Works (4)
2019 journal article
Shape-controlled synthesis of liquid metal nanodroplets for photothermal therapy
NANO RESEARCH, 12(6), 1313–1320.

2014 journal article
Effects of Bubble-Liquid Two-Phase Turbulent Hydrodynamics on Cell Damage in Sparged Bioreactor
Contributors: F. Li n , W. Hu*, K. Wiltberger * & T. Ryll* n,

2014 journal article
Investigation on swirling gas-particle hydrodynamics using an improved momentum transfer coefficient
International Journal of Nonlinear Sciences and Numerical Simulation, 15(1), 47–55.
2014 journal article
The effects of layering in ferroelectric Si-doped HfO2 thin films
Applied Physics Letters, 105(7).