Yi Xiao
SELEX, Aptamer, Biosensor
Dr. Yi Xiao acquired her Ph.D. in Chemistry from Nanjing University (China) in 2000 under the supervision of Professor Hongyuan Chen. In 2001, she began her first post-doctoral appointment in Professor Itamar Willner's group at The Hebrew University of Jerusalem (Israel) developing optical and electrochemical biosensors and bioelectronics. In 2004, she started her second post-doctoral appointment at the University of California at Santa Barbara (UCSB), working with Nobel Laureate Professor Alan Heeger and Professor Kevin Plaxco to develop electrochemical sensors based on oligonucleotide receptors (aptamers). In 2007, she joined Professor H.T. Soh's laboratory at UCSB as a Research Professor, developing new methods to generate aptamers via SELEX. Dr. Xiao joined Florida International University in 2011 as an Assistant Professor and was promoted to tenured Associate Professor in 2017. She recently moved to the NC State Department of Chemistry as a tenured Associate Professor.
Works (165)
2024 article
Determining the Precision of High-Throughput Sequencing and Its Influence on Aptamer Selection
Canoura, J., Alkhamis, O., Byrd, C., Wang, L., Bryant, A., & Xiao, Y. (2024, October 25). ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY, Vol. 10.
2024 article
Developing Aptamer-Based Colorimetric Opioid Tests
Canoura, J., Alkhamis, O., Venzke, M., Ly, P. T., & Xiao, Y. (2024, March 1). JACS AU, Vol. 3.

2024 article
Examining the Relationship between Aptamer Complexity and Molecular Discrimination of a Low-Epitope Target
Wang, L., Canoura, J., Byrd, C., Nguyen, T., Alkhamis, O., Ly, P., & Xiao, Y. (2024, November 11). ACS CENTRAL SCIENCE, Vol. 11.
2024 article
Exploring the Landscape of Aptamers: From Cross-Reactive to Selective to Specific, High-Affinity Receptors for Cocaine
Yang, K., Alkhamis, O., Canoura, J., Bryant, A., Gong, E. M., Barbu, M., … Landry, D. W. (2024, February 13). JACS AU, Vol. 2.

2024 journal article
Generation of High-Affinity Aptamers for Indazole Synthetic Cannabinoids
ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY, 96(28), 11488–11497.

2024 journal article
High-Affinity Aptamers for <i>In Vitro</i> and <i>In Vivo</i> Cocaine Sensing

2024 journal article
Nuclease-assisted selection of slow-off rate aptamers

2024 article
Rapid Nuclease-Assisted Selection of High-Affinity Small-Molecule Aptamers
Wang, L., Alkhamis, O., Canoura, J., Yu, H., & Xiao, Y. (2024, July 23). JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY, Vol. 7.

2023 journal article
Aptamer-Based Fentanyl Detection in Biological Fluids
ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY, 95(49), 18258–18267.

2023 journal article
Comparison of Aptamer Signaling Mechanisms Reveals Disparities in Sensor Response and Strategies to Eliminate False Signals

2023 article
Suite of Aptamer-Based Sensors for the Detection of Fentanyl and Its Analogues
Canoura, J., Liu, Y., Perry, J., Willis, C., & Xiao, Y. (2023, April 25). ACS SENSORS, Vol. 4.

2023 article
Using Exonucleases for Aptamer Characterization, Engineering, and Sensing
Alkhamis, O., Canoura, J., Ly, P. T., & Xiao, Y. (2023, June 14). ACCOUNTS OF CHEMICAL RESEARCH, Vol. 6.

2022 journal article
DNA Aptamer-Cyanine Complexes as Generic Colorimetric Small-Molecule Sensors

2022 article
High-throughput quantitative binding analysis of DNA aptamers using exonucleases
Canoura, J., Alkhamis, O., Liu, Y., Willis, C., & Xiao, Y. (2022, December 30). NUCLEIC ACIDS RESEARCH, Vol. 12.

