Works (10)
2015 journal article
Complete Effect-Profile Assessment in Association Studies With Multiple Genetic and Multiple Environmental Factors
Contributors: A. Maity n , Y. Luo n, M. Neely * & J. Tzeng n n,

2015 journal article
Module-based association analysis for omics data with network structure
PLoS One, 10(3).
2013 journal article
Pharmacometabolomic mapping of early biochemical changes induced by sertraline and placebo
Translational Psychiatry, 3.
2012 journal article
Cerebrospinal fluid metabolome in mood disorders-remission state has a unique metabolic profile
Scientific Reports, 2.
2010 conference paper
DKSM: Subverting virtual machine introspection for fun and profit
2010 29th ieee international symposium on reliable distributed systems srds 2010, 82–91.
2010 conference paper
hypersafe: A lightweight approach to provide lifetime hypervisor control-flow integrity
2010 IEEE symposium on security and privacy, 380–395.
2009 conference paper
ReFormat: Automatic reverse engineering of encrypted messages
Computer security - esorics 2009, proceedings, 5789, 200–215.
2008 conference paper
Countering persistent kernel rootkits through systematic hook discovery
Recent advances in intrusion detection, raid 2008, 5230, 21–38.
2007 journal article
Application of complex demodulation on bZIP and bHLH-PAS protein domains
Mathematical Biosciences, 207(2), 204–218.

2004 article
An analysis of backlink counts and Web Impact Factors for Chinese university websites
SCIENTOMETRICS, Vol. 60, pp. 463–473.