Works (99)
2024 article
Consumer coping during the COVID-19 pandemic: a perspective of fashion shopping
Han, W., Li, J., & Xu, Y. (2024, May 21). JOURNAL OF FASHION MARKETING AND MANAGEMENT, Vol. 5.

2024 article
Consumer coping via fashion shopping during the COVID-19 pandemic: a Stimulus-Organism-Response (SOR) approach
2024 journal article
Consumption of Sustainable Denim Products: The Contribution of Blockchain Certified Eco-Labels
Journal of Theoretical and Applied Electronic Commerce Research.

2024 article
Impacts of the COVID-19 infodemic on emotions through cognitive appraisals
Han, W., Lee, H., Xu, Y., & Cheng, Y. (2024, June 11). ONLINE INFORMATION REVIEW, Vol. 6.

2024 article
The role of regulatory focus in consumers' adoption of virtual fitting rooms (VFRs)
Lee, H., Xu, Y., & Porterfield, A. (2024, January 30). JOURNAL OF FASHION MARKETING AND MANAGEMENT, Vol. 1.
2024 article
Transforming luxury: young consumers' motivations towards purchasing virtual luxury non-fungible token wearables
Lee, H., Rana, M. R. I., & Xu, Y. (2024, September 18). INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF RETAIL & DISTRIBUTION MANAGEMENT, Vol. 9.
2024 journal article
Walking the Talk: Unraveling the Influence of the Sustainability Features of Leather Alternatives on Consumer Behavior toward Running Shoes

2023 article
Chinese consumers' adoption intention toward smart closet: a perspective of psychological needs and motivations

2023 article
Understanding consumer face mask consumption: a MaxDiff-based cluster analysis
Han, W., Xu, Y., & Li, J. (2023, October 5). JOURNAL OF THE TEXTILE INSTITUTE, Vol. 10.

2022 journal article
Consumer Motivations for Luxury Fashion Rental: A Second-Order Factor Analysis Approach

2022 journal article
Influence of motivational orientations on consumers' adoption of virtual fitting rooms (VFRs): moderating effects of fashion leadership and technology visibility

2022 journal article
Preferred product attributes for sustainable outdoor apparel: A conjoint analysis approach

2022 article
Virtual Fitting Rooms for Online Apparel Shopping: An Exploration of Consumer Perceptions
Lee, H., Xu, Y., & Porterfield, A. (2022, February 8). FAMILY & CONSUMER SCIENCES RESEARCH JOURNAL, Vol. 2.
2021 article
Antecedents and moderators of consumer adoption toward AR-enhanced virtual try-on technology: A stimulus-organism-response approach
Lee, H., Xu, Y., & Porterfield, A. (2021, November 12). INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CONSUMER STUDIES, Vol. 11.
2021 journal article
Consumers' adoption of AR-based virtual fitting rooms: from the perspective of theory of interactive media effects
Journal of Fashion Marketing and Management: An International Journal, 25(1), 45–62.
2020 journal article
A study of Chinese consumers’ adoption behaviour toward virtual fitting rooms
International Journal of Fashion Design, Technology and Education, 13(2), 140–149.