2022 article
Near-Infrared Dye-Aptamer Assay for Small Molecule Detection in Complex Specimens
Jin, X., Liu, Y., Alkhamis, O., Canoura, J., Bacon, A., Xu, R., … Xiao, Y. (2022, July 7). ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY, Vol. 7.

2022 article
Systematic Study of in Vitro Selection Stringency Reveals How To Enrich High-Affinity Aptamers
Alkhamis, O., & Xiao, Y. (2022, December 27). JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY.

2021 journal article
Advances and Challenges in Small‐Molecule DNA Aptamer Isolation, Characterization, and Sensor Development
Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 60(31), 16800–16923.
2021 journal article
Aptamer-Integrated Multianalyte-Detecting Paper Electrochemical Device
ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 13(15), 17330–17339.
2021 report
Aptamers that bind to natural and synthetic cannabinoids
(Patent No. US10907163B1).
2021 conference paper
Development of Aptamer-Based Sensors for Sensitive and Specific Detection of Fentanyl Opioids
Presented at the Pittcon Conference and Expo.
2021 journal article
Immobilization Strategies for Enhancing Sensitivity of Electrochemical Aptamer-Based Sensors
ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 13(8), 9491–9499.
2021 journal article
Isolation of Natural DNA Aptamers for Challenging Small-Molecule Targets, Cannabinoids
Analytical Chemistry, 93(6), 3172–3180.

2021 report
Materials and methods for colorimetric detection of small molecule targets
(Patent No. US10948504B2).
2021 report
Method for isolating cross-reactive aptamer and use thereof
(Patent No. US10907162B2).
2021 article
Platinum-Nanoparticle-Modified Single-Walled Carbon Nanotube-Laden Paper Electrodes for Electrocatalytic Oxidation of Methanol
Paudyal, J., Wang, P., Zhou, F., Liu, Y., Cai, Y., & Xiao, Y. (2021, December 15). ACS APPLIED NANO MATERIALS, Vol. 12.

2020 journal article
Accelerating Post-SELEX Aptamer Engineering Using Exonuclease Digestion
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 143(2), 805–816.

2020 conference paper
Achieving Near-ideal Binding Spectra using Subideal Bioreceptors
Presented at the Pittcon 2020, Chicago, Illinois.
2020 speech
Beauty Through Simplicity – Problem-Driven Aptamer Science
Invited talk presented at the NC State University, Raleigh, NC.
2020 journal article
Fabrication of Aptamer‐Modified Paper Electrochemical Devices for On‐Site Biosensing
Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 60(6), 2993–3000.
2020 conference paper
Isolation of Class-specific Aptamers and Development of Sensors for Instantaneous Detection of Synthetic Cathinones
Presented at the Pittcon, Chicago, IL.
2020 journal article
Label-free profiling of DNA aptamer-small molecule binding using T5 exonuclease
Nucleic Acids Research, 48(20), e120–e120.
2020 report
Materials and methods for colorimetric detection of small molecule targets
(Patent No. US10725058B2).
2020 report
Materials and methods for rapid and sensitive detection of small-molecule targets
(Patent No. US10550395B2).
2020 report
Materials and methods for rapid and specific detection of synthetic cathinones
(Patent No. US10683507B2).
2020 report
Method for isolating cross-reactive aptamer and use thereof
(Patent No. US10655132B1).
2020 conference paper
Screening of aptamer mutants for enhanced target specificity using a dual exonuclease digestion assay
Presented at the Pittcon 2020, Chicago, Illinois.
2020 journal article
Tuning Biosensor Cross-Reactivity Using Aptamer Mixtures
Analytical Chemistry, 92(7), 5041–5047.
2019 conference paper
A Cooperative-Binding Split Aptamer Assay for Rapid, Specific and Ultra-Sensitive Fluorescence Detection of Cocaine in Saliva
Presented at the Pittcon 2019, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
2019 conference paper
Beauty Through Simplicity – Functionalized Aptamers for On-Site Small-Molecule Detection
Presented at the Pittcon 2019, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
2019 conference paper
Development of Electrochemical Aptamer-Based Sensors for On-Site Synthetic Cathinone Detection
Presented at the Pittcon 2019, Philadelphia, Pennsylvanis.
2019 report
Highly conductive porous paper-based metal thin films
(Patent No. US10290386B2).
2019 conference paper
In Vitro Isolation of Small-Molecule-Binding Aptamers with Intrinsic Dye-Displacement Functionality
Presented at the Pittcon 2019, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
2019 journal article
In vitro isolation of class-specific oligonucleotide-based small-molecule receptors
Nucleic Acids Research, 47(12), e71–e71.
2019 journal article
Innovative engineering and sensing strategies for aptamer-based small-molecule detection
TrAC Trends in Analytical Chemistry, 121, 115699.
2019 conference paper
Introducing Structure-Switching Functionality into Small-Molecule-Binding Aptamers via Nuclease-Directed Truncation
Presented at the Pittcon 2019, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
2019 journal article
Label-Free, Visual Detection of Small Molecules Using Highly Target-Responsive Multimodule Split Aptamer Constructs
Analytical Chemistry, 91(11), 7199–7207.

