These lists of each college's departments and units are based on author affiliation data contained in the Citation Index and may not reflect current organizational structures and department or unit names. Please see the university's Colleges and Departments and Centers and Institutes websites for that current information. Please contact us to help us make corrections.

10 people from this unit have registered their ORCID iD in the Citation Index.

Kenneth E Anderson

148 works, including 104 open access

Chris Ashwell

194 works, including 41 open access

Peter R. Ferket

581 works, including 99 open access

Matt Koci

61 works, including 40 open access

James N Petitte

94 works, including 58 open access

Lin Walker

4 works, including 4 open access

Lisa Bielke

1 work, including 1 open access

Elaine B Bohorquez

2 works, including 1 open access

Yan Campbell

4 works

Donna K. Carver

14 works, including 5 open access

Patricia Ann Curtis

38 works, including 18 open access

Gary Sherman Davis

16 works, including 13 open access

Frank W. Edens

55 works, including 26 open access

Adam Charles Fahrenholz

23 works, including 12 open access

Yewande Fasina

3 works, including 3 open access

Jacquelyn Beth Golden

1 work, including 1 open access

Jesse Lee Grimes

102 works, including 76 open access

Winston Murry Hagler

29 works, including 9 open access

Gerald B. Havenstein

42 works, including 21 open access

Vickie S. Hedgpeth

15 works, including 5 open access

Julie A Hicks

25 works, including 17 open access

Michael Joseph

7 works, including 7 open access

Sophia Kathariou

135 works, including 97 open access

Aaron S Kiess

13 works, including 11 open access

Kimberly A Livingston

57 works, including 18 open access

Rory O Maguire

17 works, including 7 open access

Ramon Diniz Malheiros

28 works, including 22 open access

Michael Martin

16 works, including 4 open access

Mary A Mendoza

7 works, including 7 open access

Shelly Jones Nolin

2 works, including 2 open access

Sam Pardue

15 works, including 9 open access

Allison Pullin

1 work, including 1 open access

Natalie Bess Roberts

6 works, including 5 open access

Brian W. Sheldon

42 works, including 14 open access

Jason C. Shih

29 works, including 15 open access

Thomas David Siopes

61 works, including 27 open access

Charles Robert Stark

18 works, including 14 open access

Ondulla Tyvette Toomer

18 works, including 16 open access

Grayson Walker

9 works, including 7 open access

Dannica C Wall

1 work, including 1 open access

Charles Michael Williams

4 works, including 1 open access

Michael John Wineland

50 works, including 33 open access

Lynn Worley-Davis

8 works, including 5 open access

Rebecca Wysocky

5 works, including 5 open access