@article{wang_parrillo-chapman_rothenberg_liu_liu_2021, title={Digital Textile Ink-Jet Printing Innovation: Development and Evaluation of Digital Denim Technology}, volume={65}, ISSN={["1943-3522"]}, DOI={10.2352/J.ImagingSci.Technol.2021.65.4.040407}, abstractNote={Abstract This research explored the potential for ink-jet printing to replicate the coloration and finishing techniques of traditional denim fabric and standardized the reproduction and evaluation procedure. Although denim fabric is widely consumed and very popular, one drawback to denim is that the finishing and manufacturing processes are energy and water intensive and can cause environmental hazards as well as generation of pollution through water waste, particularly at the finishing stage. Textile ink-jet printing has the potential to replicate some of the coloration and finishing techniques of traditional denim fabric without negative environmental impacts. A two-phase research project was conducted. In Phase I (P1), an optimal standard production workflow for digital denim reproduction (including color and finishing effects) was established, and six different denim samples were reproduced based on the workflow. In Phase II, an expert visual assessment protocol was developed to evaluate the acceptance of the replicated digital denim. Twelve ink-jet printing, color science, and denim industry experts finished the assessment.}, number={4}, journal={JOURNAL OF IMAGING SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY}, author={Wang, Ming and Parrillo-Chapman, Lisa and Rothenberg, Lori and Liu, Yixin and Liu, Jiajun}, year={2021}, month={Jul} } @article{liu_sui_terán_chapman_ankeny_vinueza_2021, title={Separation and identification of commercial reactive dyes with hydrophilic interaction liquid chromatography and quadrupole time‐of‐flight mass spectrometry}, volume={137}, ISSN={1472-3581 1478-4408}, url={http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/cote.12539}, DOI={10.1111/cote.12539}, abstractNote={AbstractThe separation and identification of colourants from aqueous matrices could potentially benefit the coloration industry. In this work, we report a new method that combines hydrophilic interaction liquid chromatography (HILIC) and high‐resolution mass spectrometry (HRMS) for reactive dye separation and identification without employing ion‐pairing agents. The conditions outlined allowed the successful separation of a mixture of four commercial reactive dyes in an aqueous solution, which consisted of CI Reactive Black 5, CI Reactive Orange 35, CI Reactive Blue 49 and CI Reactive Red 31. To further demonstrate the feasibility of this new method, we conducted deeper research into the analysis of CI Reactive Red 31 and its hydrolysis products. Based on the high efficiency of HILIC for polar compounds, and its combination with HRMS, we were able to identify several isomers of CI Reactive Red 31 and its derivatives, which were further characterised by tandem mass spectrometry. This method could potentially benefit chemical evaluations in dye applications, including synthetic processes, because it provides reliable results and simplified operation conditions compared with common traditional high‐performance liquid chromatography methods.}, number={4}, journal={Coloration Technology}, publisher={Wiley}, author={Liu, Yixin and Sui, Xinyi and Terán, Julio E. and Chapman, Lisa P. and Ankeny, Mary and Vinueza, Nelson R.}, year={2021}, month={Mar}, pages={407–417} } @article{terán_millbern_shao_sui_liu_demmler_vinueza_2020, title={Characterization of synthetic dyes for environmental and forensic assessments: A chromatography and mass spectrometry approach}, volume={44}, ISSN={1615-9306 1615-9314}, url={http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/jssc.202000836}, DOI={10.1002/jssc.202000836}, abstractNote={AbstractDyes have become common substances since they are employed in mostly all objects surrounding our daily activities such as clothing and upholstery. Based on the usage and disposal of these objects, the transfer of the dyes to other media such as soil and water increases their prevalence in our environment. However, this prevalence could help to solve crimes and pollution problems if detection techniques are proper. For that reason, the detection and characterization of dyes in complex matrices is important to determine the possible events leading to their deposition (natural degradation, attempts of removal, possible match with evidence, among others).Currently, there are several chromatographic and mass spectrometric approaches used for the identification of these organic molecules and their derivatives with high specificity and accuracy. This review presents current chromatographic and mass spectrometric methods that are used for the detection and characterization of disperse, acid, basic, and reactive dyes, and their derivatives.}, number={1}, journal={Journal of Separation Science}, publisher={Wiley}, author={Terán, Julio E and Millbern, Zoe and Shao, Dongyan and Sui, Xinyi and Liu, Yixin and Demmler, Morgan and Vinueza, Nelson R}, year={2020}, month={Nov}, pages={387–402} } @article{sultana_liu_szymczyk_freeman_vinueza_2018, title={Dimerised heterobifunctional reactive dyes. Part 1: characterisation using quadrupole time-of-flight mass spectrometry}, volume={134}, ISSN={1472-3581}, url={http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/cote.12368}, DOI={10.1111/cote.12368}, abstractNote={As part of an approach to enhancing the efficiency of reactive dye adsorption on cellulosic fibres at low electrolyte levels, commercially available dyes were dimerised using hexamethylenediamine (HMDA) as a linking group. A key component of this work involved using high‐resolution mass spectrometry (HRMS) to characterise a group of polysulphonated heterobifunctional monochlorotriazine/vinyl sulphone reactive dyes (CI Reactive Yellow 176, CI Reactive Red 239, CI Reactive Blue 221, CI Reactive Red 194 and CI Reactive Blue 222) and their dimeric analogs. In this respect, dimeric dye ions of differently charged states were observed using HRMS‐negative electrospray ionisation in combination with quadrupole time‐of‐flight mass spectrometry. For example, HRMS showed that the HMDA‐linked reaction products were mixtures of the target (unhydrolysed) dimers, hydrolysed dimers, monoreacted products and hydrolysed unreacted dyes, with CI Reactive Yellow 176 and CI Reactive Red 194 producing the desired unhydrolysed dimers.