2019 journal article
Perspective on the Future Role of Aptamers in Analytical Chemistry
Analytical Chemistry, 91(24), 15335–15344.
2019 conference paper
Rapid, naked-eye screening for synthetic cathinones based on cross-reactive aptamers
Presented at the Pittcon 2019, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
2019 journal article
Universal Design of Structure-Switching Aptamers with Signal Reporting Functionality
Analytical Chemistry, 91(22), 14514–14521.
2018 conference paper
Aptamer-based Assays for On-site Drug Detection
Presented at the Pittcon 2018, Orlando, Florida.
2018 speech
Beauty through simplicity – functionalized aptamers for on-site small-molecule detection
Invited talk presented at the University of Notre Dame, South Bend, Indiana.
2018 journal article
Dithiothreitol-Regulated Coverage of Oligonucleotide-Modified Gold Nanoparticles To Achieve Optimized Biosensor Performance
ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 10(4), 4233–4242.

2018 journal article
In vitro isolation of small-molecule-binding aptamers with intrinsic dye-displacement functionality
Nucleic Acids Research, 46(8), e43–e43.

2018 journal article
Introducing structure-switching functionality into small-molecule-binding aptamers via nuclease-directed truncation
Nucleic Acids Research, 46(13), e81–e81.

2018 report
Materials and methods for rapid visualization of NAD(P)H
(Patent No. US10000790B2).
2018 journal article
No Structure-Switching Required: A Generalizable Exonuclease-Mediated Aptamer-Based Assay for Small-Molecule Detection
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 140(31), 9961–9971.