2020 journal article
Classification of virtual fitting room technologies in the fashion industry: from the perspective of consumer experience
International Journal of Fashion Design, Technology and Education, 9, 1–10.
2020 journal article
Consumer adoption of fashion subscription retailing: antecedents and moderating factors
International Journal of Fashion Design, Technology and Education, 3, 1–11.
2020 journal article
Motivational drivers of Chinese consumers’ brand avoidance behaviours: a perspective of sportswear
International Journal of Fashion Design, Technology and Education, 1, 1–13.
2020 journal article
Technology visibility and consumer adoption of virtual fitting rooms (VFRs): a cross-cultural comparison of Chinese and Korean consumers
Journal of Fashion Marketing and Management: An International Journal, 24(2), 175–194.
2020 journal article
Young luxury fashion consumers' preferences in multi-channel environment
2018 book
Chinese Consumers and the Fashion Market
In Y. Xu, T. Chi, & J. Su (Eds.), CHINESE CONSUMERS AND THE FASHION MARKET (pp. 1–212).
2018 article
Chinese Male Consumers' High-End Shirt Consumption: A Perspective of Fabric Attributes
2018 conference paper
Classification of Virtual Fitting Room (VFR) Technology in the Fashion Industry: From the Perspective of Customer Experience
International Textiles and Apparel Association’s annual meeting. Cleveland, OH.
2018 conference paper
Consumer Adoption of Fashion Subscription Retailing: The Moderating Effect of Experiment with Appearance
International Textiles and Apparel Association’s annual meeting. Cleveland, OH.
2018 conference paper
Consumer Behavior toward Luxury Fashion Rental: A Hierarchical Motivations Approach
International Textiles and Apparel Association’s annual meeting. Cleveland, OH.
2018 journal article
Exploring Generation Y Consumers’ Fitness Clothing Consumption: A Means-end Chain Approach
Journal of Textile and Apparel, Technology and Management, 10(3).
2018 journal article
Fashion Subscription Retailing: An Exploratory Study of Consumer Perceptions
Journal of Fashion Marketing and Management, 22(4), 494–508.
2018 conference paper
Regional Cultural Differences in China Reflected on Men's Traditional Costume
International Textiles and Apparel Association’s annual meeting. Cleveland, OH.
2018 journal article
Second-hand clothing consumption: A generational cohort analysis of the Chinese market
2017 journal article
Brand personality and its impact on brand trust and brand commitment: An empirical study of luxury fashion brands
International Journal of Fashion Design, Technology and Education, 11(2), 196–209.
2017 conference paper
Fashion Subscription Retailing: An Exploratory Study of Consumers' Perception
International Textiles and Apparel Association’s annual meeting. St. Petersburg, FL.
2017 journal article
Finite element modelling of Chinese male professionals' necks using 3d body measurements
The Journal of Textile Institute, 108(5), 766–775.

2016 journal article
Characterisation and classification of Chinese male office workers’ necks using 3-D body measurements
International Journal of Fashion Design, Technology and Education, 10(1), 101–109.
2016 journal article
Characterization and classification of Chinese male professionals’ necks using 3D body measurements
International Journal of Apparel Design, Technology and Education, 201–209.
2016 chapter
Exploring the Personality of Luxury Fashion Brands
In C. & S. (Eds.), Luxury fashion retailing management (pp. 89–106).
Ed(s): Choi & Shen
2016 conference paper
Impulse buying behavior: An assessment of self-indulgence, fashion consciousness, and regret among young consumers
Global Marketing Conference.
2016 conference paper
Reshoring initiatives: a perspective of the textile and apparel industry
Presented at the Textile Summit, Hongkong Polytech University.
2015 journal article
Chinese young consumers’ brand loyalty toward sportswear products: a perspective of self-congruity
Journal of Product & Brand Management, 24(4), 365–376.
2015 conference paper
Development of a 3D Neck Model for Chinese Male Professionals
International Textiles and Apparel Association’s annual meeting.
2015 conference paper
Exploring Generation Y Consumers’ Consumption of Fitness Clothing: A Means-End Chain Approach
The Fiber Society’ annual meeting. Raleigh, NC.
2015 conference paper
Exploring Taiwanese College Students’ Perception of Fast Fashion: A Brand Personality Approach
The Fiber Society’ annual meeting. Raleigh, NC.
2015 conference paper
Exploring the Determinants of Influential eWOM in Virtual Communities: An Empirical Study
International Textiles and Apparel Association’s annual meeting.

