles that provide the design rules and the functionality of a wave. Acoustic metasurfaces have added value and unusual functionalities compared with their predecessor in materials science, namely, acoustic metamaterials. These rationally designed 2D materials of subwavelength thickness provide a new route for sound wave manipulation. In this Review, we delineate the fundamental physics of metasurfaces, describe their different concepts and design strategies, and discuss their functionalities for controllable reflection, transmission and extraordinary absorption. In particular, we outline the main designs of acoustic metasurfaces, including those based on coiling-up space, Helmholtz-resonator-like and membrane-type structures, and discuss their applications, such as beam focusing, asymmetrical transmission and self-bending beams. We conclude with an outlook of the future directions in this emerging field. Sound waves can be manipulated using structurally designed 2D materials of subwavelength thickness. This emerging field, namely, acoustic metasurfaces, is driven by the desire to control acoustic wave propagation using compact devices.}, number={12}, journal={NATURE REVIEWS MATERIALS}, author={Assouar, Badreddine and Liang, Bin and Wu, Ying and Li, Yong and Cheng, Jian-Chun and Jing, Yun}, year={2018}, month={Dec}, pages={460–472} } @article{song_cheng_cui_jing_2018, title={Acoustic planar surface retroreflector}, volume={2}, ISSN={["2475-9953"]}, DOI={10.1103/physrevmaterials.2.065201}, abstractNote={This article reports on the design, numerical simulation, fabrication, and experimental test of an acoustic planar retroreflector capable of effectively reflecting sound along its incident direction for a wide operating angle range (${0}^{\ensuremath{\circ}}\ensuremath{-}{70}^{\ensuremath{\circ}}$). The proposed acoustic planar retroreflector is a compound of two cascaded metasurfaces: a transmissive surface that converges the incident beam onto a second planar surface placed behind it, which serves as a reflective surface that bounces the beam back along the incident direction. Both the simulated and measured results provide evidence of the sound retroreflection effect. The structure proposed here provides a possible strategy for improving medical ultrasound, underwater communication, and illusion device design.}, number={6}, journal={PHYSICAL REVIEW MATERIALS}, author={Song, Gang Yong and Cheng, Qiang and Cui, Tie Jun and Jing, Yun}, year={2018}, month={Jun} } @article{peng_ji_jing_2018, title={Composite honeycomb metasurface panel for broadband sound absorption}, volume={144}, ISSN={["1520-8524"]}, DOI={10.1121/1.5055847}, abstractNote={Composite honeycomb sandwich panels have been adopted in a wide range of applications owing to their excellent mechanical properties. This paper demonstrates a design of a composite honeycomb metasurface panel that can achieve 90% sound absorption from 600 to 1000 Hz with a thickness less than 30 mm. The panel is comprised of periodically and horizontally arranged honeycomb “supercells” which consist of unit cells of different geometric parameters (pore size). Two different analytical models (Helmholtz resonator model and micro-perforated panel model) are used to calculate the sound absorption of the panel, and they are further validated by a numerical model. The relatively broadband sound absorption is found to be attributed to the coupling between unit cells, which is illustrated by both the complex frequency plane theory and the calculated sound intensity field.}, number={4}, journal={JOURNAL OF THE ACOUSTICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA}, author={Peng, Xiuyuan and Ji, Jun and Jing, Yun}, year={2018}, month={Oct}, pages={EL255–EL261} } @article{wu_song_cao_cheng_cui_jing_2018, title={Generation of multiband spoof surface acoustic waves via high-order modes}, volume={97}, ISSN={["2469-9969"]}, DOI={10.1103/physrevb.97.214305}, abstractNote={Through theoretical analysis and numerical calculation, it is found that the textured surface of a perfect rigid body whose groove height is sufficiently large can support multiple modes of propagating spoof surface acoustic waves (SSAWs). Dispersion curves and group velocities/refractive index versus height and width of the groove are depicted for infinitely thick perfect rigid body to make a thoroughly inquiry into the multiband transmission of SSAWs. We also give the dispersion relations of samples with finite thickness which are more practical to realize, and the corresponding experimental results are in accordance with simulated results. Theoretical, simulated, and measured acoustic pressure field distributions are given to further illustrate the characteristics of different modes. Our work could have implications for applications such as acoustic filter design and energy harvesting.}, number={21}, journal={PHYSICAL REVIEW B}, author={Wu, Li Ting and Song, Gang Yong and Cao, Wen Kang and Cheng, Qiang and Cui, Tie Jun and Jing, Yun}, year={2018}, month={Jun} } @article{gerard_li_jing_2018, title={Investigation of acoustic metasurfaces with constituent material properties considered}, volume={123}, ISSN={["1089-7550"]}, url={http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.5007863}, DOI={10.1063/1.5007863}, abstractNote={This paper examines the transmission behavior of two acoustic metasurfaces and their constituent structural units while including the various material properties that could affect their functionality. The unit cells and the metasurfaces are modeled numerically, and the impact of the structural interaction and thermoviscosity on sound transmission and phase modulation is studied. Each of these effects is viewed individually in order to better understand their influence. Various cases are presented, and the change in the behavior of the metasurfaces is investigated. The deviations from the ideal desired results are examined and highlighted to show that it is important to incorporate these effects to better predict the behavior of acoustic metasurfaces.}, number={12}, journal={JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS}, author={Gerard, Nikhil J. R. K. and Li, Yong and Jing, Yun}, year={2018}, month={Mar} } @article{gu_jing_2018, title={Numerical Modeling of Ultrasound Propagation in Weakly Heterogeneous Media Using a Mixed-Domain Method}, volume={65}, ISSN={["1525-8955"]}, DOI={10.1109/tuffc.2018.2828316}, abstractNote={A mixed-domain method (MDM) is presented in this paper for modeling one-way linear/nonlinear wave propagation in biological tissue with arbitrary heterogeneities, in which sound speed, density, attenuation coefficients, and nonlinear coefficients are all spatial varying functions. The present method is based on solving an integral equation derived from a Westervelt-like equation. One-dimensional problems are first studied to verify the MDM and to reveal its limitations. It is shown that this method is accurate for cases with small variation of sound speed. A 2-D case is further studied with focused ultrasound beams to validate the application of the method in the medical field. Results from the MATLAB toolbox k-Wave are used as the benchmark. Normalized root-mean-square (rms) error estimated at the focus of the transducer is 0.0133 when the coarsest mesh (1/3 of the wavelength) is used in the MDM. Fundamental and second-harmonic fields throughout the considered computational domains are compared and good agreement is observed. Overall, this paper demonstrates that the MDM is a computationally efficient and accurate method when used to model wave propagation in biological tissue with relatively weak heterogeneities.