2018 conference paper
Rapid and sensitive detection of small-molecule targets via enzyme-assisted target recycling based on cooperative binding split aptamers
Presented at the Pittcon 2018, Orlando, Florida.
2018 journal article
Sensitive Detection of Small-Molecule Targets Using Cooperative Binding Split Aptamers and Enzyme-Assisted Target Recycling
Analytical Chemistry, 90(3), 1748–1758.
2018 conference paper
Utilizing nuclease screening of ligand-aptamer complexes to enhance specificity of an aptamer-based cocaine assay
Presented at the 2017 Society of Forensic Toxicologists-International Association of Forensic Toxicologists (SOFT-TIAFT) Joint Meeting, Boca Raton, Florida.
2017 journal article
A Broadly Applicable Assay for Rapidly and Accurately Quantifying DNA Surface Coverage on Diverse Particles
Bioconjugate Chemistry, 28(4), 933–943.
2017 journal article
A cooperative-binding split aptamer assay for rapid, specific and ultra-sensitive fluorescence detection of cocaine in saliva
Chemical Science, 8(1), 131–141.
2017 conference paper
A cooperative-binding split aptamer assay for rapid, specific and ultra-sensitive fluorescence detection of cocaine in saliva
Poster presented at the Gordon Research Conference: Nucleosides, Nucleotides & Oligonucleotides, Salve Regina University, Newport, RI.
2017 conference paper
A label-free aptamer-fluorophore assembly for highly sensitive and specific detection of cocaine
Presented at the Pittcon 2017, Chicago, Illinois.
2017 conference paper
Cooperative-binding split aptamer assays for rapid, specific and ultra-sensitive detection of small-molecule targets in biofluid samples
Invited talk presented at the 2017 American Chemical Society Florida Annual Meeting and Exposition, Tampa, FL.
2017 conference paper
Gold nanoparticle-based assays for rapid and sensitive colorimetric and electrochemical biosensing
Presented at the Nano Florida 2017, Florida International University, Miami, FL.
2017 speech
Gold nanoparticle-based, paper devices for rapid and sensitive colorimetric and electrochemical biosensing
Invited talk presented at the 2017 American Chemical Society Florida Annual Meeting and Exposition, Tampa, FL.
2017 report
Materials and methods for rapid and specific detection of cocaine
(Patent No. US9804178B2).
2017 conference paper
Rapid and sensitive detection of small-molecule targets via enzyme-assisted target recycling based on cooperative binding split aptamers
Poster presented at the Gordon Research Conference: Nucleosides, Nucleotides & Oligonucleotides, Salve Regina University, Newport, RI.
2017 conference paper
Utilizing dual-enzyme selectivity for the identification of aptamer binding domains and the development of sensitive fluorescence detection of small-molecule targets
Presented at the FIU Annual Scholarly Forum, Graduate Student Appreciation Week (GSAW), Florida International University, Miami, FL.
2017 conference paper
Utilizing nuclease screening of ligand-aptamer complexes to enhance specificity of an aptamer-based cocaine assay
Poster presented at the Gordon Research Conference: Nucleosides, Nucleotides & Oligonucleotides, Salve Regina University, Newport, RI.
2016 conference paper
A cooperative-binding split aptamer assay for rapid, specific and ultra-sensitive fluorescence detection of cocaine in saliva
Presented at the Pittcon 2017, Chicago, Illinois.
2016 conference paper
A cooperative-binding split aptamer assay for rapid, specific and ultra-sensitive fluorescence detection of cocaine in saliva
Presented at the 2016 Conference of Undergraduate Research at FIU (CURFIU), Miami, FL.
2016 conference paper
A cooperative-binding split aptamer assay for rapid, specific and ultra-sensitive fluorescence detection of cocaine in saliva
Presented at the FIU Annual Scholarly Forum, Graduate Student Appreciation Week (GSAW), Florida International University, Miami, FL.
2016 conference paper
A label-free aptamer-fluorophore assembly for highly sensitive and specific detection of cocaine
Presented at the 2016 Conference of Undergraduate Research at FIU (CURFIU), Miami, FL.
2016 conference paper
Ambient filtration method to rapidly prepare highly conductive, paper-based porous gold films for electrochemical biosensing
Presented at the 2016 Conference of Undergraduate Research at FIU (CURFIU), Miami, FL.
2016 speech
Bringing biosensors to the bedside
Invited talk presented at the University of Miami, Medical Campus - Batchelor Children's Research Institute, Miami, FL.
2016 conference paper
Paper-based device for rapid visualization of NADH based on dissolution of gold nanoparticles
Poster presented at the 2016 Conference of Undergraduate Research at FIU (CURFIU), Miami, FL.
2016 conference paper
Paper-based devices for rapid and sensitive colorimetric and electrochemical biosensing
Invited talk presented at the 2016 ACS Florida Annual Meeting and Exposition, Tampa, FL.
2016 journal article
Rapid, Surfactant-Free, and Quantitative Functionalization of Gold Nanoparticles with Thiolated DNA under Physiological pH and Its Application in Molecular Beacon-Based Biosensor
ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 8(40), 27298–27304.

