@article{jones_goodman_2018, title={Identification of M-Type Gametophyte Factors in Maize Genetic Resources}, volume={58}, ISSN={["1435-0653"]}, DOI={10.2135/cropsci2017.09.0560}, abstractNote={Maize (Zea mays L.) gametophyte factors are the basis of dent sterile popcorns, where they are used to prevent pollen contamination from dent corns and have been proposed as useful for protection of other specialty types. Current gametophytic systems rely entirely on the strong allele of Gametophyte Factor 1 (Ga1‐s) to impart the selective barrier needed in these hybrids. This allele, however, is naturally overcome by another allele at the same locus (Ga1‐m), which is only detectable by specific evaluation, allowing it to go undetected in breeding lines, thus creating a scenario with substantial risk to Ga1‐s hybrids. Other gametophytic systems exist but have parallel allelic structure with possibly parallel risks, especially from m‐type alleles. By screening a set of maize genetic resources, we assessed the risk posed by the Ga1‐m allele. We identified the allele in several populations readily useful for expanding the genetic base of commercial maize, including several Germplasm Enhancement of Maize lines. To examine the possible distribution of m‐type alleles at other key gametophytic loci, we screened the maize nested association mapping population founder lines for the presence of m‐type gametophytic alleles, identifying 19 previously unreported m‐type gametophytic alleles in these lines. Our results also highlight the frequent concomitancy of gametophytic alleles at different loci, the full interactions of which are ignored by standard phenotyping methods that consider individual loci, confounding allele status determination. We provide a method for determining allele status at multiple gametophytic loci and highlight the implications of concomitant alleles, especially Ga1‐m and Tcb1‐m, on the possible deployment of new barrier systems.}, number={2}, journal={CROP SCIENCE}, author={Jones, Zachary G. and Goodman, Major M.}, year={2018}, pages={719–727} } @article{jones_goodman_krakowsky_2016, title={Identification of maize-derived dominant gametophyte factors}, volume={209}, ISSN={["1573-5060"]}, DOI={10.1007/s10681-016-1635-0}, number={1}, journal={EUPHYTICA}, author={Jones, Zachary G. and Goodman, Major M. and Krakowsky, Matthew D.}, year={2016}, month={May}, pages={63–69} } @article{jones_goodman_2016, title={Susceptibility of Dent-Sterile Popcorn to the Ga1-m Gametophyte Factor}, volume={56}, ISSN={["1435-0653"]}, DOI={10.2135/cropsci2016.02.0101}, abstractNote={The Ga1‐s allele is the foundation of dent‐sterile popcorn (Zea mays L. var. everta), where it is used as a genetic barrier to prevent pollen contamination, but its known genetic susceptibility to another allele at the same locus is problematic for the sustainability of Ga1‐s popcorn. The Ga1‐m allele overcomes the pollen barrier imparted by Ga1‐s, opening any system using it to potential contamination. The Ga1‐m allele, although previously thought rare, has been shown to be abundant in Mexican commercial maize (Z. mays L.), and has been identified in a US ex‐Plant Variety Protection (PVP) line. The requirement for specific evaluation to detect the allele, coupled with efforts to increase the genetic base of maize, create a considerable risk of the unintentional release of Ga1‐m‐carrying materials. Resistance to Ga1‐m has been previously identified, providing a possible way to eliminate the risk posed by Ga1‐m but comes in an unadapted sweetcorn background. Through field evaluation, we tested commercial and publically available popcorn for resistance to Ga1‐m, all of which were uniformly susceptible. There is, therefore, a need to identify and integrate Ga1‐m resistance into commercial popcorn inbred lines and hybrids. Although the use of existing Ga1‐m resistant sources is an option, background differences will likely be problematic for producing useable inbred lines. We suggest the use of molecular tools to aid in specific backcrossing of the Ga1‐m resistance allele or identification of Ga1‐m resistance in a popcorn background, for which we suggest an evolutionary‐based approach.}, number={5}, journal={CROP SCIENCE}, author={Jones, Zachary G. and Goodman, Major M.}, year={2016}, pages={2594–2599} } @article{jones_goodman_krakowsky_2015, title={Identification of resistance to the Ga1-m gametophyte factor in maize}, volume={206}, ISSN={["1573-5060"]}, DOI={10.1007/s10681-015-1518-9}, number={3}, journal={EUPHYTICA}, author={Jones, Zachary G. and Goodman, Major M. and Krakowsky, Matthew D.}, year={2015}, month={Dec}, pages={785–791} }