}, number={7}, journal={IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ULTRASONICS FERROELECTRICS AND FREQUENCY CONTROL}, author={Gu, Juanjuan and Jing, Yun}, year={2018}, month={Jul}, pages={1258–1267} } @article{suo_govind_zhang_jing_2018, title={Numerical investigation of the inertial cavitation threshold under multi-frequency ultrasound}, volume={41}, ISSN={["1873-2828"]}, DOI={10.1016/j.ultsonch.2017.10.004}, abstractNote={Through the introduction of multi-frequency sonication in High Intensity Focused Ultrasound (HIFU), enhancement of efficiency has been noted in several applications including thrombolysis, tissue ablation, sonochemistry, and sonoluminescence. One key experimental observation is that multi-frequency ultrasound can help lower the inertial cavitation threshold, thereby improving the power efficiency. However, this has not been well corroborated by the theory. In this paper, a numerical investigation on the inertial cavitation threshold of microbubbles (MBs) under multi-frequency ultrasound irradiation is conducted. The relationships between the cavitation threshold and MB size at various frequencies and in different media are investigated. The results of single-, dual and triple frequency sonication show reduced inertial cavitation thresholds by introducing additional frequencies which is consistent with previous experimental work. In addition, no significant difference is observed between dual frequency sonication with various frequency differences. This study, not only reaffirms the benefit of using multi-frequency ultrasound for various applications, but also provides a possible route for optimizing ultrasound excitations for initiating inertial cavitation.}, journal={ULTRASONICS SONOCHEMISTRY}, author={Suo, Dingjie and Govind, Bala and Zhang, Shengqi and Jing, Yun}, year={2018}, month={Mar}, pages={419–426} } @article{zhu_fang_li_sun_li_jing_chen_2018, title={Simultaneous Observation of a Topological Edge State and Exceptional Point in an Open and Non-Hermitian Acoustic System}, volume={121}, ISSN={["1079-7114"]}, DOI={10.1103/PhysRevLett.121.124501}, abstractNote={This Letter reports on the experimental observation of a topologically protected edge state and exceptional point in an open and non-Hermitian (lossy) acoustic system. Although the theoretical underpinning is generic to wave physics, the simulations and experiments are performed for an acoustic system. It has nontrivial topological properties that can be characterized by the Chern number provided that a synthetic dimension is introduced. Unidirectional reflectionless propagation, a hallmark of exceptional points, is unambiguously observed in both simulations and experiments.}, number={12}, journal={PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS}, author={Zhu, Weiwei and Fang, Xinsheng and Li, Dongting and Sun, Yong and Li, Yong and Jing, Yun and Chen, Hong}, year={2018}, month={Sep} } @article{chen_zhang_mao_nama_gu_huang_jing_guo_costanzo_huang_2018, title={Three-dimensional numerical simulation and experimental investigation of boundary-driven streaming in surface acoustic wave microfluidics}, volume={18}, ISSN={["1473-0189"]}, DOI={10.1039/c8lc00589c}, abstractNote={We investigated the 3D acoustic streaming activated by the IDT immersed in the oil by experimental investigation and numerical simulation using the “slip velocity method”.}, number={23}, journal={LAB ON A CHIP}, author={Chen, Chuyi and Zhang, Steven Peiran and Mao, Zhangming and Nama, Nitesh and Gu, Yuyang and Huang, Po-Hsun and Jing, Yun and Guo, Xiasheng and Costanzo, Francesco and Huang, Tony Jun}, year={2018}, month={Dec}, pages={3645–3654} } @article{song_zhang_cheng_jing_qiu_cui_2018, title={Transparent coupled membrane metamaterials with simultaneous microwave absorption and sound reduction}, volume={26}, ISSN={["1094-4087"]}, DOI={10.1364/OE.26.022916}, abstractNote={Metamaterials offer a novel strategy to control wave propagation in different physical fields ranging from acoustic, electromagnetic, and optical waves to static electric and thermal fields. However, fundamental and practical challenges still need to be overcome for multi-physical manipulation, especially for independent control of acoustic and electromagnetic waves simultaneously. In this paper, we propose and experimentally demonstrate a transparent bifunctional metamaterial in which acoustic and electromagnetic waves could be engineered jointly and individually. Specifically, a transparent composite coupled membrane metamaterial is introduced with indium tin oxide (ITO) patterns coated on the top and bottom membranes, giving rise to simultaneous electromagnetic wave dissipation and sound reduction. Our results could help broaden the current research scope for multiple disciplines and pave the way for the development of multi-functional devices in new applications.}, number={18}, journal={OPTICS EXPRESS}, author={Song, Gangyong and Zhang, Cheng and Cheng, Qiang and Jing, Yun and Qiu, Chengwei and Cui, Tiejun}, year={2018}, month={Sep}, pages={22916–22925} } @article{zhang_su_pennec_jing_liu_hu_2018, title={Wavefront steering of elastic shear vertical waves in solids via a composite-plate-based metasurface}, volume={124}, ISSN={["1089-7550"]}, DOI={10.1063/1.5049515}, abstractNote={We report a novel approach to control the wavefronts of shear vertical (SV) waves in solids using metasurfaces constituted by a stacked array of composite plates, which are composed of two connecting parts made of different materials. The metasurfaces are connected at two ends to the half-space solids where the elastic SV waves propagate. The incident SV waves in the left half-space solid induce flexural waves in the composite plates and subsequently are converted back to SV waves in the right half-space solid. The time delay of flexural waves in each composite plate of the metasurfaces is tuned through the varying length of the two connecting components. To quantitatively evaluate the time delay in each composite plate, a theoretical model for analyzing the phase of the transmitted SV waves is developed based on the Mindlin plate theory. To control the SV waves at will, each composite plate in the metasurface is delicately designed according to the proposed theoretical model. For illustrative purposes, two metasurfaces are designed and numerically validated.}, number={16}, journal={JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS}, author={Zhang, Jun and Su, Xiaoshi and Pennec, Yan and Jing, Yun and Liu, Xiaofeng and Hu, Ning}, year={2018}, month={Oct} } @article{li_duan_semenov_kim_2017, title={Electrical switching of antiferromagnets via strongly spin-orbit coupled materials}, volume={121}, ISSN={0021-8979 1089-7550}, url={http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4974027}, DOI={10.1063/1.4974027}, abstractNote={Electrically controlled ultra-fast switching of an antiferromagnet (AFM) is shown to be realizable by interfacing it with a material of strong spin-orbit coupling. The proximity interaction between the sublattice magnetic moments of a layered AFM and the spin-polarized free electrons at the interface offers an efficient way to manipulate antiferromagnetic states. A quantitative analysis, using the combination with a topological insulator as an example, demonstrates highly reliable 90° and 180° rotations of AFM magnetic states under two different mechanisms of effective torque generation at the interface. The estimated switching speed and energy requirement are in the ps and aJ ranges, respectively, which are about two-three orders of magnitude better than the ferromagnetic counterparts. The observed differences in the magnetization dynamics may explain the disparate characteristic responses. Unlike the usual precessional/chiral motions in the ferromagnets, those of the AFMs can essentially be described as a damped oscillator with a more direct path. The impact of random thermal fluctuations is also examined.