2016 conference paper
Utilizing nuclease screening of ligand-aptamer complexes to enhance specificity of an aptamer-based cocaine assay
Poster presented at the 2016 ACS Florida Annual Meeting and Exposition, Tampa, FL.
2015 conference paper
A paper-based device for rapid visualization of NADH based on dissolution of gold nanoparticles
Poster presented at the 2015 Materials Research Society (MRS) Fall Meeting & Exhibit, Boston, Massachusetts.
2015 journal article
Ambient Filtration Method To Rapidly Prepare Highly Conductive, Paper-Based Porous Gold Films for Electrochemical Biosensing
ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 7(49), 27049–27058.
2015 conference paper
Ambient filtration method to rapidly prepare highly conductive, paper-based porous gold films
Presented at the 2015 Materials Research Society (MRS) Fall Meeting & Exhibit, Boston, Massachusetts.
2015 conference paper
Amplified colorimetric detection of cocaine in oral fluid based on exonuclease-assisted aptamer strand recycling
Poster presented at the Society of Forensic Toxicologists (SOFT) 2015 Annual Meeting, Atlanta, Georgia.
2015 speech
Aptamer-based, exonuclease-amplified, paper device for point of collection screening of cocaine and methamphetamine in oral fluid
Invited talk presented at the Forensic Science R&D Grantees Meeting, Orlando, FL.
2015 conference paper
Base-pair mismatch detection
Invited talk presented at the FIU Biomolecular Sciences Institute Symposium on DNA Repair and Genome Stability: In honor of the 2015 Nobel Prize in Chemistry for DNA Repair, Miami, FL.
2015 speech
Bringing biosensors to the bedside
Recruitment talk presented at the Division of Health and Natural Sciences, Florida Memorial University, Miami, FL.
2015 journal article
Nanoprobe-Enhanced, Split Aptamer-Based Electrochemical Sandwich Assay for Ultrasensitive Detection of Small Molecules
Analytical Chemistry, 87(15), 7712–7719.

2015 journal article
Paper-Based Device for Rapid Visualization of NADH Based on Dissolution of Gold Nanoparticles
ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 7(27), 15023–15030.
2015 conference paper
Simple, rapid and ultra-sensitive fluorescence detection of cocaine in oral fluid based on cooperative binding split aptamer
Presented at the Society of Forensic Toxicologists (SOFT) 2015 Annual Meeting, Atlanta, Georgia.
2014 journal article
A Label-Free Aptamer-Fluorophore Assembly for Rapid and Specific Detection of Cocaine in Biofluids
Analytical Chemistry, 86(22), 11100–11106.

