Zack Peppmeier
Works (5)
2023 article
Effect of Temperature and Humidity on Daily Feeding Behavior in Swine
Peppmeier, Z., Leonard, S. M., & Knauer, M. (2023, May). JOURNAL OF ANIMAL SCIENCE, Vol. 101.
2023 journal article
Estimating backfat depth, loin depth, and intramuscular fat percentage from ultrasound images in swine
ANIMAL, 17(10).
2023 article
Impact of Prefarrow Fat Supplementation on Piglet Survival and Subsequent Reproduction
Knauer, M., Peppmeier, Z., & Purvis, J. (2023, October 28). JOURNAL OF ANIMAL SCIENCE, Vol. 101, pp. 302–303.
2023 article
Sow Location Within Farrowing Room Impacts Reproduction During Heat Stress.
Knauer, M., Peppmeier, Z., & Leonard, S. M. (2023, May). JOURNAL OF ANIMAL SCIENCE, Vol. 101.
2021 article
Effect of Substandard Teats on Piglet and Sow Performance
Knauer, M., & Peppmeier, Z. (2021, May). JOURNAL OF ANIMAL SCIENCE, Vol. 99, pp. 133–133.