}, number={2}, journal={Journal of Applied Physics}, publisher={AIP Publishing}, author={Li, Xi-Lai and Duan, Xiaopeng and Semenov, Yuriy G. and Kim, Ki Wook}, year={2017}, month={Jan}, pages={023907} } @article{huang_jing_2017, title={Investigation of the effective density of arbitrarily shaped plate-type acoustic metamaterials without mass attached}, volume={74}, ISSN={["1878-433X"]}, DOI={10.1016/j.wavemoti.2017.07.003}, abstractNote={The effective densities of arbitrarily shaped plate-type acoustic metamaterials (AMMs) without mass attached are studied in this paper. Acoustic impedances of three different shaped plates, i.e. circle, triangle, and hexagon, are calculated by the meshless boundary method and the effective densities are calculated using the lumped model. To validate the accuracy of this framework, the numerical results are compared with the analytical solution as well as the finite element method (FEM) for circular plates and are compared with FEM for the other two shapes. In general, good agreements can be found provided that a sufficient number of edge points and collocation points are used in the meshless boundary method. For the triangular shape, some discrepancies are found at the low-frequency region and this might have been because of the sharp corners of the triangle. The framework studied in this paper can provide an accurate and efficient method for designing plate-type AMMs with an arbitrary shape.}, journal={WAVE MOTION}, author={Huang, Tai-Yun and Jing, Yun}, year={2017}, month={Nov}, pages={124–133} } @article{suo_jin_jiang_dayton_jing_2017, title={Microbubble mediated dual-frequency high intensity focused ultrasound thrombolysis: An In vitro study}, volume={110}, ISSN={0003-6951 1077-3118}, url={http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4973857}, DOI={10.1063/1.4973857}, abstractNote={High intensity focused ultrasound (HIFU) has recently emerged as a promising alternative approach for thrombolysis. However, the high acoustic energy required by HIFU could elicit thermal damage bioeffects, impeding the clinical translation of this technique. This paper investigates the use of dual-frequency focused ultrasound (DFFU) mediated by microbubbles (MBs) to minimize the acoustic power required for thrombolysis in vitro. It was found that MBs, with sufficient concentration, could significantly lower the power threshold for thrombolysis for both DFFU and single-frequency focused ultrasound (SFFU). In addition, SFFU needs about 96%–156% higher energy to achieve the same thrombolysis efficiency as that of DFFU. The thrombolysis efficiency is also found to increase with the duty cycle. The measured cavitation signals reveal that the enhanced inertial cavitation is likely responsible for the improved thrombolysis under DFFU and MBs.}, number={2}, journal={Applied Physics Letters}, publisher={AIP Publishing}, author={Suo, Dingjie and Jin, Zhiyang and Jiang, Xiaoning and Dayton, Paul A. and Jing, Yun}, year={2017}, month={Jan}, pages={023703} } @article{deng_ge_tian_lu_jing_2017, title={Observation of zone folding induced acoustic topological insulators and the role of spin-mixing defects}, volume={96}, ISSN={["2469-9969"]}, DOI={10.1103/physrevb.96.184305}, abstractNote={This letter investigates a flow-free, pseudospin-based acoustic topological insulator. Zone folding, a strategy originated from photonic crystal, is used to form double Dirac cones in phononic crystal. The lattice symmetry of the phononic crystal is broken by tuning the size of the center "atom" of the unit cell in order to open the nontrivial topological gap. Robust sound one-way propagation is demonstrated both numerically and experimentally. This study provides a flexible approach for realizing acoustic topological insulators, which are promising for applications such as noise control and waveguide design.}, number={18}, journal={PHYSICAL REVIEW B}, author={Deng, Yuanchen and Ge, Hao and Tian, Yuan and Lu, Minghui and Jing, Yun}, year={2017}, month={Nov} } @article{li_shen_xie_li_wang_cummer_jing_2017, title={Tunable Asymmetric Transmission via Lossy Acoustic Metasurfaces}, volume={119}, ISSN={["1079-7114"]}, DOI={10.1103/physrevlett.119.035501}, abstractNote={In this study, we show that robust and tunable acoustic asymmetric transmission can be achieved through gradient-index metasurfaces by harnessing judiciously tailored losses. We theoretically prove that the asymmetric wave behavior stems from loss-induced suppression of high order diffraction. We further experimentally demonstrate this novel phenomenon. Our findings could provide new routes to broaden applications for lossy acoustic metamaterials and metasurfaces.}, number={3}, journal={PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS}, author={Li, Yong and Shen, Chen and Xie, Yangbo and Li, Junfei and Wang, Wenqi and Cummer, Steven A. and Jing, Yun}, year={2017}, month={Jul} } @article{di_yu_wang_yao_suo_ye_pless_zhu_jing_gu_2017, title={Ultrasound-triggered noninvasive regulation of blood glucose levels using microgels integrated with insulin nanocapsules}, volume={10}, ISSN={1998-0124 1998-0000}, url={http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/S12274-017-1500-Z}, DOI={10.1007/S12274-017-1500-Z}, number={4}, journal={Nano Research}, publisher={Springer Nature}, author={Di, Jin and Yu, Jicheng and Wang, Qun and Yao, Shanshan and Suo, Dingjie and Ye, Yanqi and Pless, Matthew and Zhu, Yong and Jing, Yun and Gu, Zhen}, year={2017}, month={Mar}, pages={1393–1402} } @article{zhu_fan_liang_cheng_jing_2017, title={Ultrathin Acoustic Metasurface-Based Schroeder Diffuser}, volume={7}, ISSN={["2160-3308"]}, DOI={10.1103/physrevx.7.021034}, abstractNote={“Schroeder diffuser” is a classical design, proposed over 40 years ago, for artificially creating optimal and predictable sound diffuse reflection. It has been widely adopted in architectural acoustics, and it has also shown substantial potential in noise control, ultrasound imaging, microparticle manipulation et al. The conventional Schroeder diffuser, however, has a considerable thickness on the order of one wavelength, severely impeding its applications for low-frequency sound. In this paper, a new class of ultrathin and planar Schroeder diffusers are proposed based on the concept of an acoustic metasurface. Both numerical and experimental results demonstrate satisfactory sound diffuse reflection produced from the metasurface-based Schroeder diffuser despite it being approximately 1 order of magnitude thinner than the conventional one. The proposed design not only offers promising building blocks with great potential to profoundly impact architectural acoustics and related fields, but it also constitutes a major step towards real-world applications of acoustic metasurfaces. DOI:https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevX.7.021034 Published by the American Physical Society under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license. Further distribution of this work must maintain attribution to the author(s) and the published article’s title, journal