2014 conference paper
A label-free aptamer-fluorophore assembly for highly sensitive and specific detection of cocaine
Poster presented at the 2014 Materials Research Society (MRS) Fall Meeting & Exhibit, Boston, Massachusetts.
2014 journal article
Amplified Single Base-Pair Mismatch Detection via Aggregation of Exonuclease-Sheared Gold Nanoparticles
Analytical Chemistry, 86(7), 3461–3467.
2014 conference paper
Amplified single base-pair mismatch detection via the aggregation of exonuclease-sheared gold nanoparticles
Poster presented at the 2014 Materials Research Society (MRS) Fall Meeting & Exhibit, Boston, Massachusetts.
2014 speech
Bringing biosensors to the bedside
Recruitment talk presented at the Department of Chemistry, St. Thomas University, Miami, FL.
2014 conference paper
Target recycling-based assay for rapid and accurate determination of DNA surface coverage on gold nanoparticles
Presented at the 2014 Materials Research Society (MRS) Fall Meeting & Exhibit, Boston, Massachusetts.
2013 conference paper
Ambient filtration method to prepare paper-based electroactive nanoporous gold thin film for detection of dopamine and serotonin
Presented at the 89th Florida Annual Meeting and Exposition, Palm Harbor, FL.
2013 speech
Bringing biosensors to the bedside
Recruitment talk presented at the Department of Chemistry, University of Tampa, Tampa, FL.
2013 journal article
Controlling the function of DNA nanostructures with specific trigger sequences
Chem. Commun., 49(4), 397–399.
2013 journal article
In Vitro Selection of Shape-Changing DNA Nanostructures Capable of Binding-Induced Cargo Release
ACS Nano, 7(11), 9675–9683.
2013 conference paper
Paper-based single-walled carbon nanotube thin film for catalytic detection of nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide in human blood
Invited talk presented at the 89th Florida Annual Meeting and Exposition, Palm Harbor, FL.
2013 journal article
Self-Assembled DNA Monolayer Buffered Dynamic Ranges of Mercuric Electrochemical Sensor
Analytical Chemistry, 85(15), 7574–7580.
2012 conference paper
Biosensors, biotechnologies and biomaterials
Presented at the 9th International Symposium on Persistent Toxic Substances, Miami, FL.
2012 journal article
Electrochemical DNA three-way junction based sensor for distinguishing chiral metallo-supramolecular complexes
Chemical Communications, 48(55), 6900.
2012 journal article
Selection is more intelligent than design: improving the affinity of a bivalent ligand through directed evolution
Nucleic Acids Research, 40(22), 11777–11783.
2011 speech
Bringing biosensors to the bedside
Recruitment talk presented at the Department of Chemistry, Barry University, Miami, FL.
2011 journal article
Genetic Analysis of H1N1 Influenza Virus from Throat Swab Samples in a Microfluidic System for Point-of-Care Diagnostics
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 133(23), 9129–9135.
2011 journal article
Improving Aptamer Selection Efficiency through Volume Dilution, Magnetic Concentration, and Continuous Washing in Microfluidic Channels
Analytical Chemistry, 83(17), 6883–6889.
2011 journal article
Measurement of Aptamer–Protein Interactions with Back-Scattering Interferometry
Analytical Chemistry, 83(23), 8867–8870.
2011 journal article
Polarity-Switching Electrochemical Sensor for Specific Detection of Single-Nucleotide Mismatches
Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 50(47), 11176–11180.
2011 journal article
Probing the Limits of Aptamer Affinity with a Microfluidic SELEX Platform
PLoS ONE, 6(11), e27051.
Ed(s): M. Antopolsky
2011 journal article
Selection of phage-displayed peptides on live adherent cells in microfluidic channels
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 108(17), 6909–6914.
2011 journal article
Two-Step, PCR-Free Telomerase Detection by Using Exonuclease III-Aided Target Recycling
ChemBioChem, 12(18), 2745–2747.

2010 journal article
An Electrochemical Supersandwich Assay for Sensitive and Selective DNA Detection in Complex Matrices
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 132(41), 14346–14348.
2010 journal article
Colorimetric detection of DNA, small molecules, proteins, and ions using unmodified gold nanoparticles and conjugated polyelectrolytes
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 107(24), 10837–10841.
2010 journal article
Detection of Proteins in Serum by Micromagnetic Aptamer PCR (MAP) Technology
Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 49(2), 355–358.
2010 journal article
Detection of Telomerase Activity in High Concentration of Cell Lysates Using Primer-Modified Gold Nanoparticles
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 132(43), 15299–15307.
2010 journal article
Electrochemical DNA Detection via Exonuclease and Target-Catalyzed Transformation of Surface-Bound Probes
Langmuir, 26(12), 10392–10396.
2010 journal article
In vitro selection of structure-switching, self-reporting aptamers
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 107(32), 14053–14058.
2010 journal article
Label-Free, Dual-Analyte Electrochemical Biosensors: A New Class of Molecular-Electronic Logic Gates
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 132(25), 8557–8559.
2010 journal article
On the Binding of Cationic, Water-Soluble Conjugated Polymers to DNA: Electrostatic and Hydrophobic Interactions
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 132(4), 1252–1254.