2015 journal article
Luxury fashion consumption and Generation Y consumers: self, brand consciousness, and consumption motivations
Journal of Fashion Marketing and Management, 19(1), 22–40.
2015 journal article
Shopping and virtual communities for consumers with physical disabilities
International Journal of Consumer Studies, 39(2), 136–144.
2015 journal article
Shopping and virtual communities for consumers with physical disabilities
International Journal of Consumer Studies, 39(2), 136–144.
2014 conference paper
An assessment of the Chinese textile and apparel industry’s CSR reporting: A perspective of the environment
Presented at the China Textile Economy Forum.
2014 conference paper
Behind the conversations in a virtual community on running shoes: A text mining approach to investigate the textual features of eWOM and the behavioral interactions among community members
Proceedings of American Collegiate Retailing Association’s spring meeting. Dallas, TX.
2014 conference paper
Chinese young consumers’ brand loyalty toward sportswear products: a perspective of self-congruity
International Textiles and Apparel Association’s annual meeting. Charlotte, NC.
2014 journal article
Secondhand clothing consumption: a cross-cultural comparison between American and Chinese young consumers
International Journal of Consumer Studies, 38(6), 670–677.
2013 conference paper
A Social Network Analysis of consumers perceived brand positions in the running shoes market
International Textiles and Apparel Association’s annual meeting.
2013 conference paper
Exploring the personality of luxury fashion brands
International Textiles and Apparel Association’s annual meeting.
2013 conference paper
Exploring young consumers’ behavior for secondhand clothing
International Textiles and Apparel Association’s annual meeting. New Orleans, LA.
2013 conference paper
Pinterest: Pinning for Inspiration and Aspiration
International Textiles and Apparel Association’s annual meeting.
2012 conference paper
An examination of virtual communities for consumers with physical disabilities in the shopping experience
Fashion and Health Symposium, College of Design. Minneapolis, MN: University of Minnesota.
2012 conference paper
Chinese consumers’ social vs. self consumption for luxury fashion products
ITAA-BIFT joint meeting. Beijing, China.
2012 conference paper
Chinese textiles and clothing industries and consumer market development, outlook, and potentials for international research collaboration
Special Topic Session at the International Textile and Apparel Association’s annual meeting. Honolulu, HW.
2012 journal article
Predicting Chinese consumers’ purchase intention for imported soy-based dietary supplements
The British Food Journal, 114(1), 143–161.
2012 conference paper
The influence of brand consciousness on young consumers self versus social consumption for luxury fashion products
International Textiles and Apparel Association’s annual meeting. Honolulu, HW.
2012 journal article
Tourism shopping: planned, impulse or Experiential?-A conceptual exploration
The International Journal of Culture, Tourism and Hospitality Research, 6(3), 250–265.
Ed(s): D. Fowler

2011 journal article
Chinese dietary culture influences consumers’ intention to use imported soy-based dietary supplements: an application of Theory of Planned Behavior
The International Journal of Consumer Studies, 35(6), 661–669.
2011 conference paper
How do I look?-exploring the influence of public self-consciousness on Chinese consumers’ behavior for Luxury fashion products
International Textiles and Apparel Association’s annual meeting. Philadelphia, PA.
2011 conference paper
Middle-class Chinese consumers and luxury fashion products: how strong is the love?
Proceedings of American Collegiate Retailing Association’s spring meeting. Boston, MA.
2010 journal article
I can’t afford the real luxury, is it ok to buy fake ones? –exploring college students’ purchase behavior of fashion counterfeits
ITAA-KAMS in Tokyo.
2009 conference paper
Textiles and Clothing Higher Education in China: Openness and Reform as Dynamics for Development
International Textiles and Apparel Association’s annual meeting. Seattle, WA.
2008 journal article
Affluent female consumers and fashion involvement
International Journal of Fashion Design, Technology and Education, 1(3), 103–112.