citation, and DOI. Published by the American Physical Society}, number={2}, journal={PHYSICAL REVIEW X}, author={Zhu, Yifan and Fan, Xudong and Liang, Bin and Cheng, Jianchun and Jing, Yun}, year={2017}, month={Jun} } @article{xie_shen_wang_li_suo_popa_jing_cummer_2016, title={Acoustic Holographic Rendering with Two-dimensional Metamaterial-based Passive Phased Array}, volume={6}, ISSN={["2045-2322"]}, DOI={10.1038/srep35437}, abstractNote={AbstractAcoustic holographic rendering in complete analogy with optical holography are useful for various applications, ranging from multi-focal lensing, multiplexed sensing and synthesizing three-dimensional complex sound fields. Conventional approaches rely on a large number of active transducers and phase shifting circuits. In this paper we show that by using passive metamaterials as subwavelength pixels, holographic rendering can be achieved without cumbersome circuitry and with only a single transducer, thus significantly reducing system complexity. Such metamaterial-based holograms can serve as versatile platforms for various advanced acoustic wave manipulation and signal modulation, leading to new possibilities in acoustic sensing, energy deposition and medical diagnostic imaging.}, journal={SCIENTIFIC REPORTS}, author={Xie, Yangbo and Shen, Chen and Wang, Wenqi and Li, Junfei and Suo, Dingjie and Popa, Bogdan-Ioan and Jing, Yun and Cummer, Steven A.}, year={2016}, month={Oct} } @article{yang_li_chen_sui_chen_saeed_li_fu_wu_jing_2016, title={Acoustic properties of glass fiber assembly-filled honeycomb sandwich panels}, volume={96}, ISSN={["1879-1069"]}, DOI={10.1016/j.compositesb.2016.04.046}, abstractNote={A new composite structure (glass fiber assembly-filled honeycomb sandwich panel) is prepared in order to improve the acoustic properties. Effect of glass fiber assembly with different filling shapes (random and fiber ball), fiber diameter, fiber content and air-layer on acoustic properties are explored. Sound absorption coefficient (SAC) and sound transmission loss (STL) are determined by a B&K impedance tube. The experiment results indicate that the first resonance frequency of SAC disappears along with the improvement of the second resonance frequency by reducing the fiber diameter or increasing the fiber content. STL can be improved by the increase of the fiber content. Random glass fiber assembly with the fine fibers has the best STL in the all testing samples. The advantage of glass fiber assembly for improving the STL of honeycomb sandwich panel is particularly clear at frequencies below 4.5 kHz. Especially, the STL difference reaches the maximum at around 20 dB at frequencies below 3.0 kHz.}, journal={COMPOSITES PART B-ENGINEERING}, author={Yang, Yong and Li, Binbin and Chen, Zhaofeng and Sui, Ni and Chen, Zhou and Saeed, Muhammad-Umar and Li, Yufang and Fu, Renli and Wu, Cao and Jing, Yun}, year={2016}, month={Jul}, pages={281–286} } @article{shen_xie_li_cummer_jing_2016, title={Asymmetric acoustic transmission through near-zero-index and gradient-index metasurfaces}, volume={108}, ISSN={["1077-3118"]}, DOI={10.1063/1.4953264}, abstractNote={We present a design of acoustic metasurfaces yielding asymmetric transmission within a certain frequency band. The design consists of a layer of gradient-index metasurface and a layer of low refractive index metasurface. Incident waves are controlled in a wave vector dependent manner to create strong asymmetric transmission. Numerical simulations show that the approach provides high transmission contrast between the two incident directions within the designed frequency band. This is further verified by experiments. Compared to previous designs, the proposed approach yields a compact and planar device. Our design may find applications in various scenarios such as noise control and therapeutic ultrasound.}, number={22}, journal={APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS}, author={Shen, Chen and Xie, Yangbo and Li, Junfei and Cummer, Steven A. and Jing, Yun}, year={2016}, month={May} } @article{shen_jing_2016, title={Loss-induced Enhanced Transmission in Anisotropic Density-near-zero Acoustic Metamaterials}, volume={6}, ISSN={["2045-2322"]}, DOI={10.1038/srep37918}, abstractNote={AbstractAnisotropic density-near-zero (ADNZ) acoustic metamaterials are investigated theoretically and numerically in this paper and are shown to exhibit extraordinary transmission enhancement when material loss is induced. The enhanced transmission is due to the enhanced propagating and evanescent wave modes inside the ADNZ medium thanks to the interplay of near-zero density, material loss, and high wave impedance matching in the propagation direction. The equi-frequency contour (EFC) is used to reveal whether the propagating wave mode is allowed in ADNZ metamaterials. Numerical simulations based on plate-type acoustic metamaterials with different material losses were performed to demonstrate collimation and subwavelength imaging enabled by the induced loss in ADNZ media. This work provides a different way for manipulating acoustic waves.}, journal={SCIENTIFIC REPORTS}, author={Shen, Chen and Jing, Yun}, year={2016}, month={Nov} } @article{huang_shen_jing_2016, title={Membrane- and plate-type acoustic metamaterials}, volume={139}, ISSN={["1520-8524"]}, DOI={10.1121/1.4950751}, abstractNote={Over the past decade there has been a great amount of research effort devoted to the topic of acoustic metamaterials (AMMs). The recent development of AMMs has enlightened the way of manipulating sound waves. Several potential applications such as low-frequency noise reduction, cloaking, angular filtering, subwavelength imaging, and energy tunneling have been proposed and implemented by the so-called membrane- or plate-type AMMs. This paper aims to offer a thorough overview on the recent development of membrane- or plate-type AMMs. The underlying mechanism of these types of AMMs for tuning the effective density will be examined first. Four different groups of membrane- or plate-type AMMs (membranes with masses attached, plates with masses attached, membranes or plates without masses attached, and active AMMs) will be reviewed. The opportunities, limitations, and challenges of membrane- or plate-type AMMs will be also discussed.}, number={6}, journal={JOURNAL OF THE ACOUSTICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA}, author={Huang, Tai-Yun and Shen, Chen and Jing, Yun}, year={2016}, month={Jun}, pages={3239–3249} } @article{huang_shen_jing_2016, title={On the evaluation of effective density for plate- and membrane-type acoustic metamaterials without mass attached}, volume={140}, ISSN={["1520-8524"]}, DOI={10.1121/1.4960590}, abstractNote={The effective densities of plate- and membrane-type acoustic metamaterials (AMMs) without mass attached are studied theoretically and numerically. Three models, including the analytic model (based on the plate flexural wave equation and the membrane wave equation), approximate model (under the low frequency approximation), and the finite element method (FEM) model, are first used to calculate the acoustic impedance of square and clamped plates or membranes. The effective density is then obtained using the resulting acoustic impedance and a lumped model. Pressure transmission coefficients of the AMMs are computed using the obtained densities. The effect of the loss from the plate is also taken into account. Results from different models are compared and good agreement is found, particularly between the analytic model and the FEM model. The approximate model is less accurate when the frequency of interest is above the first resonance frequency of the plate or membrane. The approximate model, however, provides simple formulae to predict the effective densities of plate- or membrane-type AMMs and is accurate for the negative density frequency region. The methods presented in this paper are useful in designing AMMs for manipulating acoustic waves.