These lists of each college's departments and units are based on author affiliation data contained in the Citation Index and may not reflect current organizational structures and department or unit names. Please see the university's Colleges and Departments and Centers and Institutes websites for that current information. Please contact us to help us make corrections.

59 people from this unit have registered their ORCID iD in the Citation Index.

Wei-Chen Chang

64 works, including 42 open access

Ryan Chiechi

131 works, including 94 open access

Evgeny Danilov

32 works, including 18 open access

Stefan Franzen

187 works, including 42 open access

Reza A Ghiladi

108 works, including 38 open access

Raja Ghosh

28 works, including 13 open access

Phoebe Glazer

45 works, including 23 open access

Naish Lalloo

8 works, including 1 open access

Xiaotong Li

33 works, including 21 open access

Vincent Lindsay

51 works, including 18 open access

Jonathan S Lindsey

446 works, including 117 open access

James D Martin

200 works, including 14 open access

David C Muddiman

382 works, including 182 open access

Jun Ohata

36 works, including 19 open access

Caroline Proulx

66 works, including 16 open access

David A Shultz

180 works, including 15 open access

Brian Space

158 works, including 43 open access

Caitlin Sterling

385 works, including 77 open access

Thomas Theis

113 works, including 78 open access

Patrick TomHon

17 works, including 10 open access

Gavin Williams

55 works, including 29 open access

Yi Xiao

162 works, including 47 open access

Volker Bornemann

1 work, including 1 open access

Donald W Brenner

149 works, including 29 open access

Philip Brown

1 work, including 1 open access

Tzu-Yu Chen

8 works, including 3 open access

Daniel L. Comins

123 works, including 48 open access

Atli Davidsson

1 work, including 1 open access

Michael A. Davis

11 works, including 1 open access

Audrey Fikes

1 work

Azamat Galiakhmetov

2 works, including 1 open access

Thomas Brent Gunnoe

51 works, including 16 open access

David Heidary

2 works, including 1 open access

Adam Hogan

4 works, including 1 open access

Subhendu Jana

5 works, including 1 open access

Antonin Marek

14 works, including 5 open access

Sergey Milikisiyants

14 works, including 9 open access

Alexander A Nevzorov

41 works, including 16 open access

Maria Teresa Oliver-Hoyo

40 works, including 3 open access

Kay A Sandberg

3 works, including 1 open access

Vesna Sator de Serrano

13 works, including 5 open access

Alejandro Valdes Pena

4 works, including 2 open access

Tomislav Vukina

44 works, including 18 open access

Linlin Wang

2 works, including 1 open access

Myung H. Whangbo

492 works, including 76 open access

Zhiyuan Wu

14 works, including 6 open access

Brady Zanella

1 work