Works (12)
2016 journal article
Effect of the Two-Stage Autohydrolysis of Hardwood on the Enzymatic Saccharification and Subsequent Fermentation with an Efficient Xylose-Utilizing Saccharomyces cerevisiae
BIORESOURCES, 11(4), 9584–9595.

2013 journal article
Catalytic hydrogenation for bio-oil upgrading by a supported NiMoB amorphous alloy
Chemical Engineering & Technology, 36(12), 2108–2116.
2013 journal article
Pretreatment of corn stover for sugar production using dilute hydrochloric acid followed by lime

2013 journal article
Structural characterization and immunostimulatory activity of a novel protein-bound polysaccharide produced by Hirsutella sinensis Liu, Guo, Yu & Zeng
Structural characterization and immunostimulatory activity of a novel protein-bound polysaccharide produced by Hirsutella sinensis Liu, Guo, Yu & Zeng. Food Chemistry, 141(2), 946–953.
2012 article
Improvement of Sugar Production from Transgenic Switchgrass with Low-Temperature Alkali Pretreatment
Wang, Z., Xu, J., Pandey, P., Cheng, J. J., Li, R., & Qu, R. (2012, May). ENERGY & FUELS, Vol. 26, pp. 3054–3061.

2011 review
Bermuda grass as feedstock for biofuel production: A review
[Review of ]. BIORESOURCE TECHNOLOGY, 102(17), 7613–7620.

2011 journal article
Dilute sulfuric acid pretreatment of transgenic switchgrass for sugar production

2011 journal article
Enzymatic hydrolysis of switchgrass and coastal bermuda grass pretreated using different chemical methods
BioResources, 6(3), 2990–3003.
2011 journal article
Lime Pretreatment of Coastal Bermudagrass for Bioethanol Production
ENERGY & FUELS, 25(4), 1830–1836.

2011 review
Modeling biochemical conversion of lignocellulosic materials for sugar production: a Review
[Review of ]. BioResources, 6(4), 5282–5306.
2010 journal article
High temperature dilute acid pretreatment of coastal Bermuda grass for enzymatic hydrolysis
BIORESOURCE TECHNOLOGY, 102(2), 1415–1424.

2010 journal article
Sodium hydroxide pretreatment and enzymatic hydrolysis of coastal Bermuda grass
BIORESOURCE TECHNOLOGY, 101(10), 3583–3585.