}, number={2}, journal={JOURNAL OF THE ACOUSTICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA}, author={Huang, Tai-Yun and Shen, Chen and Jing, Yun}, year={2016}, month={Aug}, pages={908–916} } @article{yang_li_chen_sui_chen_xu_li_fu_jing_2017, title={Sound insulation of multi-layer glass-fiber felts: Role of morphology}, volume={87}, ISSN={["1746-7748"]}, DOI={10.1177/0040517516629142}, abstractNote={ Glass-fiber felts have emerged as a popular material for noise reduction. This paper investigates the effect of various morphologies (micro-layer, macro-layer and air-layer) of glass-fiber felts on sound insulation. The sound transmission loss is measured by a Brüel & Kjár (B&K) impedance tube. The results show that the sound insulation of glass-fiber felts can be improved by increasing the number of macro-layers. The comparison between the macro- and micro-layer of glass-fiber felts on sound insulation is systematically carried out. Notably, the sound transmission loss of glass-fiber felts with similar areal density and thickness favors macro-layer structures over micro-layer structures. A simple model is established to explain this phenomenon. In addition, the sound transmission loss exhibits period fluctuations due to the presence of the air-layer between glass-fiber felts, which can be theoretically explained by the resonance effect. It is found that sound transmission loss can be improved by increasing the number of air-layers. }, number={3}, journal={TEXTILE RESEARCH JOURNAL}, author={Yang, Yong and Li, Binbin and Chen, Zhaofeng and Sui, Ni and Chen, Zhou and Xu, Tengzhou and Li, Yufang and Fu, Renli and Jing, Yun}, year={2017}, month={Feb}, pages={261–269} } @article{sui_yan_huang_xu_yuan_jing_2015, title={A lightweight yet sound-proof honeycomb acoustic metamaterial}, volume={106}, ISSN={["1077-3118"]}, DOI={10.1063/1.4919235}, abstractNote={In this letter, a class of honeycomb acoustic metamaterial possessing lightweight and yet sound-proof properties is designed, theoretically proven, and then experimentally verified. It is here reported that the proposed metamaterial having a remarkably small mass per unit area at 1.3 kg/m2 can achieve low frequency (<500 Hz) sound transmission loss (STL) consistently greater than 45 dB. Furthermore, the sandwich panel which incorporates the honeycomb metamaterial as the core material yields a STL that is consistently greater than 50 dB at low frequencies. The proposed metamaterial is promising for constructing structures that are simultaneously strong, lightweight, and sound-proof.}, number={17}, journal={APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS}, author={Sui, Ni and Yan, Xiang and Huang, Tai-Yun and Xu, Jun and Yuan, Fuh-Gwo and Jing, Yun}, year={2015}, month={Apr} } @article{shen_xie_sui_wang_cummer_jing_2015, title={Broadband Acoustic Hyperbolic Metamaterial}, volume={115}, ISSN={["1079-7114"]}, DOI={10.1103/physrevlett.115.254301}, abstractNote={In this Letter, we report on the design and experimental characterization of a broadband acoustic hyperbolic metamaterial. The proposed metamaterial consists of multiple arrays of clamped thin plates facing the y direction and is shown to yield opposite signs of effective density in the x and y directions below a certain cutoff frequency, therefore, yielding a hyperbolic dispersion. Partial focusing and subwavelength imaging are experimentally demonstrated at frequencies between 1.0 and 2.5 kHz. The proposed metamaterial could open up new possibilities for acoustic wave manipulation and may find usage in medical imaging and nondestructive testing.}, number={25}, journal={PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS}, author={Shen, Chen and Xie, Yangbo and Sui, Ni and Wang, Wenqi and Cummer, Steven A. and Jing, Yun}, year={2015}, month={Dec} } @article{gu_jing_2015, title={Modeling of Wave Propagation for Medical Ultrasound: A Review}, volume={62}, ISSN={["1525-8955"]}, DOI={10.1109/tuffc.2015.007034}, abstractNote={Numerical modeling of medical ultrasound has advanced tremendously in the past two decades. This opens up a great number of opportunities for medical ultrasound and associated technologies. Numerous new governing equations and algorithms have emerged and been applied to studying various medical ultrasound applications, including ultrasound imaging, photo-acoustic imaging, and therapeutic ultrasound. In addition, thanks to the rapid development of computers, modeling acoustic wave propagation in three-dimensional, large-scale domains has become a reality. This article will provide an indepth literature and technical review of recent progress on numerical modeling of medical ultrasound. Future challenges will also be discussed.}, number={11}, journal={IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ULTRASONICS FERROELECTRICS AND FREQUENCY CONTROL}, author={Gu, Juanjuan and Jing, Yun}, year={2015}, month={Nov}, pages={1979–1993} } @article{sui_yan_huang_xu_yuan_jing_2015, title={Response to "Comment on 'A lightweight yet sound-proof honeycomb acoustic metamaterial'" [Appl. Phys. Lett. 107, 216101 (2015)]}, volume={107}, ISSN={["1077-3118"]}, DOI={10.1063/1.4936238}, abstractNote={First Page}, number={21}, journal={APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS}, author={Sui, Ni and Yan, Xiang and Huang, Tai-Yun and Xu, Jun and Yuan, Fuh-Gwo and Jing, Yun}, year={2015}, month={Nov} } @article{suo_guo_lin_jiang_jing_2015, title={Thrombolysis using multi-frequency high intensity focused ultrasound at MHz range: an in vitro study}, volume={60}, ISSN={["1361-6560"]}, DOI={10.1088/0031-9155/60/18/7403}, abstractNote={High intensity focused ultrasound (HIFU) based thrombolysis has emerged as a promising drug-free treatment approach for ischemic stroke. The large amount of acoustic power required by this approach, however, poses a critical challenge to the future clinical translation. In this study, multi-frequency acoustic waves at MHz range (near 1.5 MHz) were introduced as HIFU excitations to reduce the required power for treatment as well as the treatment time. In vitro bovine blood clots weighing around 150 mg were treated by single-frequency and multi-frequency HIFU. The pulse length was 2 ms for all experiments except the ones where the duty cycle was changed. It was found that dual-frequency thrombolysis efficiency was statistically better than single-frequency under the same acoustic power and excitation condition. When varying the acoustic power but fixing the duty cycle at 5%, it was found that dual-frequency ultrasound can save almost 30% power in order to achieve the same thrombolysis efficiency. In the experiment where the duty cycle was increased from 0.5% to 10%, it was shown that dual-frequency ultrasound can achieve the same thrombolysis efficiency with only half of the duty cycle of single-frequency. Dual-frequency ultrasound could also accelerate the thrombolysis by a factor of 2–4 as demonstrated in this study. No significant differences were found between dual-frequencies with different frequency differences (0.025, 0.05, and 0.1 MHz) and between dual-frequency and triple-frequency. The measured cavitation doses of dual-frequency and triple-frequency excitations were at about the same level but both were significantly higher than that of single-frequency.