Zoe Caitlin Wolfe

College of Veterinary Medicine

Works (1)

Updated: July 5th, 2023 14:21

2021 journal article

Maternal Autogenous Inactivated Virus Vaccination Boosts Immunity to PRRSV in Piglets


By: A. Kick n, Z. Wolfe n, A. Amaral n, L. Cortes n, G. Almond n, E. Crisci n, P. Gauger*, J. Pittman*, T. Kaeser

author keywords: maternal vaccination; autogenous inactivated vaccine; transfer of immunity; humoral immune response; cell-mediated immune response; T cells; PRRSV; swine; IFN-gamma producing B cells; CD4 T-EMRA cells
topics (OpenAlex): Animal Virus Infections Studies; Viral gastroenteritis research and epidemiology; Virus-based gene therapy research
TL;DR: It is demonstrated that maternal AIV vaccination can improve protection of pre-weaning piglets against PRRSV-2 and shows the importance of transferring neutralizing antibodies to piglets, and it introduces two novel immune cell subsets in pigs—IFN-γ producing CD21α+ B cells and CD8α−CCR7− CD4 T cells. (via Semantic Scholar)
Sources: Web Of Science, ORCID, NC State University Libraries
Added: February 1, 2021

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