}, number={6}, journal={Coloration Technology}, publisher={Wiley}, author={Sultana, Nadia and Liu, Yixin and Szymczyk, Malgorzata and Freeman, Harold S. and Vinueza, Nelson R.}, year={2018}, month={Aug}, pages={470–477} } @article{pan_tong_he_liu_shim_pourdeyhimi_gao_2018, title={Electrospun Mat of Poly(vinyl alcohol)/Graphene Oxide for Superior Electrolyte Performance}, volume={10}, ISSN={["1944-8252"]}, DOI={10.1021/acsami.7b14498}, abstractNote={Here, we describe an electrospun mat of poly(vinyl alcohol) (PVA) and graphene oxide (GO) as a novel solid-state electrolyte matrix, which offers better performance retention upon drying after infiltrated with aqueous electrolyte. The PVA-GO mat overcomes the major issue of conventional PVA-based electrolytes, which is the ionic conductivity decay upon drying. After exposure to 45 ± 5% relative humidity at 25 °C for 1 month, its conductivity decay is limited to 38.4%, whereas that of pure PVA mat is as high as 84.0%. This mainly attributes to the hygroscopic nature of GO and the unique nanofiber structure within the mat. Monolithic supercapacitors have been derived directly on the mat via a well-developed laser scribing process. The as-prepared supercapacitor offers an areal capacitance of 9.9 mF cm-2 at 40 mV s-1 even after 1 month of aging under ambient conditions, with a high device-based volumetric energy density of 0.13 mWh cm-3 and a power density of 2.48 W cm-3, demonstrating great promises as a more stable power supply for wearable electronics.}, number={9}, journal={ACS APPLIED MATERIALS & INTERFACES}, author={Pan, Qin and Tong, Ningjun and He, Nanfei and Liu, Yixin and Shim, Eunkyoung and Pourdeyhimi, Behnam and Gao, Wei}, year={2018}, month={Mar}, pages={7927–7934} } @article{he_pan_liu_gao_2017, title={Graphene-Fiber-Based Supercapacitors Favor N-Methyl-2-pyrrolidone/Ethyl Acetate as the Spinning Solvent/Coagulant Combination}, volume={9}, ISSN={["1944-8244"]}, DOI={10.1021/acsami.7b05982}, abstractNote={One-dimensional flexible fiber supercapacitors (FSCs) have attracted great interest as promising energy-storage units that can be seamlessly incorporated into textiles via weaving, knitting, or braiding. The major challenges in this field are to develop tougher and more efficient FSCs with a relatively easy and scalable process. Here, we demonstrate a wet-spinning process to produce graphene oxide (GO) fibers from GO dispersions in N-methyl-2-pyrrolidone (NMP), with ethyl acetate as the coagulant. Upon chemical reduction of GO, the resulting NMP-based reduced GO (rGO) fibers (rGO@NMP-Fs) are twice as high in the surface area and toughness but comparable in tensile strength and conductivity as that of the water-based rGO fibers (rGO@H2O-Fs). When assembled into parallel FSCs, rGO@NMP-F-based supercapacitors (rGO@NMP-FSCs) offered a specific capacitance of 196.7 F cm-3 (147.5 mF cm-2), five times higher than that of rGO@H2O-F-based supercapacitors (rGO@H2O-FSCs) and also higher than most existing wet-spun rGO-FSCs, as well as those FSCs built with metal wires, graphene/carbon nanotube (CNT) fibers, or even pseudocapacitive materials. In addition, our rGO@NMP-FSCs can provide good bending and cycling stability. The energy density of our rGO@NMP-FSCs reaches ca. 6.8 mWh cm-3, comparable to that of a Li thin-film battery (4 V/500 μAh).}, number={29}, journal={ACS APPLIED MATERIALS & INTERFACES}, author={He, Nanfei and Pan, Qin and Liu, Yixin and Gao, Wei}, year={2017}, month={Jul}, pages={24568–24576} } @article{wang_babaahmadi_he_liu_pan_montazer_gao_2017, title={Wearable supercapacitors on polyethylene terephthalate fabrics with good wash fastness and high flexibility}, volume={367}, ISSN={["1873-2755"]}, DOI={10.1016/j.jpowsour.2017.09.047}, abstractNote={All solid-state micro-supercapacitors (MSC) have emerged as attractive energy-storage units for portable and wearable electronics. Here, we describe a textile-based solid-state MSC via laser scribing of graphene oxide (GO) coatings on a flexible polyethylene terephthalate (PET) fabric. The laser-scribed graphene oxide layers (LGO) possess three-dimensionally porous structure suitable for electrochemical-double-layer formation. To improve the wash fastness and the flexibility of the as-prepared MSCs, glutaraldehyde (GA) was employed to crosslink the GO layers and PVA-gel electrolyte onto the PET fabric. The resultant all solid-state MSCs exhibited excellent flexibility, high areal specific capacitance (756 μF·cm−2 at 20 mV·s−1), and good rate capability when subject to bending and laundering. Furthermore, the MSC device showed a high power density of about 1.4 W·cm−3 and an energy density of 5.3 × 10−5 Wh·cm−3, and retained 98.3% of its initial capacitance after 1000 cycles at a current density of 0.5 mA·cm−2. This work is the first demonstration of in-plane MSCs on PET fabric surfaces with enhanced durability and flexibility.}, journal={JOURNAL OF POWER SOURCES}, author={Wang, Guixia and Babaahmadi, Vahid and He, Nanfei and Liu, Yixin and Pan, Qin and Montazer, Majid and Gao, Wei}, year={2017}, month={Nov}, pages={34–41} }