}, number={18}, journal={PHYSICS IN MEDICINE AND BIOLOGY}, author={Suo, Dingjie and Guo, Sijia and Lin, Weili and Jiang, Xiaoning and Jing, Yun}, year={2015}, month={Sep}, pages={7403–7418} } @article{jing_2014, title={A Wave-Vector-Frequency-Domain Method for Linear/nonlinear Wave Modeling in Heterogeneous Media}, ISSN={["1948-5719"]}, DOI={10.1109/ultsym.2014.0038}, abstractNote={In this paper, we will present a modified wave-vector-frequency-domain method for predicting linear/nonlinear wave propagation in arbitrarily heterogeneous media. The Westervelt equation for heterogeneous media will be transformed into the wave-vector-frequency-domain. An implicit analytic solution based on the Green's function will be shown and can be solved by a previously developed stepping algorithm. Numerical results are compared with those of the k-space method which shows good agreement.}, journal={2014 IEEE INTERNATIONAL ULTRASONICS SYMPOSIUM (IUS)}, author={Jing, Yun}, year={2014}, pages={150–153} } @article{jing_tao_cannata_2014, title={An Improved Wave-Vector Frequency-Domain Method for Nonlinear Wave Modeling}, volume={61}, ISSN={["1525-8955"]}, DOI={10.1109/tuffc.2014.2935}, abstractNote={In this paper, a recently developed wave-vector frequency-domain method for nonlinear wave modeling is improved and verified by numerical simulations and underwater experiments. Higher order numeric schemes are proposed that significantly increase the modeling accuracy, thereby allowing for a larger step size and shorter computation time. The improved algorithms replace the left-point Riemann sum in the original algorithm by the trapezoidal or Simpson's integration. Plane waves and a phased array were first studied to numerically validate the model. It is shown that the left-point Riemann sum, trapezoidal, and Simpson's integration have first-, second-, and third-order global accuracy, respectively. A highly focused therapeutic transducer was then used for experimental verifications. Short high-intensity pulses were generated. 2-D scans were conducted at a prefocal plane, which were later used as the input to the numerical model to predict the acoustic field at other planes. Good agreement is observed between simulations and experiments.}, number={3}, journal={IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ULTRASONICS FERROELECTRICS AND FREQUENCY CONTROL}, author={Jing, Yun and Tao, Molei and Cannata, Jonathan}, year={2014}, month={Mar}, pages={515–524} } @article{shen_xu_fang_jing_2014, title={Anisotropic Complementary Acoustic Metamaterial for Canceling out Aberrating Layers}, volume={4}, ISSN={["2160-3308"]}, DOI={10.1103/physrevx.4.041033}, abstractNote={In this paper, we investigate a type of anisotropic, acoustic complementary metamaterial (CMM) and its application in restoring acoustic fields distorted by aberrating layers. The proposed quasi two-dimensional (2D), nonresonant CMM consists of unit cells formed by membranes and side branches with open ends. Simultaneously, anisotropic and negative density is achieved by assigning membranes facing each direction (x and y directions) different thicknesses, while the compressibility is tuned by the side branches. Numerical examples demonstrate that the CMM, when placed adjacent to a strongly aberrating layer, could acoustically cancel out that aberrating layer. This leads to dramatically reduced acoustic field distortion and enhanced sound transmission, therefore virtually removing the layer in a noninvasive manner. In the example where a focused beam is studied, using the CMM, the acoustic intensity at the focus is increased from 28% to 88% of the intensity in the control case (in the absence of the aberrating layer and the CMM). The proposed acoustic CMM has a wide realm of potential applications, such as cloaking, all-angle antireflection layers, ultrasound imaging, detection, and treatment through aberrating layers.}, number={4}, journal={PHYSICAL REVIEW X}, author={Shen, Chen and Xu, Jun and Fang, Nicholas X. and Jing, Yun}, year={2014}, month={Nov} } @article{wang_yuan_jiang_jing_wang_2014, title={Disruption of microalgal cells using high-frequency focused ultrasound}, volume={153}, ISSN={["1873-2976"]}, DOI={10.1016/j.biortech.2013.11.054}, abstractNote={The objective of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of high-frequency focused ultrasound (HFFU) in microalgal cell disruption. Two microalgal species including Scenedesmus dimorphus and Nannochloropsis oculata were treated by a 3.2-MHz, 40-W focused ultrasound and a 100-W, low-frequency (20 kHz) non-focused ultrasound (LFNFU). The results demonstrated that HFFU was effective in the disruption of microalgal cells, indicated by significantly increased lipid fluorescence density, the decrease of cell sizes, and the increase of chlorophyll a fluorescence density after treatments. Compared with LFNFU, HFFU treatment was more energy efficient. The combination of high and low frequency treatments was found to be even more effective than single frequency treatment at the same processing time, indicating that frequency played a critical role in cell disruption. In both HFFU and LFNFU treatments, the effectiveness of cell disruption was found to be dependent on the cell treated.}, journal={BIORESOURCE TECHNOLOGY}, author={Wang, Meng and Yuan, Wenqiao and Jiang, Xiaoning and Jing, Yun and Wang, Zhuochen}, year={2014}, month={Feb}, pages={315–321} } @article{di_price_gu_jiang_jing_gu_2014, title={Drug Delivery: Ultrasound-Triggered Regulation of Blood Glucose Levels Using Injectable Nano-Network (Adv. Healthcare Mater. 6/2014)}, volume={3}, ISSN={2192-2640}, url={http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/ADHM.201470027}, DOI={10.1002/ADHM.201470027}, abstractNote={On page 811, Y. Jing, Z. Gu and co-workers present the integration of an injectable nano-network with a focused ultrasound system (FUS) which can remotely regulate insulin release both in vitro and in vivo. Serving as a synthetic insulin reservoir, the nano-network consisting of adhesive biodegradable nanoparticles promotes insulin release upon FUS triggers in a pulsatile, remote and non-invasive control manner. Image courtesy of Dwayne Martin.}, number={6}, journal={Advanced Healthcare Materials}, publisher={Wiley}, author={Di, Jin and Price, Jennifer and Gu, Xiao and Jiang, Xiaoning and Jing, Yun and Gu, Zhen}, year={2014}, month={Jun}, pages={789–789} } @article{shen_jing_2014, title={Side branch-based acoustic metamaterials with a broad-band negative bulk modulus}, volume={117}, ISSN={["1432-0630"]}, DOI={10.1007/s00339-014-8603-0}, number={4}, journal={APPLIED PHYSICS A-MATERIALS SCIENCE & PROCESSING}, author={Shen, Chen and Jing, Yun}, year={2014}, month={Dec}, pages={1885–1891} } @article{guo_suo_jing_jiang_frank_lin_2014, title={Thrombolysis enhanced by dual-frequency high-intensity focused ultrasound}, ISSN={["1948-5719"]}, DOI={10.1109/ultsym.2014.0541}, abstractNote={It has been demonstrated that high-intensity focused ultrasound can be an efficient method to induce thrombolysis. Excessive thermal effect on neighboring tissue is however a concern. The goal of this work is to test the efficacy of dual-frequency ultrasound-induced thrombolysis, with the aim to reduce the acoustic power required to achieve the same lysis rate (mass loss of blood clots over time) as single-frequency ultrasound. In vitro clots of mouse blood were prepared and placed at the focus of two piezoelectric ultrasound transducers (center frequencies were 0.95 MHz and 1.5 MHz, respectively). 