Works (6)
2015 journal article
Wood characteristics and enzymatic saccharification efficiency of field-grown transgenic black cottonwood with altered lignin content and structure
CELLULOSE, 22(1), 683–693.
2014 article
Efficient One-Pot Synthesis of 5-Chloromethyl-furfural (CMF) from Carbohydrates in Mild Biphasic Systems. (vol 18, pg 7675, 2013)
Gao, W., Li, Y., Xiang, Z., Chen, K., Yang, R., & Argyropoulos, D. S. (2014, January). MOLECULES, Vol. 19, pp. 1370–1374.

2014 journal article
Improved Protocol for Alkaline Nitrobenzene Oxidation of Woody and Non-Woody Biomass
Journal of Wood Chemistry and Technology, 35(1), 52–61.
2013 journal article
Efficient One-Pot Synthesis of 5-Chloromethylfurfural (CMF) from Carbohydrates in Mild Biphasic Systems
MOLECULES, 18(7), 7675–7685.

2013 journal article
Kinetic study on pyrolysis of tobacco residues from the cigarette industry
Industrial Crops and Products, 44, 152–157.
2012 journal article
Lumber drying stresses and mitigation of cross-sectional deformation
Wood and Fiber Science, 44(1), 94–102.