2008 conference paper
Retail crowding and young consumers’ impulse buying: the moderating effects of personal and situational factors
Proceedings of the 2008 Global Marketing Conference. Shanghai, China.
2008 journal article
The influence of public self-consciousness and materialism on young consumers’ compulsive buying
Young Consumers, 9(1), 37–48.
2007 conference paper
Shopping Therapy: Compulsive Buying, Materialism, and Public Self-consciousness
International Textiles and Apparel Association annual meeting. Los Angeles, CA.
2007 journal article
The impact of store environment on adult Generation Y consumers’ impulse buying
Journal of Shopping Center Research, 14(1), 61–80.
2007 journal article
Theory of Reasoned Action: purchase intention of young consumers
Clothing and Textiles Research Journal, 25(3), 244–257.
2006 conference paper
Gender identity and hedonic shopping motivations: A perspective of college students
Proceedings of American Collegiate Retailing Association Spring 2006 Conference. Fayetteville/Bentonville, AR.
2006 journal article
Predicting purchase intention of a controversial luxury apparel product
Journal of Fashion Marketing and Management, 10(4), 405–419.
2006 conference paper
Preferred Product Attributes for Sustainable Outdoor Clothes
International Textiles and Apparel Association’s annual meeting.
2006 conference paper
Public Self-consciousness and Compulsive Buying: A Perspective of College Students
International Textiles and Apparel Association annual meeting. San Antonio, TX.
2006 journal article
Reading circles: A constructivist approach to group learning
Journal on Excellence in College Teaching, 17(3), 91–114.
2005 journal article
College students’ attitudes toward shopping online for apparel products: Exploring a rural versus urban campus
Journal of Fashion Marketing and Management, 9(4), 420–433.
2005 conference paper
Fashion involvement of affluent female consumers
International Textiles and Apparel Association annual meeting. Alexandria, VA/Washington, DC.
2005 conference paper
Implementing reading circles as a constructive teaching strategy
International Textiles and Apparel Association annual meeting. Alexandria, VA/Washington, DC.
2005 chapter
Rural College Students’ Outshopping for Apparel Products
In Marketing, Technology and Customer Commitment in the New Economy (pp. 125–130).
2005 conference paper
Rural college students’ outshopping for apparel products
Proceedings of 2005 Academy of Marketing Science annual meeting, XXVIII.
2005 conference paper
Using issue reports in a global retail issues class
International Textiles and Apparel Association annual meeting. Alexandria, VA/Washington, DC.
2004 conference paper
International sourcing of the U.S. retail industry: motivations, challenges, and future trends
Proceedings of 2004 Euro-Asia Management Studies Association annual conference, 489–494. Hong Kong, P.R. China.
2004 conference paper
Small retailer’s fashion involvement, price/quality perceptions, and media usage
International Textiles and Apparel Associations annual meeting. Portland, Oregon.
2004 journal article
Who buys American alligator? Predicting purchase intention of a controversial product
Journal of Business Research, 57(10), 1189–1198.
2003 journal article
Determination of U.S. leather manufacturers' purchase intention of American alligator leather
Crocodile Specialist Group Newsletter, 22(1), 24–25.
2003 conference paper
Rural Vs urban college students’ attitudes toward online shopping for apparel products
International Textiles and Apparel Association. Presented at the College of Health and Human Services Showcase.
2002 conference paper
College students’ attitudes toward online shopping for apparel products
Proceedings of International Conference on E-business, 370–375.
2001 conference paper
Determination of U.S. leather manufacturers’ purchase intention of American alligator leather
International Textile and Apparel Association annual meeting. Kansas City, MO.
2001 journal article
Fashion leaders and followers’ attitudes toward exotic leather apparel products
Journal of Fashion Marketing and Management, 5(2), 133–144.
2001 journal article
Finding new market opportunities for Louisiana's alligator industry
2001 conference paper
Predicting Consumers’ Purchase Intention for Alligator Leather Apparel Products
European Institute of Retailing and Services Studies 8th Recent Advances in Retailing and Services Science Conference.
2000 conference paper
American alligator leather products: Who is the consumer?
The International Academy of Business Disciplines. Las Vegas, NE.
2000 chapter
American alligator leather products: Who is the consumer?
In J. Biberman & A. Alkhafaji (Eds.), Business Research Yearbook (Vol. 7, pp. 557–561). Saline, Michigan: McNaughton & Gunn Inc. and the International Academy of Business Disciplines.
Ed(s): J. Biberman & A. Alkhafaji
2000 journal article
Analysis of market potential of exotic leather apparel and interior products
Textile Chemist & Colorists/American Dyestuff Reporter, 32(11), 27–33.
2000 conference paper
Retailers’ Attitude toward American Alligator Leather Products
International Textiles and Apparel Association annual meeting. Cincinnati, OH.
2000 conference paper
Who buys American alligator? Predicting purchase intention of a controversial product
The Third Retailing Research Seminar of Society of Marketing Advances. Orlando, FL.
1995 journal article
A study of composition and properties of silk-like wadding non-woven fabrics
Journal of Textile Research (China), 16(2).
1995 conference paper
Functional evaluation & research of far-infra fabrics
Functional evaluation & research of far-infra fabrics. Proceedings of 3rd Asian Textile Conference.