0.65 W ultrasound waves with 10% duty cycle were employed in both single- and dual-frequency ultrasound exposures. The mass losses of the clots were recorded to obtain the lysis rate after each test. It was found that dual-frequency results in more efficient thrombolysis. Cavitation bubble modeling was also conducted for both single- and dual-frequency ultrasound to explain the experimental founding.}, journal={2014 IEEE INTERNATIONAL ULTRASONICS SYMPOSIUM (IUS)}, author={Guo, Sijia and Suo, Dingjie and Jing, Yun and Jiang, Xiaoning and Frank, Jonathan and Lin, Weili}, year={2014}, pages={2173–2176} } @article{jing_cannata_wang_2013, title={Experimental verification of transient nonlinear acoustical holography}, volume={133}, ISSN={["1520-8524"]}, DOI={10.1121/1.4796120}, abstractNote={This paper presents an experimental study on nonlinear transient acoustical holography. The validity and effectiveness of a recently proposed nonlinear transient acoustical holography algorithm is evaluated in the presence of noise. The acoustic field measured on a post-focal plane of a high-intensity focused transducer is backward projected to reconstruct the pressure distributions on the focal and a pre-focal plane, which are shown to be in good agreement with the measurement. In contrast, the conventional linear holography produces erroneous results in this case where the nonlinearity involved is strong. Forward acoustic field projection was also carried out to further verify the algorithm.}, number={5}, journal={JOURNAL OF THE ACOUSTICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA}, author={Jing, Yun and Cannata, Jonathan and Wang, Tianren}, year={2013}, month={May}, pages={2533–2540} } @article{xiang_escolano_navarro_jing_2013, title={Investigation on the effect of aperture sizes and receiver positions in coupled rooms}, volume={133}, ISSN={["0001-4966"]}, DOI={10.1121/1.4802740}, abstractNote={Some recent concert hall designs have incorporated coupled reverberation chambers to the main hall that have stimulated a range of research activities in architectural acoustics. The coupling apertures between two or more coupled-volume systems are of central importance for sound propagation and sound energy decays throughout the coupled-volume systems. In addition, positions of sound sources and receivers relative to the aperture also have a profound influence on the sound energy distributions and decays. This work investigates the effect of aperture size on the behavior of coupled-volume systems using both acoustic scale-models and diffusion equation models. In these physical and numerical models, the sound source and receiver positions relative to the aperture are also investigated. Through systematic comparisons between results achieved from both physical scale models and numerical models, this work reveals valid ranges and limitations of the diffusion equation model for room-acoustic modeling.}, number={6}, journal={JOURNAL OF THE ACOUSTICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA}, author={Xiang, Ning and Escolano, Jose and Navarro, Juan M. and Jing, Yun}, year={2013}, month={Jun}, pages={3975–3985} } @article{guo_jing_jiang_2013, title={Temperature Rise in Tissue Ablation Using Multi-Frequency Ultrasound}, volume={60}, ISSN={["1525-8955"]}, DOI={10.1109/tuffc.2013.2751}, abstractNote={High-intensity focused ultrasound (HIFU) is becoming an increasingly important noninvasive surgical tool, despite the challenges in temperature rise control and unwanted heating problems. In this study, experiments and simulations on tissue ablation effectiveness were performed using multi-frequency HIFU with frequency differences of more than 500 kHz (center frequencies are 950 kHz, 1.5 MHz, and 3.3 MHz). In the experiments, the temperature was recorded as chicken breast tissue was heated by single-frequency, dual-frequency, and tri-frequency HIFU configurations at controlled acoustic power and exposure time. 5% to 10% temperature rise differences were observed between single- and multi-frequency modes, indicating that multi-frequency HIFU is more effective at producing faster temperature rises. Cavitation detection tests were conducted to compare the cavitation pressure fields between single- and multi-frequency ultrasound. Moreover, simulations on single-frequency and multi-frequency acoustic fields as well as bio-heating-induced temperature fields were performed. With the comparison between experimental and simulation results, we believe that the more effective tissue ablation using multi-frequency ultrasound is likely attributed to the enhanced cavitation, a promising result for HIFU applications.}, number={8}, journal={IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ULTRASONICS FERROELECTRICS AND FREQUENCY CONTROL}, author={Guo, Sijia and Jing, Yun and Jiang, Xiaoning}, year={2013}, month={Aug}, pages={1699–1707} } @article{wang_jing_2013, title={Transcranial ultrasound imaging with speed of sound-based phase correction: a numerical study}, volume={58}, ISSN={["1361-6560"]}, DOI={10.1088/0031-9155/58/19/6663}, abstractNote={This paper presents a numerical study for ultrasound transcranial imaging. To correct for the phase aberration from the skull, two critical steps are needed prior to brain imaging. In the first step, the skull shape and speed of sound are acquired by either CT scans or ultrasound scans. In the ultrasound scan approach, phased array and double focusing technique are utilized, which are able to estimate the thickness of the skull with a maximum error of around 10% and the average speed of sound in the skull is underestimated by less than 2%. In the second step, the fast marching method is used to compute the phase delay based on the known skull shape and sound speed from the first step, and the computation can be completed in seconds for 2D problems. The computed phase delays are then used in combination with the conventional delay-and-sum algorithm for generating B-mode images. Images of wire phantoms with CT or ultrasound scan-based phase correction are shown to have much less artifact than the ones without correction. Errors of deducing speed of sound from CT scans are also discussed regarding its effect on the transcranial ultrasound images. Assuming the speed of sound grows linearly with the density, this study shows that, the CT-based phase correction approach can provide clear images of wire phantoms even if the speed of sound is overestimated by 400 m s−1, or the linear coefficient is overestimated by 40%. While in this study, ultrasound scan-based phase correction performs almost equally well with the CT-based approach, potential problems are identified and discussed.}, number={19}, journal={PHYSICS IN MEDICINE AND BIOLOGY}, author={Wang, Tianren and Jing, Yun}, year={2013}, month={Oct}, pages={6663–6681} } @article{di_price_gu_jiang_jing_gu_2013, title={Ultrasound-Triggered Regulation of Blood Glucose Levels Using Injectable Nano-Network}, volume={3}, ISSN={2192-2640}, url={http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/ADHM.201300490}, DOI={10.1002/ADHM.201300490}, abstractNote={The integration of an injectable insulin-encapsulated nano-network with a focused ultrasound system (FUS) can remotely regulate insulin release both in vitro and in vivo. A single subcutaneous injection of the nano-network with intermittent FUS administration facilitates reduction of the blood glucose levels in type 1 diabetic mice for up to 10 d.