2010 journal article
Quantitative selection of DNA aptamers through microfluidic selection and high-throughput sequencing
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 107(35), 15373–15378.
2010 journal article
Sensitive and Selective Amplified Fluorescence DNA Detection Based on Exonuclease III-Aided Target Recycling
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 132(6), 1816–1818.
2010 report
Signal-on architecture for electronic oligonucleotide-based detectors
(Patent No. US7803542B2).
2009 journal article
An Electrochemical Sensor for Single Nucleotide Polymorphism Detection in Serum Based on a Triple-Stem DNA Probe
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 131(42), 15311–15316.

2009 journal article
Continuous, Real-Time Monitoring of Cocaine in Undiluted Blood Serum via a Microfluidic, Electrochemical Aptamer-Based Sensor
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 131(12), 4262–4266.

2009 chapter
Electrochemical Approaches to Aptamer-Based Sensing
In Functional Nucleic Acids for Analytical Applications (pp. 179–197).
2009 journal article
Fluorescence Detection of Single-Nucleotide Polymorphisms with a Single, Self-Complementary, Triple-Stem DNA Probe
Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 48(24), 4354–4358.
2009 journal article
Generation of Highly Specific Aptamers via Micromagnetic Selection
Analytical Chemistry, 81(13), 5490–5495.
2009 journal article
High Specificity, Electrochemical Sandwich Assays Based on Single Aptamer Sequences and Suitable for the Direct Detection of Small-Molecule Targets in Blood and Other Complex Matrices
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 131(20), 6944–6945.
2009 journal article
Label-Free Colorimetric Screening of Nuclease Activity and Substrates by Using Unmodified Gold Nanoparticles
ChemBioChem, 10(12), 1973–1977.
2009 journal article
Micromagnetic selection of aptamers in microfluidic channels
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 106(9), 2989–2994.
2009 journal article
On the Signaling of Electrochemical Aptamer-Based Sensors: Collision- and Folding-Based Mechanisms
Electroanalysis, 21(11), 1267–1271.
2009 journal article
i-Motif Quadruplex DNA-Based Biosensor for Distinguishing Single- and Multiwalled Carbon Nanotubes
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 131(38), 13813–13818.
2008 journal article
Optimization of Electrochemical Aptamer-Based Sensors via Optimization of Probe Packing Density and Surface Chemistry
Langmuir, 24(18), 10513–10518.
2008 journal article
Optimization of a Reusable, DNA Pseudoknot-Based Electrochemical Sensor for Sequence-Specific DNA Detection in Blood Serum
Analytical Chemistry, 81(2), 656–661.
2007 report
Catalytic polynucleotide and its use for determination of analytes
(US Patent No. 20070254282).
2007 journal article
Electrochemical Detection of Parts-Per-Billion Lead via an Electrode-Bound DNAzyme Assembly
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 129(2), 262–263.
2007 journal article
Label-Free Electrochemical Detection of DNA in Blood Serum via Target-Induced Resolution of an Electrode-Bound DNA Pseudoknot
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 129(39), 11896–11897.
2007 journal article
Preparation of electrode-immobilized, redox-modified oligonucleotides for electrochemical DNA and aptamer-based sensing
Nature Protocols, 2(11), 2875–2880.
2006 chapter
Catalytic Beacons for the Detection of DNA and Telomerase Activity
In D. Morrison, F. Milanovich, D. Ivnitski, & T. R. Austin (Eds.), Defense against Bioterror (pp. 199–205).
Ed(s): D. Morrison, F. Milanovich, D. Ivnitski & T. Austin
2006 report
Novel sensors with nanoparticle probe
(Patent Application No. WO2006008742).
2006 journal article
Single-step electronic detection of femtomolar DNA by target-induced strand displacement in an electrode-bound duplex
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 103(45), 16677–16680.
2005 journal article
A Reagentless Signal-On Architecture for Electronic, Aptamer-Based Sensors via Target-Induced Strand Displacement
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 127(51), 17990–17991.
2005 journal article
An OsII-Bisbipyridine-4-Picolinic Acid Complex Mediates the Biocatalytic Growth of Au Nanoparticles: Optical Detection of Glucose and Acetylcholine Esterase Inhibition
Chemistry - A European Journal, 11(9), 2698–2704.
2005 journal article
Inhibition of the Acetycholine Esterase-Stimulated Growth of Au Nanoparticles: Nanotechnology-Based Sensing of Nerve Gases
Nano Letters, 5(4), 649–653.
2005 journal article
Label-Free Electronic Detection of Thrombin in Blood Serum by Using an Aptamer-Based Sensor
Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 44(34), 5456–5459.
2005 journal article
Optical and Electrochemical Detection of NADH and of NAD+-Dependent Biocatalyzed Processes by the Catalytic Deposition of Copper on Gold Nanoparticles
Small, 1(2), 213–216.
2005 journal article
Shape and color of Au nanoparticles follow biocatalytic processes
Langmuir, 21(13), 5659–5662.
2004 journal article
Amplified Chemiluminescence Surface Detection of DNA and Telomerase Activity Using Catalytic Nucleic Acid Labels
Analytical Chemistry, 76(7), 2152–2156.
2004 journal article
Aptamer-Functionalized Au Nanoparticles for the Amplified Optical Detection of Thrombin
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 126(38), 11768–11769.
2004 journal article
Catalytic Beacons for the Detection of DNA and Telomerase Activity
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 126(24), 7430–7431.
2004 journal article
Catalytic Growth of Au Nanoparticles by NAD(P)H Cofactors: Optical Sensors for NAD(P)+-Dependent Biocatalyzed Transformations
Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 43(34), 4519–4522.
2004 journal article
DNAzyme-Functionalized Au Nanoparticles for the Amplified Detection of DNA or Telomerase Activity
Nano Letters, 4(9), 1683–1687.
2004 journal article
Electrical contacting of glucose oxidase by DNA-templated polyaniline wires on surfaces
Electrochemistry Communications, 6(10), 1057–1060.