}, number={6}, journal={Advanced Healthcare Materials}, publisher={Wiley}, author={Di, Jin and Price, Jennifer and Gu, Xiao and Jiang, Xiaoning and Jing, Yun and Gu, Zhen}, year={2013}, month={Nov}, pages={811–816} } @article{jing_wang_clement_2012, title={A k-Space Method for Moderately Nonlinear Wave Propagation}, volume={59}, ISSN={["1525-8955"]}, DOI={10.1109/tuffc.2012.2372}, abstractNote={A k-space method for moderately nonlinear wave propagation in absorptive media is presented. The Westervelt equation is first transferred into k-space via Fourier transformation, and is solved by a modified wave-vector time-domain scheme. The present approach is not limited to forward propagation or parabolic approximation. One- and two-dimensional problems are investigated to verify the method by comparing results to analytic solutions and finite-difference time-domain (FDTD) method. It is found that to obtain accurate results in homogeneous media, the grid size can be as little as two points per wavelength, and for a moderately nonlinear problem, the Courant–Friedrichs–Lewy number can be as large as 0.4. Through comparisons with the conventional FDTD method, the k-space method for nonlinear wave propagation is shown here to be computationally more efficient and accurate. The k-space method is then employed to study three-dimensional nonlinear wave propagation through the skull, which shows that a relatively accurate focusing can be achieved in the brain at a high frequency by sending a low frequency from the transducer. Finally, implementations of the k-space method using a single graphics processing unit shows that it required about one-seventh the computation time of a single-core CPU calculation.}, number={8}, journal={IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ULTRASONICS FERROELECTRICS AND FREQUENCY CONTROL}, author={Jing, Yun and Wang, Tianren and Clement, Greg T.}, year={2012}, month={Aug}, pages={1664–1673} } @article{jing_xu_fang_2012, title={Numerical study of a near-zero-index acoustic metamaterial}, volume={376}, ISSN={0375-9601}, url={http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.physleta.2012.08.057}, DOI={10.1016/j.physleta.2012.08.057}, abstractNote={This Letter studies a two-dimensional, membrane-based acoustic metamaterial with a near-zero refractive index. It yields a frequency-dependent effective density that is near-zero at a narrow frequency band centered around its first resonant frequency. This effective density results in its near-zero refractive index. Numerical simulations are shown which demonstrate that the phase in this metamaterial undergoes small changes, and the metamaterial functions as an angular filter such that only a wave with a near-zero incident angle can transmit. Its ability to tailor acoustic phase pattern is also discussed in this Letter.}, number={45}, journal={Physics Letters A}, publisher={Elsevier BV}, author={Jing, Yun and Xu, Jun and Fang, Nicholas X.}, year={2012}, month={Oct}, pages={2834–2837} } @article{jing_2012, title={On the use of an absorption layer for the angular spectrum approach (L)}, volume={131}, ISSN={["0001-4966"]}, DOI={10.1121/1.3675967}, abstractNote={Reducing the spatial aliasing error of the angular spectrum method by using an absorption layer is investigated in this paper. The acoustic equation including the absorption layer is presented and is transformed in the spatial frequency domain, where an implicit analytic solution is readily available. Its approximation, which is more suitable for numerical simulation, is derived and is numerically implemented. The comparisons between the present method and available methods demonstrate its validity and advantages.}, number={2}, journal={JOURNAL OF THE ACOUSTICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA}, author={Jing, Yun}, year={2012}, month={Feb}, pages={999–1002} } @article{jing_meral_clement_2012, title={Time-reversal transcranial ultrasound beam focusing using a k-space method}, volume={57}, ISSN={0031-9155 1361-6560}, url={http://dx.doi.org/10.1088/0031-9155/57/4/901}, DOI={10.1088/0031-9155/57/4/901}, abstractNote={This paper proposes the use of a k-space method to obtain the correction for transcranial ultrasound beam focusing. Mirroring past approaches, a synthetic point source at the focal point is numerically excited, and propagated through the skull, using acoustic properties acquired from registered computed tomography of the skull being studied. The received data outside the skull contain the correction information and can be phase conjugated (time reversed) and then physically generated to achieve a tight focusing inside the skull, by assuming quasi-plane transmission where shear waves are not present or their contribution can be neglected. Compared with the conventional finite-difference time-domain method for wave propagation simulation, it will be shown that the k-space method is significantly more accurate even for a relatively coarse spatial resolution, leading to a dramatically reduced computation time. Both numerical simulations and experiments conducted on an ex vivo human skull demonstrate that precise focusing can be realized using the k-space method with a spatial resolution as low as only 2.56 grid points per wavelength, thus allowing treatment planning computation on the order of minutes.}, number={4}, journal={Physics in Medicine and Biology}, publisher={IOP Publishing}, author={Jing, Yun and Meral, F Can and Clement, Greg T}, year={2012}, month={Jan}, pages={901–917} } @article{mei_panych_yuan_mcdannold_treat_jing_madore_2011, title={Combining two-dimensional spatially selective RF excitation, parallel imaging, and UNFOLD for accelerated MR thermometry imaging}, volume={66}, ISSN={0740-3194}, url={http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/mrm.22788}, DOI={10.1002/mrm.22788}, abstractNote={AbstractMR thermometry can be a very challenging application, as good resolution may be needed along spatial, temporal, and temperature axes. Given that the heated foci produced during thermal therapies are typically much smaller than the anatomy being imaged, much of the imaged field‐of‐view is not actually being heated and may not require temperature monitoring. In this work, many‐fold improvements were obtained in terms of temporal resolution and/or 3D spatial coverage by sacrificing some of the in‐plane spatial coverage. To do so, three fast‐imaging approaches were jointly implemented with a spoiled gradient echo sequence: (1) two‐dimensional spatially selective RF excitation, (2) unaliasing by Fourier encoding the overlaps using the temporal dimension (UNFOLD), and (3) parallel imaging. The sequence was tested during experiments with focused ultrasound heating in ex vivo tissue and a tissue‐mimicking phantom. Temperature maps were estimated from phase‐difference images based on the water proton resonance frequency shift. Results were compared to those obtained from a spoiled gradient echo sequence sequence, using a t‐test. Temporal resolution was increased by 24‐fold, with temperature uncertainty less than 1°C, while maintaining accurate temperature measurements (mean difference between measurements, as observed in gel = 0.1°C ± 0.6; R = 0.98; P > 0.05). Magn Reson Med 66:112–122, 2011. © 2011 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.}, number={1}, journal={Magnetic Resonance in Medicine}, publisher={Wiley}, author={Mei, Chang-Sheng and Panych, Lawrence P. and Yuan, Jing and McDannold, Nathan J. and Treat, Lisa H. and Jing, Yun and Madore, Bruno}, year={2011}, month={Feb}, pages={112–122} }