2004 journal article
Lighting Up Biochemiluminescence by the Surface Self-Assembly of DNA-Hemin Complexes
ChemBioChem, 5(3), 374–379.
2003 journal article
"Plugging into Enzymes": Nanowiring of Redox Enzymes by a Gold Nanoparticle
Science, 299(5614), 1877–1881.
2003 journal article
Electrocatalytic intercalator-induced winding of double-stranded DNA with polyaniline
Chemical Communications, (13), 1540.
2002 journal article
Electrooxidative coupling of a toluidine blue O terminated self-assembled monolayer studied by electrochemistry and surface enhanced Raman spectroscopy
Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry, 518(2), 123–130.
2001 journal article
Anion adsorption on an Au colloid monolayer based cysteamine-modified gold electrode
Chemical Research in Chinese Universities, 17(2), 159–167.
2000 journal article
Direct Electrochemistry of Horseradish Peroxidase Immobilized on a Colloid/Cysteamine-Modified Gold Electrode
Analytical Biochemistry, 278(1), 22–28.
1999 journal article
A reagentless hydrogen peroxide sensor based on incorporation of horseradish peroxidase in poly(thionine) film on a monolayer modified electrode
Analytica Chimica Acta, 391(3), 299–306.
1999 journal article
Adsorption characteristics of Fe(CN)63−/4− on Au colloids as monolayer films on cysteamine-modified gold electrode
Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry, 466(1), 26–30.
1999 journal article
Hydrogen peroxide sensor based on horseradish peroxidase-labeled Au colloids immobilized on gold electrode surface by cysteamine monolayer
Analytica Chimica Acta, 391(1), 73–82.
1998 journal article
Amperometric Biosensor for Glucose Based on a Nanometer-Sized Microband Gold Electrode Coimmobilized with Glucose Oxidase and Poly(o-phenylenediamide)
Electroanalysis, 10(8), 541–545.
Updated: October 26th, 2021 22:06
2021 - present
2011 - 2021